The jokers are cranking up the Hollywood fantasies with their latest joke of landing the little fridge sized probe with ready to fire anchor bolts onto a little so called comet, and as all Hollywood productions go - there must always be hitches to give the ever willing public something to AWE over, as in, those little anchor bolts just did not fire into the rock and the little probe done a bunny hop to land near a hill in shadow of the sun. Hahahahaha.
They only have so many hours before their batteries run out, apparently, due to this solar panel in the shadow escapade.
What's the betting that they manage to fire some booster on it and put it in the sun to re-charge it's duracell batteries?
I made a joke about it tweeting and yet it apparently has.
It seemed over the moon (pardon the pun) that it landed and started goading the mother ship that launched it onto the comet. So while that Rosetta (are you better, are you well well well) ship is orbiting around this comet...this little proble is waiting for it to pass and then tweeting it whilst showing it, its willy, shouting," nah nah, look at me on here, on this little rock in space and you buzzing around me like a fly."
I just have to make some predictions for what's next because there's no way they're going to let this thing die so quickly.
My guess is, it will jump up and land in the sunlight, then it will have fixed it's bolt shooting rock piercing feet rockets.
It will then begin to drill and probably find little bed bugs or something silly, inside the rock. Maybe a few huge super diamonds as well, probably.
Then I think some little silly script writer will pen in a disaster. Like something on the lines of. " space bacteria of some sort is attacking the probe and is eating the metal skin away. The probe has tweeted an SOS , telling Rosetta that it's not feeling as better as her and can Rosetta help it. It's so disturbing and we hope to get enough info on these space bacteria to find out if they're going to be a trheat to planet Earth in the future."
Some crap like this will come out, I can feel it.
How far do they have to go with this pathetic fantasy stuff before people wake up and actually smell the frigging coffee?
I can almost see them sat there laughing their arses off - and some shouting, " hey, it's my turn now - I can beat your silly fantasy."
I'm just waiting for a rocket launch with the rocket shaped exactly like a dildo with bollocks on the launch pad, where people will all start chuckling and say, "oh my, doesn't that rocket look like a dildo with balls." To be told by whichever capital lettered space organisation will respond, " oh, I suppose it does but those spherical containers are a new high pressure fuel tank that can propel the rocket all the way to the larger asteroid, ZXY front pancetta 20116555390001158277001 DPSTEEKZ, which will then act as scoops to gather the rocks and stuff up, to be scooped up by the next probe, SCOOPTER-WEETAKKINZAPEEZ."