If people have climbed mount Everest and survived, why would it not be possible to climb this icewall and see the other side? Surely it does not go on forever? We have the equipment and technology to do so. In the wiki, a quote from Samuel Rowbotham:
"...How far the ice extends; how it terminates; and what exists beyond it, are questions to which no present human experience can reply. All we at present know is, that snow and hail, howling winds, and indescribable storms and hurricanes prevail; and that in every direction "human ingress is barred by unsealed escarpments of perpetual ice," extending farther than eye or telescope can penetrate, and becoming lost in gloom and darkness...."
I find this description of subzero hell a little too convenient to discourage REs from wanting visual proof and actual data of this thing. We can see multiple planets, the sun (even if we need greater magnification than for 3000 miles) and the space station using a simple telescope but we cannot see things like the ice wall? (or the end of it?)