I have two questions.
Firstly, our atmosphere is a layer of air which basically keeps us alive. On a flat earth, what would the atmosohere look like? My guess would be that it looks like a dome... However, if the earth is accelatating upwards at a constant speed, the air would be forced down onto the earth and eventually disappear off the sides.
This brings me to my next question: When I drop an object, it falls to the ground because of gravity. However, with the flat earth theory, the object would remain suspended until the earth cought up. Again, with gravity, if I dropped a bowling ball and a feather at the same time, the ball would drop straight to the ground while the feather would 'meander its way down and eventually land next to the bowling ball. Alternatively, if the earth was actually flat and moving up at a speed of around 8 seconds, both the feather and the ball would get 'hit by the earth at the same time...'
Feel free to explain this