The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy

  • 78 Replies
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2014, 03:10:00 PM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

It never ceases to amaze me what idiotic explanations you come up with and how you think you have no responsibility to provide any evidence whatsoever for your crazy theories.  Then again, maybe you do have some evidence for you latest moronic idea.  Do you?
Sceptimatic is a proven liar - he claims to have authored several books but won't reveal their names.



  • 194
  • Physics & Philosophy guy, teach science in China
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2014, 11:07:25 PM »
For the sake of the discussion I would hope we can all agree to remove satellites from the conversation. I am quite happy to make the concession. Lets continue.

Let me compare an aspect of the round earth with the flat earth and then see where that logically takes us. I would like to place some graphics here but have no idea how to do so. Anyone who wishes to educate me feel free to remove my ignorance. Much appreciated.

ROUND Earth: Let us begin as we are looking at the north pole (true not magnetic). As one moves southward the the latitude lines, which are circles, increase in radius and therefore circumference. The Equatorial latitude line is the maximum one, by radius and circumference. As one continues southward the latitude circles decrease in size until you are at the south pole.

FLAT Earth:  Just as above as you move southward from the north pole the latitude lines increase in radius until you reach the equator. As you continue southward past the equator the latitude lines continue to increase in radius and circumference until I assume one reaches the ice wall, or edge or whatever is there, and the maximum latitude line.

One quick comment, the radiuses of the two systems do not grow in the same manner. But for now lets pretty much gloss over this. Further let us assume one of these systems is correct and the other is not (no hollow convex earths or anything else).

Currently all navigation is based on the Round Earth maps. Maritime navigation; navies, coast guards, shipping, and pleasure sailing, all rely on these maps. As do planes; air forces, cargo, passenger and private. All use the round earth maps to find their way.

Now lets only look at long trips. Thousands of kilometers, as for relatively short trips flat maps are a close enough approximation, and see what happens. And not just long trips but those that begin in the northern half, pass past the equator and far into the south, and are not simply north south trips but also have east/west components. 

The round earth and flat earth maps will give wildly different distances. On the round earth travel is via great circles, giving you the shortest distances. On a flat earth it is always via straight lines. But south of the equator the area is continually increasing in size and the distances are growing larger than those of a round earth.

All of the aforementioned organizations that navigate the world would have to know the true shape of the earth. You simply cannot travel thousands of kilometers with the map of the wrong shaped earth. Leaving us with two possibilities. One, the earth is round. Two, the earth is flat and the tens of thousands of pilots, captains, navigators, etc. are all in on the conspiracy. And all those who have come before also are and remain silent.

I could add additional points but this gets the idea across. Which of these seems more likely?
"Think of the average person. Now remember how stupid he is. Now realize half of them are dumber than that." George Carlin


Son of Orospu

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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2014, 05:52:04 AM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe? 


The Ellimist

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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2014, 06:42:28 AM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe?

A conspiracy inside a conspiracy?
Additionally, we cannot entirely rule out the nefarious effects of demons, spirits, gnomes, and wizards on our society's ability to comprehend our flat earth as it really is. 


Son of Orospu

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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2014, 06:44:27 AM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe?

A conspiracy inside a conspiracy?

Does there have to be more than one conspiracy? 



  • 6091
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2014, 11:32:31 AM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe?

You've now made reference several times jroa that you believe that the US/USSR Cold War was a secretly devised political scenario intended to delude the world's population, for some sort of conspiratorial means.

Do you have any evidence supporting your claim?  Can you cite any research papers that even suggest that the Cold War was some massive hoax?

And are you suggesting that the US and the USSR were colluding at the time in order to pull this hoax off successfully?  If you were alive during the Bay of Pigs incident, surely you'd find it difficult to believe that both countries would've spent billions of dollars on creating global tensions just as some sort of game in order to fool the people?  It sure didn't look like a staged-managed event to me.

Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2014, 08:19:36 AM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe?

You think the Cold War itself might have been a hoax?  Are you out of your mind?!  Do you also suspect that WWII was a hoax?  Maybe the American Revolutionary War was a hoax, too.  Come to think of it, why would you believe the Revolutionary War actually happened?  You weren't there to personally witness it.  Do you believe it just because the "authorities" tell you it happened?
Sceptimatic is a proven liar - he claims to have authored several books but won't reveal their names.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #37 on: September 27, 2014, 08:50:26 AM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe?

You think the Cold War itself might have been a hoax?  Are you out of your mind?!  Do you also suspect that WWII was a hoax?  Maybe the American Revolutionary War was a hoax, too.  Come to think of it, why would you believe the Revolutionary War actually happened?  You weren't there to personally witness it.  Do you believe it just because the "authorities" tell you it happened?
How in the hell do we actually know what happened with many things?...after all, all we can go on, is what the media tell us, unless someone was personally there to see what went on with anything.


Son of Orospu

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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #38 on: September 27, 2014, 09:04:10 AM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe?

You think the Cold War itself might have been a hoax?  Are you out of your mind?!  Do you also suspect that WWII was a hoax?  Maybe the American Revolutionary War was a hoax, too.  Come to think of it, why would you believe the Revolutionary War actually happened?  You weren't there to personally witness it.  Do you believe it just because the "authorities" tell you it happened?

You believe something just because you read it in a history book? 


The Ellimist

  • 538
  • "Let us play a game, Crayak."
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2014, 09:16:31 AM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe?

You think the Cold War itself might have been a hoax?  Are you out of your mind?!  Do you also suspect that WWII was a hoax?  Maybe the American Revolutionary War was a hoax, too.  Come to think of it, why would you believe the Revolutionary War actually happened?  You weren't there to personally witness it.  Do you believe it just because the "authorities" tell you it happened?
How in the hell do we actually know what happened with many things?...after all, all we can go on, is what the media tell us, unless someone was personally there to see what went on with anything.

If we do not trust written history for anything, we don't know anything about anything. In an attempt to justify your conspiracy theories, you don't seem to realize what the things you're saying actually mean if we apply them to real life. Relying solely on eyewitness accounts for history would mean that we would only know about event ~200 years or less into the past. Which means the Revolutionary and Civil Wars did not happens, or colonization of America, or Africa (one could say white people were always in those areas), nor the Renaissance, nor the Battle of Hastings, The Holy Roman Empire didn't exist, the Roman Empire didn't exist, no prominent person before the early 20th century existed except as glorified myths.
Additionally, we cannot entirely rule out the nefarious effects of demons, spirits, gnomes, and wizards on our society's ability to comprehend our flat earth as it really is. 

Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2014, 09:23:16 AM »
You realize, don't you, that the United States and Soviet Union were bitter enemies engaged in the Cold War at the time, right? There is no way that the two countries would make an agreement about faking space missions during a period when both sides were fearful that the other would launch a nuclear attack. 

Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe?

You think the Cold War itself might have been a hoax?  Are you out of your mind?!  Do you also suspect that WWII was a hoax?  Maybe the American Revolutionary War was a hoax, too.  Come to think of it, why would you believe the Revolutionary War actually happened?  You weren't there to personally witness it.  Do you believe it just because the "authorities" tell you it happened?

You believe something just because you read it in a history book?

When dozens or hundreds of independent historians all say the same thing -- e.g. that the Revolutionary War was a thing that happened -- then, I do tend to believe it.

My question for you: do you or do you not believe that the American Revolutionary War happened?
Sceptimatic is a proven liar - he claims to have authored several books but won't reveal their names.


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2014, 09:36:05 AM »
My question for you: do you or do you not believe that the American Revolutionary War happened?

My answer for you: It may have, or it may not happened the way you were taught. 

Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2014, 09:54:02 AM »
My question for you: do you or do you not believe that the American Revolutionary War happened?

My answer for you: It may have, or it may not happened the way you were taught.

So you aren't sure if that war actually happened?

How about the existence of Mt. Everest?  Assuming you have never climbed or even seen Mt. Everest, do you believe it exists just because a lot of people claim to have seen it, and some claim to have climbed it?
Sceptimatic is a proven liar - he claims to have authored several books but won't reveal their names.



  • Content Nazi
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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2014, 12:20:21 PM »
How in the hell do we actually know what happened with many things?...after all, all we can go on, is what the media tell us, unless someone was personally there to see what went on with anything.
There are plenty of people still alive who lived through the cold war.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 194
  • Physics & Philosophy guy, teach science in China
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2014, 09:25:32 PM »
So again my well thought out response is totally disregarded. Jroa what is your response? Any other Flat Earthers?

"Think of the average person. Now remember how stupid he is. Now realize half of them are dumber than that." George Carlin



  • 6091
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #45 on: September 28, 2014, 03:44:04 AM »
So again my well thought out response is totally disregarded.  Jroa what is your response?  Any other Flat Earthers?

It's virtually impossible to meaningfully debate anything with jroa.  He repeatedly refuses to address any legitimate questions or propositions put to him, and usually responds with rhetorical one liners as per...

•  Why do you constantly change every subject into a satellite discussion?
•  Could you please learn English before posting again?  Thanks.
•  Markjo, I suspect you are the one who is drinking again
•  Sailors know what they see.  If what they see is not true, then they would be wrong, would they not?
•  Or, perhaps they were simply wrong before the space race?
•  I am not the one who brought up satellites
•  You use satellites every day?  Do you have proof?
•  Or so you have been lead to believe.  Conspiracy maybe?
•  Does there have to be more than one conspiracy?
•  You believe something just because you read it in a history book?
•  It may have, or it may not happened the way you were taught.

The above represents his total "input" to this (currently) three-page thread LOL.

—The last one in particular is a doozy!    ;D

Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2014, 01:04:41 PM »
For the sake of the discussion I would hope we can all agree to remove satellites from the conversation. I am quite happy to make the concession. Lets continue.

Let me compare an aspect of the round earth with the flat earth and then see where that logically takes us. I would like to place some graphics here but have no idea how to do so. Anyone who wishes to educate me feel free to remove my ignorance. Much appreciated.

ROUND Earth: Let us begin as we are looking at the north pole (true not magnetic). As one moves southward the the latitude lines, which are circles, increase in radius and therefore circumference. The Equatorial latitude line is the maximum one, by radius and circumference. As one continues southward the latitude circles decrease in size until you are at the south pole.

FLAT Earth:  Just as above as you move southward from the north pole the latitude lines increase in radius until you reach the equator. As you continue southward past the equator the latitude lines continue to increase in radius and circumference until I assume one reaches the ice wall, or edge or whatever is there, and the maximum latitude line.

One quick comment, the radiuses of the two systems do not grow in the same manner. But for now lets pretty much gloss over this. Further let us assume one of these systems is correct and the other is not (no hollow convex earths or anything else).

Currently all navigation is based on the Round Earth maps. Maritime navigation; navies, coast guards, shipping, and pleasure sailing, all rely on these maps. As do planes; air forces, cargo, passenger and private. All use the round earth maps to find their way.

Now lets only look at long trips. Thousands of kilometers, as for relatively short trips flat maps are a close enough approximation, and see what happens. And not just long trips but those that begin in the northern half, pass past the equator and far into the south, and are not simply north south trips but also have east/west components. 

The round earth and flat earth maps will give wildly different distances. On the round earth travel is via great circles, giving you the shortest distances. On a flat earth it is always via straight lines. But south of the equator the area is continually increasing in size and the distances are growing larger than those of a round earth.

All of the aforementioned organizations that navigate the world would have to know the true shape of the earth. You simply cannot travel thousands of kilometers with the map of the wrong shaped earth. Leaving us with two possibilities. One, the earth is round. Two, the earth is flat and the tens of thousands of pilots, captains, navigators, etc. are all in on the conspiracy. And all those who have come before also are and remain silent.

I could add additional points but this gets the idea across. Which of these seems more likely?

I've been a guest to this site for a while now as I find most of the debates fascinating, but I had to register when I read above quote. You sir have hit the nail on the head. Flat earth theory is just ludicrous IMO but it's like a bad car crash.. as much as I should, I can't stop reading. I would be very surprised if 99% of FE'ers aren't just taking the piss purely for the sake of debate. There is a reason why no one has responded to you, as the above Flat earth model just CANNOT be explained. Come on JROA, SCEPTI etc... explain that one please.... I/We await with bated breath, although we won't hold it!!



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2014, 01:34:30 AM »
How in the hell do we actually know what happened with many things?...after all, all we can go on, is what the media tell us, unless someone was personally there to see what went on with anything.
There are plenty of people still alive who lived through the cold war.
What do you mean by "lived" through the cold war?
Can you tell me how it's physically possible for anyone to know what the cold war actually was, apart from watching the news and reading newspapers, etc?
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 01:38:26 AM by sceptimatic »



  • 6091
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #48 on: October 10, 2014, 01:52:15 AM »
I've been a guest to this site for a while now as I find most of the debates fascinating, but I had to register when I read above quote. You sir have hit the nail on the head. Flat earth theory is just ludicrous IMO but it's like a bad car crash.. as much as I should, I can't stop reading. I would be very surprised if 99% of FE'ers aren't just taking the piss purely for the sake of debate. There is a reason why no one has responded to you, as the above Flat earth model just CANNOT be explained. Come on JROA, SCEPTI etc... explain that one please.... I/We await with bated breath, although we won't hold it!!

G'day Weldo...  I've accepted the spherical earth model, the force of gravity, space travel, man-made satellites, the Apollo missions, and the current model of the universe ever since my high school science days—which are longer ago than I'd like to admit LOL.  I also have a diploma in mechanical engineering which at the very least gives me an insight into physics, trigonometry, mechanics, surveying, and that sort of stuff.

And I agree: There's a few flat earthers here that I'm sure are just taking the piss for the fun of it, plus getting a rise out of round earthers (like me) who repeatedly try to get some sort of meaningful debate going.  Sceptimatic is THE classic example.  It's totally beyond the realms of possibility that any rational adult living in the 21st century could possibly be so totally ignorant of the contemporary sciences, and even stuff that most grade school kids have a grasp of.

Oddly enough—but maybe unsurprisingly—sceptimatic's comments gain a lot more attention and responses than do mine.  Even though the guy is a total whack job, and has not one academic qualification to his name.  Which is pretty easy to understand when you think about it.  His fellow flat earthers can easily shoot his nutty ideas down, whereas they have a lot more difficulty refuting any/all of my science-based claims and proofs.

You'll also note a lot of crude insults directed at genuine round earthers—never ending ad hominems—whenever they're backed into a corner with nowhere to go.  And which happens frequently LOL.  I've been told to F**K OFF numerous times, and even called a C**T—unbelievably!

There's also two sets of moderating standards on this site, which will become more than obvious if you start posting a lot of stuff:  There's one stringent set of forum rules for round earthers, and another, much more flexible set for flat earthers.  Although of course the moderators (such as they are) will deny this absolutely... well, they would wouldn't they LOL.

Anyway, as a fellow round earther, I'll look forward to you stirring the pot.   ;D




  • 6091
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #49 on: October 10, 2014, 02:13:43 AM »
What do you mean by "lived" through the cold war?
Can you tell me how it's physically possible for anyone to know what the cold war actually was, apart from watching the news and reading newspapers, etc?

I "lived through" the Cold War sceptimatic.  I witnessed its effects even in Australia.  I saw this unfolding with my own eyes at the time:  THE PETROV AFFAIR.  This was one of the most defining examples of the effects of the then largely unacknowledged Cold War.

Can I ask whether you were alive during the Cold War sceptimatic—1947 to 1989?

—Also, do you have any viable evidence that the Cold War was in actuality a bogus war set up by the USA and the USSR in collusion?  Do you also believe that the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion between the CIA and USSR-backed Castro was a fabrication?  And if so, what evidence can you produce?



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #50 on: October 10, 2014, 02:23:48 AM »
What do you mean by "lived" through the cold war?
Can you tell me how it's physically possible for anyone to know what the cold war actually was, apart from watching the news and reading newspapers, etc?

I "lived through" the Cold War sceptimatic.  I witnessed its effects even in Australia.  I saw this unfolding with my own eyes at the time:  THE PETROV AFFAIR.  This was one of the most defining examples of the effects of the then largely unacknowledged Cold War.

Can I ask whether you were alive during the Cold War sceptimatic—1947 to 1989?

—Also, do you have any viable evidence that the Cold War was in actuality a bogus war set up by the USA and the USSR in collusion?  Do you also believe that the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion between the CIA and USSR-backed Castro was a fabrication?  And if so, what evidence can you produce?
I don't know what the cold war actually was. The fact is, neither do you. You said you felt the effects. What effects did you feel personally?

Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #51 on: October 10, 2014, 02:56:21 AM »
What do you mean by "lived" through the cold war?
Can you tell me how it's physically possible for anyone to know what the cold war actually was, apart from watching the news and reading newspapers, etc?

I "lived through" the Cold War sceptimatic.  I witnessed its effects even in Australia.  I saw this unfolding with my own eyes at the time:  THE PETROV AFFAIR.  This was one of the most defining examples of the effects of the then largely unacknowledged Cold War.

Can I ask whether you were alive during the Cold War sceptimatic—1947 to 1989?

—Also, do you have any viable evidence that the Cold War was in actuality a bogus war set up by the USA and the USSR in collusion?  Do you also believe that the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion between the CIA and USSR-backed Castro was a fabrication?  And if so, what evidence can you produce?
I don't know what the cold war actually was. The fact is, neither do you. You said you felt the effects. What effects did you feel personally?
Look it up and find out.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #52 on: October 10, 2014, 03:02:49 AM »
What do you mean by "lived" through the cold war?
Can you tell me how it's physically possible for anyone to know what the cold war actually was, apart from watching the news and reading newspapers, etc?

I "lived through" the Cold War sceptimatic.  I witnessed its effects even in Australia.  I saw this unfolding with my own eyes at the time:  THE PETROV AFFAIR.  This was one of the most defining examples of the effects of the then largely unacknowledged Cold War.

Can I ask whether you were alive during the Cold War sceptimatic—1947 to 1989?

—Also, do you have any viable evidence that the Cold War was in actuality a bogus war set up by the USA and the USSR in collusion?  Do you also believe that the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion between the CIA and USSR-backed Castro was a fabrication?  And if so, what evidence can you produce?
I don't know what the cold war actually was. The fact is, neither do you. You said you felt the effects. What effects did you feel personally?
Look it up and find out.
You're not very good at this, are you?

Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2014, 03:22:42 AM »
What do you mean by "lived" through the cold war?
Can you tell me how it's physically possible for anyone to know what the cold war actually was, apart from watching the news and reading newspapers, etc?

I "lived through" the Cold War sceptimatic.  I witnessed its effects even in Australia.  I saw this unfolding with my own eyes at the time:  THE PETROV AFFAIR.  This was one of the most defining examples of the effects of the then largely unacknowledged Cold War.

Can I ask whether you were alive during the Cold War sceptimatic—1947 to 1989?

—Also, do you have any viable evidence that the Cold War was in actuality a bogus war set up by the USA and the USSR in collusion?  Do you also believe that the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion between the CIA and USSR-backed Castro was a fabrication?  And if so, what evidence can you produce?
I don't know what the cold war actually was. The fact is, neither do you. You said you felt the effects. What effects did you feel personally?
Look it up and find out.
You're not very good at this, are you?
Still waiting for your explanation of measured distances.



  • 6091
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2014, 06:34:33 AM »
I don't know what the cold war actually was.

This is more than obvious judging by the ignorance you've displayed with your total lack of knowledge of it and its ramifications.  There's no need to reconfirm it for us LOL.

The fact is, neither do you. You said you felt the effects. What effects did you feel personally?

Unlike you, I know exactly what the Cold War was all about, and I can only suggest you read up a little of its history—as I'm guessing you weren't even born in 1989 when it ended.

Had you lived during the Cold War period, you would've shared exactly the same feelings of trepidation as the rest of the Western world that we were on the brink of WWIII several times, particularly with the Bay of Pigs incident when the "Doomsday Clock" was briefly set at 00:30 seconds to midnight.  (The clock is an internationally recognized device that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making, such as nuclear warfare.) It's currently set at 5 minutes to midnight.  As a gauge, the earliest it's ever been set at is 19 minutes to midnight.

So... were you alive in 1961 sceptimatic?  A simple 'yes' or a 'no' will suffice.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2014, 07:04:21 AM »
This is more than obvious judging by the ignorance you've displayed with your total lack of knowledge of it and its ramifications.  There's no need to reconfirm it for us LOL.

It depends who the ignorant one is, or the naive ignorant one.

Unlike you, I know exactly what the Cold War was all about, and I can only suggest you read up a little of its history—as I'm guessing you weren't even born in 1989 when it ended.
So you know what it was all about by stories given out by who? Media? authors? word of mouth? What?
Had you lived during the Cold War period, you would've shared exactly the same feelings of trepidation as the rest of the Western world that we were on the brink of WWIII several times, particularly with the Bay of Pigs incident when the "Doomsday Clock" was briefly set at 00:30 seconds to midnight.
Yep, I was duped by it all, as was just about all, I think. It's amazing what the media can put out to scare people who have no reason to discount it being the truth. It takes a lot of thinking and time, to come to conclusions about what scare tactics actually are, potentially, in certain circumstances.
The doomsday clock is s simple clock that we must believe is set at certain times for peace of arse nipping, depending on whether they think you've suffered enough torment to keep you in place and to make you follow the pied pipers.
(The clock is an internationally recognized device that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making, such as nuclear warfare.) It's currently set at 5 minutes to midnight.  As a gauge, the earliest it's ever been set at is 19 minutes to midnight.
Yes, just like def con 5 to def con 1 and all the rest of it. So what. I have a broken clock that I can set towards midnight to let people know what mood I'm in. It's simply a scare tool that people buy into. It's basically nonsense as far as I'm concerned.
It'll never go to midnight because they don't have the weapons to pass it off, as nuclear weapons are a fantasy war weapon.
So... were you alive in 1961 sceptimatic?  A simple 'yes' or a 'no' will suffice.
What you wrote Geoffrey, above. Unlike you, I know exactly what the Cold War was all about, and I can only suggest you read up a little of its history—as I'm guessing you weren't even born in 1989 when it ended.

Judging by that remark, why are you asking if I were alive in 1961 when you clearly don't believe I was around in 1989.  ::) ;D


Son of Orospu

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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2014, 07:14:08 AM »
—Also, do you have any viable evidence that the Cold War was in actuality a bogus war set up by the USA and the USSR in collusion? 

You want him to prove a negative?  Can you prove that the Loch Ness Monster is not real?  How about you prove that fairies do not exist?  Big Foot?  You understand that proving a negative is not really possible, right? 




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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2014, 07:39:50 AM »
—Also, do you have any viable evidence that the Cold War was in actuality a bogus war set up by the USA and the USSR in collusion? 

You want him to prove a negative?  Can you prove that the Loch Ness Monster is not real?  How about you prove that fairies do not exist?  Big Foot?  You understand that proving a negative is not really possible, right? 

This would be fairly easy to prove.  Obviously, there would be some form of communications between the USA and USSR about their plans to dupe the world's population.  Dig up some of that documentation and you prove that the Cold War was bogus.


Son of Orospu

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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #58 on: October 10, 2014, 07:46:17 AM »
—Also, do you have any viable evidence that the Cold War was in actuality a bogus war set up by the USA and the USSR in collusion? 

You want him to prove a negative?  Can you prove that the Loch Ness Monster is not real?  How about you prove that fairies do not exist?  Big Foot?  You understand that proving a negative is not really possible, right? 

This would be fairly easy to prove.  Obviously, there would be some form of communications between the USA and USSR about their plans to dupe the world's population.  Dig up some of that documentation and you prove that the Cold War was bogus.

LOL, yeah, secret plans between governments are just a google click away.  ::)



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Re: The origins of the great round-earth conspiracy
« Reply #59 on: October 10, 2014, 08:10:16 AM »
I don't know what the cold war actually was. The fact is, neither do you. You said you felt the effects. What effects did you feel personally?
The Cold War was the name given to the tensions between the former Soviet Union and the US.  Some of the effects felt by people included the Korean and Viet Nam wars.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.