wait wait wait. hold on! is sceptimatic actually saying empty space cannot exist?
Cause if that is the case I would seriously not recommend him studying quantum mechanics. At all! As in all subatomic particles being of indeterminate size, closing down to a Planck width before it's energy causes it to escape.
Yet again a whole crazy universe awaits you dude! Inside the subatomic level. it's so much empty fscken space you'll vomit out flat earth nonsense like a buffoon before being completely overwhelmed at how much nothingness around you actually exist.
Geez stuff is so far apart that if it wasn't for electromagnetism you'll pass seamlessly through meters of solid steel without one nuclei touching another.
But fscket it's like speaking to a rock anyways so who the hell cares.
Your own logic should tell you that nothing can move without a wave form. A wave form happens because it's a ripple effect caused by vibration and frequency which determines how anything moves in whatever pattern, whether it's concentrated or spanned out.
Go to a pond and take certain implements with you to test on that pond. Things like various sized stones, sticks and wider items. Start tapping the water slowly, you see a wave pattern.
Throw in a stone, you see a wave pattern. Fire a machine gun into the pond and see the frequency of the wave.
All what you see in the pond is what is happening in your world.
Everything no matter what you want to call it, is attached.
You call call the attached molecules, atoms, sub atomic particles - quantumised super sub atomic nucleus - Higg bosonised triple sub thermo atomic collider nuno particles...you can call them what the hell you like. the end result is always the same....no particles, elements, matter, molecules, atoms or whatever are occupying free space. Everything is attached in some way.
Go and look in your sink full of washing up water and see the bubbles or varying sizes. This is what you're dealing with on Earth. Everthing is attached whether it's solid, liquid or gas.