Meteors and Comets

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #150 on: July 20, 2014, 03:33:05 PM »
So these are some actual images of molecules. Notice they physically look how chemists expected them too. Bonds and all. They also don't have other molecules around then like scepti thinks. They are independent. I'm sure scepti will say its fake but that's okay.

What do you think allows a person to actually look at stuff under a microscope?
It's doesn't matter how small, matter is, if you can view it under a microscope it has to be viewing it through other matter, as in, what you see through, as in, molecules, which is what is in between any matter seen. All matter, no matter what density, is attached. No gaps. There cannot be any gaps as this constitutes a perfect vacuum, which cannot be created inside Earth.
The pictures are from electron scanning microscopes. As you can see, the molecules are not expanded at all. Please note this.

Edit:Probably not an electron scanning microscope.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 09:08:18 PM by sokarul »

It's no slur if it's fact.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #151 on: July 20, 2014, 03:35:09 PM »
There isn't a such thing as a perfect vacuum.

It's a misnomer.
You did not ask me for logic.  You asked for my opinion. - Jroa



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #152 on: July 20, 2014, 03:57:24 PM »
So these are some actual images of molecules. Notice they physically look how chemists expected them too. Bonds and all. They also don't have other molecules around then like scepti thinks. They are independent. I'm sure scepti will say its fake but that's okay.

What do you think allows a person to actually look at stuff under a microscope?
It's doesn't matter how small, matter is, if you can view it under a microscope it has to be viewing it through other matter, as in, what you see through, as in, molecules, which is what is in between any matter seen. All matter, no matter what density, is attached. No gaps. There cannot be any gaps as this constitutes a perfect vacuum, which cannot be created inside Earth.
The pictures are from electron scanning microscopes. As you can see, the molecules are not expanded at all. Please note this.
It doesn't matter what it's from. It still has to see through molecules to see the matter within. It's all connected. Life would not exist otherwise.

The easiest way i can explain it all is to go to the very basic of what we see. just observe soap bubbles and see how there are no gaps between them. They are all attached, whether they are huge, to smaller to extremely tiny that look like lather. All matter is exactly like this from solid to gas all the way up in super compressed state to super expanded.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #153 on: July 20, 2014, 04:00:16 PM »
There isn't a such thing as a perfect vacuum.

It's a misnomer.
Correct in one sense, as a perfect vacuum means the absence of all matter which means no existence. Outside of Earth's dome is exactly that. We are in a cocoon which is in suspended animation, as we imagine it to be.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #154 on: July 20, 2014, 04:28:00 PM »
Every place we can detect in the universe has something. Energy, particles, temperature... Something.

Why is it you need a "perfect vacuum" for your model?



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #155 on: July 20, 2014, 04:41:08 PM »
Not only is there no such thing as a perfect vacuum, there is also no such thing as the opposite. There is space between everything. If you try to touch an object, say, having your finger meeting a wall... Well between your finger and the wall there are an infinite number of midpoints. In other words if your finger is 3 ft from a wall, there is a point halfway between your finger and the wall at 1.5 ft. Between there and the wall again there is another and so on. This can be done infinitely and in reality your finger never can actually touch the wall. So, while you are obsessed that everything must be touching inside the cell, the reality is that nothing is.



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #156 on: July 20, 2014, 04:44:41 PM »
With that in mind I do declare... Condoms are useless.



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #157 on: July 20, 2014, 05:48:38 PM »
So these are some actual images of molecules. Notice they physically look how chemists expected them too. Bonds and all. They also don't have other molecules around then like scepti thinks. They are independent. I'm sure scepti will say its fake but that's okay.

What do you think allows a person to actually look at stuff under a microscope?
It's doesn't matter how small, matter is, if you can view it under a microscope it has to be viewing it through other matter, as in, what you see through, as in, molecules, which is what is in between any matter seen. All matter, no matter what density, is attached. No gaps. There cannot be any gaps as this constitutes a perfect vacuum, which cannot be created inside Earth.
The pictures are from electron scanning microscopes. As you can see, the molecules are not expanded at all. Please note this.
It doesn't matter what it's from. It still has to see through molecules to see the matter within. It's all connected. Life would not exist otherwise.

The easiest way i can explain it all is to go to the very basic of what we see. just observe soap bubbles and see how there are no gaps between them. They are all attached, whether they are huge, to smaller to extremely tiny that look like lather. All matter is exactly like this from solid to gas all the way up in super compressed state to super expanded.
Then why can a child blow a single soap bubble?

It's no slur if it's fact.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #158 on: July 20, 2014, 05:51:24 PM »
There isn't a such thing as a perfect vacuum.

It's a misnomer.
Correct in one sense, as a perfect vacuum means the absence of all matter which means no existence. Outside of Earth's dome is exactly that. We are in a cocoon which is in suspended animation, as we imagine it to be.

As usual you aren't only wrong but also kinda dumb and certainly crazy.
You did not ask me for logic.  You asked for my opinion. - Jroa



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #159 on: July 20, 2014, 09:28:47 PM »
wait wait wait. hold on! is sceptimatic actually saying empty space cannot exist?

Cause if that is the case I would seriously not recommend him studying quantum mechanics. At all! As in all subatomic particles being of indeterminate size, closing down to a Planck width before it's energy causes it to escape.

Yet again a whole crazy universe awaits you dude! Inside the subatomic level. it's so much empty fscken space you'll vomit out flat earth nonsense like a buffoon before being completely overwhelmed at how much nothingness around you actually exist.

Geez stuff is so far apart that if it wasn't for electromagnetism you'll pass seamlessly through meters of solid steel without one nuclei touching another.

But fscket it's like speaking to a rock anyways so who the hell cares.
I'm not trying to disprove gravity. I've succeeded in disproving it. It's called denpressure.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #160 on: July 20, 2014, 09:38:54 PM »
wait wait wait. hold on! is sceptimatic actually saying empty space cannot exist?
I think that he's just babbling. I've read his post several times and have found several internal inconsistencies. Surely he knows TD requires the Ice Dome to radiate energy in all directions.



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #161 on: July 20, 2014, 09:45:26 PM »
It doesn't matter what it's from. It still has to see through molecules to see the matter within. It's all connected. Life would not exist otherwise.

It actually does matter what it's from. These microscopes doesn't detect light... at all... so nothing is passing through matter. The scope gets effected by magnetism which could be a static time particle such as the higgs. Welcome to the realm of you don't know WTF you're talking about! And some quantum physics.

I think that he's just babbling.

He babbles too much.
I'm not trying to disprove gravity. I've succeeded in disproving it. It's called denpressure.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #162 on: July 21, 2014, 12:38:55 AM »
Every place we can detect in the universe has something. Energy, particles, temperature... Something.

Why is it you need a "perfect vacuum" for your model?
You are answering the question and you actually don't know why. The clue is your universe. Once you stop thinking like you've been told to think and actually look at it as in, "Every place inside the dome has something. Energy, particles, temperature....something."

Now you know why there is a perfect vacuum out side of that. You have to remember that a perfect vacuum is a non-existence of matter, meaning absolutely no matter exists, meaning space does not exist to our perception...just blackness because our eyes recieve no reflected light through it.
What they do recieve, is the reflected light off the ice dome against that backness of the vacuum because light cannot pass through it, it just refletcs off a perfect mirror which the ice dome provides.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #163 on: July 21, 2014, 12:50:12 AM »
Not only is there no such thing as a perfect vacuum, there is also no such thing as the opposite. There is space between everything. If you try to touch an object, say, having your finger meeting a wall... Well between your finger and the wall there are an infinite number of midpoints. In other words if your finger is 3 ft from a wall, there is a point halfway between your finger and the wall at 1.5 ft. Between there and the wall again there is another and so on. This can be done infinitely and in reality your finger never can actually touch the wall. So, while you are obsessed that everything must be touching inside the cell, the reality is that nothing is.
There is no such thing as a perfect vacuum inside Earth. As for the rest of it, everything is touching. No gaps at all, just forced separation by vibration and frequency which is energy.

I've already mentioned the Russian doll scenario, which is what matter is..and the amount of elements in each molecule of matter is dependent on the density.
Think of it like balloons inside balloons. The outer balloon is expanded...the next balloon is less expanded and so on until one balloon is so dense due to being compressed.
To release or expand these balloons, you apply energy to force out the less expanded. The more energy applied, the more layers you expand, until you release the last element inside which are pushed to the top and have no pressure on them, so they go dormant...they simply freeze because they have nothing to expand into, as the true vacuum is devoid of matter from that point on.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #164 on: July 21, 2014, 12:52:43 AM »
So these are some actual images of molecules. Notice they physically look how chemists expected them too. Bonds and all. They also don't have other molecules around then like scepti thinks. They are independent. I'm sure scepti will say its fake but that's okay.

What do you think allows a person to actually look at stuff under a microscope?
It's doesn't matter how small, matter is, if you can view it under a microscope it has to be viewing it through other matter, as in, what you see through, as in, molecules, which is what is in between any matter seen. All matter, no matter what density, is attached. No gaps. There cannot be any gaps as this constitutes a perfect vacuum, which cannot be created inside Earth.
The pictures are from electron scanning microscopes. As you can see, the molecules are not expanded at all. Please note this.
It doesn't matter what it's from. It still has to see through molecules to see the matter within. It's all connected. Life would not exist otherwise.

The easiest way i can explain it all is to go to the very basic of what we see. just observe soap bubbles and see how there are no gaps between them. They are all attached, whether they are huge, to smaller to extremely tiny that look like lather. All matter is exactly like this from solid to gas all the way up in super compressed state to super expanded.
Then why can a child blow a single soap bubble?
What do you think that child blew into that soap to make a bubble? What do you think surrounds that bubble?
Everything is connected. There is no free space. Free space means a non- existance. It simply cannot happen inside Earth.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #165 on: July 21, 2014, 12:53:54 AM »
There isn't a such thing as a perfect vacuum.

It's a misnomer.
Correct in one sense, as a perfect vacuum means the absence of all matter which means no existence. Outside of Earth's dome is exactly that. We are in a cocoon which is in suspended animation, as we imagine it to be.

As usual you aren't only wrong but also kinda dumb and certainly crazy.
As usual you go on the attack without any purpose. Put some effort in.



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #166 on: July 21, 2014, 12:59:24 AM »
Why do you keep writing novels explaining what you think the universe is like? Everyone has heard about what your dome theory is. Your explanations are just stories explaining how you think things work. You haven't fended off any evidence that's been shown to you to the contrary nor shown any evidence in your favor. You just make a ton of claims and they all seem to be reasonless.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #167 on: July 21, 2014, 01:05:30 AM »
wait wait wait. hold on! is sceptimatic actually saying empty space cannot exist?

Cause if that is the case I would seriously not recommend him studying quantum mechanics. At all! As in all subatomic particles being of indeterminate size, closing down to a Planck width before it's energy causes it to escape.

Yet again a whole crazy universe awaits you dude! Inside the subatomic level. it's so much empty fscken space you'll vomit out flat earth nonsense like a buffoon before being completely overwhelmed at how much nothingness around you actually exist.

Geez stuff is so far apart that if it wasn't for electromagnetism you'll pass seamlessly through meters of solid steel without one nuclei touching another.

But fscket it's like speaking to a rock anyways so who the hell cares.
Your own logic should tell you that nothing can move without a wave form. A wave form happens because it's a ripple effect caused by vibration and frequency which determines how anything moves in whatever pattern, whether it's concentrated or spanned out.

Go to a pond and take certain implements with you to test on that pond. Things like various sized stones, sticks and wider items. Start tapping the water slowly, you see a wave pattern.
Throw in a stone, you see a wave pattern. Fire a machine gun into the pond and see the frequency of the wave.
All what you see in the pond is what is happening in your world.
Everything no matter what you want to call it, is attached.
You call call the attached molecules, atoms, sub atomic particles - quantumised super sub atomic nucleus - Higg bosonised triple sub thermo atomic collider nuno can call them what the hell you like. the end result is always the particles, elements, matter, molecules, atoms or whatever are occupying free space. Everything is attached in some way.

Go and look in your sink full of washing up water and see the bubbles or varying sizes. This is what you're dealing with on Earth. Everthing is attached whether it's solid, liquid or gas.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #168 on: July 21, 2014, 01:09:32 AM »
Why do you keep writing novels explaining what you think the universe is like? Everyone has heard about what your dome theory is. Your explanations are just stories explaining how you think things work. You haven't fended off any evidence that's been shown to you to the contrary nor shown any evidence in your favor. You just make a ton of claims and they all seem to be reasonless.
There's no evidence in your favour either. Your reliance is solely on what you're fed as regards what I'm talking about. Sure, you can argue that you can see this and that in the sky or atoms are this and that and all the rest of it. All you're doing is spouting the stuff that was given to you. You can't deny this.
I'm giving you my take on it . I'm not asking you to even look at it. I'm telling how it is, because I believe I am closer to the truth. It doesn't matter how many times people call it lunacy. It just makes me stronger and more focused.
If you don't accept it and can't be botehred to debate it, then feel free to deck out. I'm not forcing anyone to view what I type, as I've said before.



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #169 on: July 21, 2014, 01:20:14 AM »
Why do you keep writing novels explaining what you think the universe is like? Everyone has heard about what your dome theory is. Your explanations are just stories explaining how you think things work. You haven't fended off any evidence that's been shown to you to the contrary nor shown any evidence in your favor. You just make a ton of claims and they all seem to be reasonless.
There's no evidence in your favour either. Your reliance is solely on what you're fed as regards what I'm talking about. Sure, you can argue that you can see this and that in the sky or atoms are this and that and all the rest of it. All you're doing is spouting the stuff that was given to you. You can't deny this.
I'm giving you my take on it . I'm not asking you to even look at it. I'm telling how it is, because I believe I am closer to the truth. It doesn't matter how many times people call it lunacy. It just makes me stronger and more focused.
If you don't accept it and can't be botehred to debate it, then feel free to deck out. I'm not forcing anyone to view what I type, as I've said before.

You're right. I cannot deny evidence when it is right in front of my face. That makes me sane. It's bad enough that your theory doesn't work in actual reality but it is much worse that it isn't even internally consistent. These are facts scepti. You can't deny this.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #170 on: July 21, 2014, 01:43:20 AM »
Why do you keep writing novels explaining what you think the universe is like? Everyone has heard about what your dome theory is. Your explanations are just stories explaining how you think things work. You haven't fended off any evidence that's been shown to you to the contrary nor shown any evidence in your favor. You just make a ton of claims and they all seem to be reasonless.
There's no evidence in your favour either. Your reliance is solely on what you're fed as regards what I'm talking about. Sure, you can argue that you can see this and that in the sky or atoms are this and that and all the rest of it. All you're doing is spouting the stuff that was given to you. You can't deny this.
I'm giving you my take on it . I'm not asking you to even look at it. I'm telling how it is, because I believe I am closer to the truth. It doesn't matter how many times people call it lunacy. It just makes me stronger and more focused.
If you don't accept it and can't be botehred to debate it, then feel free to deck out. I'm not forcing anyone to view what I type, as I've said before.

You're right. I cannot deny evidence when it is right in front of my face. That makes me sane. It's bad enough that your theory doesn't work in actual reality but it is much worse that it isn't even internally consistent. These are facts scepti. You can't deny this.
No, they aren't facts at all. They are your facts and those who follow a model given out. You have not proved my theory wrong and you can't prove it wrong.
When someone stumps me and makes me seriously doubt what I'm saying, I'll gladly re-think my theory.
I understand that the science world does not recognise my theory as anything like a theory or even a hypothesis. I don't care. My theory is my theory and I do not follow what people decide I should.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #171 on: July 21, 2014, 04:47:47 AM »
When someone stumps me and makes me seriously doubt what I'm saying, I'll gladly re-think my theory.
Bullshit.  You are stumped even drawing a diagram of how day/night cycles work in your ice dome "model".  That hasn't stopped you bibbling on about it endlessly.
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #172 on: July 21, 2014, 05:01:56 AM »
When someone stumps me and makes me seriously doubt what I'm saying, I'll gladly re-think my theory.
Bullshit.  You are stumped even drawing a diagram of how day/night cycles work in your ice dome "model".  That hasn't stopped you bibbling on about it endlessly.

CrabbyJim, this is the FE Q&A.  You know by now where to make post for the thoughts that pop into your head.  Please use the correct forum.  Thanks. 

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #173 on: July 21, 2014, 05:41:49 AM »
There isn't a such thing as a perfect vacuum.

It's a misnomer.
Correct in one sense, as a perfect vacuum means the absence of all matter which means no existence. Outside of Earth's dome is exactly that. We are in a cocoon which is in suspended animation, as we imagine it to be.

As usual you aren't only wrong but also kinda dumb and certainly crazy.
As usual you go on the attack without any purpose. Put some effort in.

No reason to put an effort in because you wouldn't understand what is being said.

You don't understand that when you sit down in a're really not touching the chair. There is a gap between your body and the chair.

You did not ask me for logic.  You asked for my opinion. - Jroa

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #174 on: July 21, 2014, 05:44:36 AM »
Why do you keep writing novels explaining what you think the universe is like? Everyone has heard about what your dome theory is. Your explanations are just stories explaining how you think things work. You haven't fended off any evidence that's been shown to you to the contrary nor shown any evidence in your favor. You just make a ton of claims and they all seem to be reasonless.
There's no evidence in your favour either. Your reliance is solely on what you're fed as regards what I'm talking about. Sure, you can argue that you can see this and that in the sky or atoms are this and that and all the rest of it. All you're doing is spouting the stuff that was given to you. You can't deny this.
I'm giving you my take on it . I'm not asking you to even look at it. I'm telling how it is, because I believe I am closer to the truth. It doesn't matter how many times people call it lunacy. It just makes me stronger and more focused.
If you don't accept it and can't be botehred to debate it, then feel free to deck out. I'm not forcing anyone to view what I type, as I've said before.

You're right. I cannot deny evidence when it is right in front of my face. That makes me sane. It's bad enough that your theory doesn't work in actual reality but it is much worse that it isn't even internally consistent. These are facts scepti. You can't deny this.
No, they aren't facts at all. They are your facts and those who follow a model given out. You have not proved my theory wrong and you can't prove it wrong.
When someone stumps me and makes me seriously doubt what I'm saying, I'll gladly re-think my theory.
I understand that the science world does not recognise my theory as anything like a theory or even a hypothesis. I don't care. My theory is my theory and I do not follow what people decide I should.

One, you can't prove your idea to be correct.

Two, we can all prove it wrong. There is no dome. Your thoughts on quantum mechanics are far off base. Even someone with a basic understanding knows this.

Three, you don't have a theory. You have an idea. Calling it a theory is an insult to science. You have a science fiction idea that is lacking in the science side.
You did not ask me for logic.  You asked for my opinion. - Jroa

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #175 on: July 21, 2014, 08:02:55 AM »
When someone stumps me and makes me seriously doubt what I'm saying, I'll gladly re-think my theory.
Bullshit.  You are stumped even drawing a diagram of how day/night cycles work in your ice dome "model".  That hasn't stopped you bibbling on about it endlessly.

CrabbyJim, this is the FE Q&A.  You know by now where to make post for the thoughts that pop into your head.  Please use the correct forum.  Thanks.
Literally nobody, including yourself, has taken any notice of the new rules.  So why pull me up?
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #176 on: July 21, 2014, 09:27:43 AM »
When someone stumps me and makes me seriously doubt what I'm saying, I'll gladly re-think my theory.
Bullshit.  You are stumped even drawing a diagram of how day/night cycles work in your ice dome "model".  That hasn't stopped you bibbling on about it endlessly.

CrabbyJim, this is the FE Q&A.  You know by now where to make post for the thoughts that pop into your head.  Please use the correct forum.  Thanks.
Literally nobody, including yourself, has taken any notice of the new rules.  So why pull me up?

Go ahead and take the rest of the day off.  You know better than to argue with moderators in the forum in which the concern happened, as well making the offenses that lead to me issuing a warning.  Come back when you can have a civilized conversation.