Scepti if you "slow down the agitation of matter" you are taking the energy out of that matter, which has to go somewhere. Heat naturally flows from a warmer place to a cooler place. To move heat the other way takes more energy and the end result is that the system as a whole gets warmer. Any system that could move heat from a cooler place to a warmer place without any expenditure of energy violates the second law of thermodynamics, which is not possible.
In a closed system entropy can only increase. Your Earth is a perfectly closed system. So you can never cool it.
Ok let me try and explain.
At sea level, we know that when the sun is over us we get hot. We get hot because the sun has caused the molecules to get excited or agitate. What has really happened is the molecules are being expanded making the pressure less because more expanded molecules mean less molecules per area.
Those molecules are agitating around your skin. It's like a someone giving you a body friction burn. Your body immediately sweats to cool it.
Cooling it is simply stopping the agitation of molecules are making them more dense and more dormant, meaning less movement.
Higher up in the sky, the molecules are already much more expanded and because of this their agitation is not severe like it was at sea level dense pressure. The higher they go, the more expanded they go and even less agitation can occur, meaning it's cold to our perception.
Venting isn't really anything like people think in the grand scheme of things. People just assume that venting is forcing heat away but that heat has tio go somewhere. It doesn't have to go anywhere because all heat is, is the expansion and contraction of matter.
If you rub your hands together you feel them get hot. As soon as you stop rubbing them together, they cool your perception. They cool down because you have stopped agitating matter so it reverts back to it's original form now that you took the energy away.
The sun does the same. As soon as it moves away, the agitation slows down. It doesn't have to vent.
Can you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
None of those examples are closed systems.
Everything that happens inside Earth is done in a closed system. Because us humans interpret it as venting and what not, is irrelevant.
The basic reality is, everything is dependent on vibration and frequency which is energy. What determines that energy, is how dense and small to how dense and large those vibrations occur and their frequencies, which determines what we feel as heat.
I'll make it simple in this closed system of ours.
The more pressure, the more vibration = the more heat. The less pressure, the less vibration= less heat.
At sea level which is where we exist, we are under pressure, so anything we attempt to apply our own energy to to create those vibrations and frequencies, which is basically friction...creates slow to high expansion of molecules which determines the heat we feel/give out. The more expanded they become into the atmosphere, the more they lose their us, as in, what we feel as heat.
It doesn't have to be vented, it just has to be pushed away from us until the agitation through dense molecules slows down, which would happen when you slow down the energy source.
As a simple explanation: if you are sanding a piece of wood, lightly, you are creating a vibration which is creating some heat, yet that heat due to expansion of matter is quickly pushed away from the source by the dense matter coming under it to fill the void or expansion. Basically it's a low pressure crwation that is immediately filled by the sea level pressure, smaller molecules.
Start using more energy and frequency on that wood and you can basically set fire to it, because you're creating a much higher expanasion of the molecules that are being constantly filled by the high pressure sea level molecules pushing into the space, forcing the expanded molecules up. If the vibration and frequency are upped a little, then so would the expansion of molecules, until you basically create a fire by the super speed of dense molecules filling the space.