Scepti if you "slow down the agitation of matter" you are taking the energy out of that matter, which has to go somewhere. Heat naturally flows from a warmer place to a cooler place. To move heat the other way takes more energy and the end result is that the system as a whole gets warmer. Any system that could move heat from a cooler place to a warmer place without any expenditure of energy violates the second law of thermodynamics, which is not possible.
In a closed system entropy can only increase. Your Earth is a perfectly closed system. So you can never cool it.
Ok let me try and explain.
At sea level, we know that when the sun is over us we get hot. We get hot because the sun has caused the molecules to get excited or agitate. What has really happened is the molecules are being expanded making the pressure less because more expanded molecules mean less molecules per area.
Sort of. What molecules, the air molecules? If you heat them up the air volume will get bigger yes. The pressure won't necessarily get less. Are you saying that if you light a fire in the room and it gets warmer, you will see the barometer go up? I don't think I've seen this happen
Those molecules are agitating around your skin. It's like a someone giving you a body friction burn. Your body immediately sweats to cool it.
Cooling it is simply stopping the agitation of molecules are making them more dense and more dormant, meaning less movement.
The sweat cools you because the most energetic molecules fly away from you taking their energy with them. I know this is true because when it's really humid out it feels hotter and the sweat just stays on you. If you put the dehumidifier on, even without changing the temperature of the air it feels cooler because the sweat is drying off you. So yes, your body's molecules get less agitated because their energy has been taken away with the fastest moving water molecules.
Higher up in the sky, the molecules are already much more expanded and because of this their agitation is not severe like it was at sea level dense pressure. The higher they go, the more expanded they go and even less agitation can occur, meaning it's cold to our perception.
No. It's cold because there's less pressure and less air to insulate your body heat. Those molecules up there are actually moving the fastest, because if they were moving slower they'd stay down on the ground
Venting isn't really anything like people think in the grand scheme of things. People just assume that venting is forcing heat away but that heat has tio go somewhere. It doesn't have to go anywhere because all heat is, is the expansion and contraction of matter.
No again. Heat is energy. Energy is what makes the molecules jiggle and push against each other causing expansion.
If you rub your hands together you feel them get hot. As soon as you stop rubbing them together, they cool your perception. They cool down because you have stopped agitating matter so it reverts back to it's original form now that you took the energy away.
No. Some of the energy from your muscles gets transferred to the palms of your hands. When you stop rubbing, the heat gets lost to the environment. You can tell because putting things that absorb heat faster than air, like water or ice, will cause your hands to cool off faster.
The sun does the same. As soon as it moves away, the agitation slows down. It doesn't have to vent.
Can you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
No I can't understand it, because what you're saying has been demonstrated to be false. Why do you think coffee stays hot in an insulated thermos for longer than in a mug on the table? It's because you've put it somewhere where energy can't get out easily. Both volumes of coffee had the same amount of agitation to begin with, the same amount of energy. The coffee in the open mug however, lets water molecules escape and carry away energy. You can see this by the mist rising off the surface. The glass or clay of the mug itself gets hot, because energy has flowed into it and caused its molecules to jiggle faster. The thermos on the other hand leaves no opening for the water to evaporate the heat away. The construction leaves a gap or some foam between the coffee and the outside of the thermos that heat doesn't flow into easily, and you can feel that the outside of the thermos stays cool for a long time.
Your dome is just like the thermos. It's like you put water in the thermos and threw a red hot iron ball in with it, then closed the lid. If that ball is hot enough, like the Sun, there's no place for the heat to go, and inside will eventually be all steam (plus the cooled off iron ball). Only in your perfectly insulated dome, no heat will EVER escape, and eventually everything heats up to the same temperature as the Sun. That's why your model can never work, because the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which is as proven a fact as there ever will be, is never violated.