Meteors and Comets

  • 176 Replies
Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #90 on: July 18, 2014, 11:08:56 PM »
So, you are saying that energy can be converted from one form to another.  Isn't that what I have been saying all along?
No. Again, please pay attention. An important part of physics is the matter-energy equivalence. I've linked to a good starting point. I suggest that until you understand this concept you refrain from posting. Your attempts are very poor. There are very interesting and important failures of FET that you're just not yet qualified to discuss.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #91 on: July 18, 2014, 11:11:25 PM »
So, you are saying that energy can be converted from one form to another.  Isn't that what I have been saying all along?



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #92 on: July 18, 2014, 11:20:54 PM »

Yes, but the condenser system also converts liquids to gases through the expansion valve.  Really, you are just arguing semantics anyway.  Nice try, though.  You don't seem to be as drunk tonight as you usually are.
A condenser system is not a condenser. For you see, a condenser condenses a gas to a liquid. An evaporator evaporates a liquid to a gas. Please note this. Are you going to admit you are wrong?

It's no slur if it's fact.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #93 on: July 18, 2014, 11:24:49 PM »

Yes, but the condenser system also converts liquids to gases through the expansion valve.  Really, you are just arguing semantics anyway.  Nice try, though.  You don't seem to be as drunk tonight as you usually are.
A condenser system is not a condenser. For you see, a condenser condenses a gas to a liquid. An evaporator evaporates a liquid to a gas. Please note this. Are you going to admit you are wrong?

I will admit that you are being pedantic and picking at words.  Yes, I will admit that I posted two words out of order and yes, I will admit that I then tried to worm my way out of it.  Perhaps you and I have reached a mile stone where we can actually start admitting when we make minor mistakes or typos? 

I am feeling better already.  Thanks. 


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #94 on: July 18, 2014, 11:34:10 PM »
Also, please note that this is FE Q&A.  If you don't have a flat Earth question or answer, then please refrain from posting here.  Thanks. 



  • 19303
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #95 on: July 18, 2014, 11:36:20 PM »

Yes, but the condenser system also converts liquids to gases through the expansion valve.  Really, you are just arguing semantics anyway.  Nice try, though.  You don't seem to be as drunk tonight as you usually are.
A condenser system is not a condenser. For you see, a condenser condenses a gas to a liquid. An evaporator evaporates a liquid to a gas. Please note this. Are you going to admit you are wrong?

I will admit that you are being pedantic and picking at words.  Yes, I will admit that I posted two words out of order and yes, I will admit that I then tried to worm my way out of it.  Perhaps you and I have reached a mile stone where we can actually start admitting when we make minor mistakes or typos? 

I am feeling better already.  Thanks.
You flat out don't know what you are talking about. It had nothing to do with "words out of order".  Don't claim to be getting a masters when you clearly know nothing. Understand? This is why you posted
Heat is not lost.  It can only be transferred or converted.
Heat transfer is heat loss when talking about something transferring heat away. Something loses heat and something gains heat in heat transfer.

It's no slur if it's fact.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #96 on: July 18, 2014, 11:43:15 PM »
Heat "loss" in one part is heat "gained" in another part.  Therefore, heat is not really lost.  It is only transferred.   If you disagree, please explain to me as to why you disagree. 

Also, please note that this is not a debate forum.  The purpose of this forum is for asking flat Earth questions and providing flat Earth answers. 



  • 19303
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #97 on: July 19, 2014, 12:07:30 AM »
Lead by example.

Something losses heat aka heat loss. A bowl of soup will lose heat. Nothing says something else won't gain that heat, but if you transfer something way, you still lose it.

It's no slur if it's fact.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #98 on: July 19, 2014, 12:18:16 AM »
sokarul, make a thread in the debate section if you don't like my answers.  This section is for flat Earth questions and answers.  We will be strictly enforcing this in the future.  Please don't force me to make an example out of you.  You know the rules. 

I will be happy to debate you in the proper forum, and I apologize for contributing to the debate in this forum.  Thank you for your cooperation. 



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #99 on: July 19, 2014, 12:21:26 AM »
Again, what false statement did I make?

The one where you said that a vacuum has something to do with thermal conduction, when you meant convection.  It is ok.  Everybody messes up once in a while.  Most people, however, are man enough to admit when they messed up.

I doubt he meant convection, as connection also requires a medium and cannot occur in a vacuum.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #100 on: July 19, 2014, 12:26:43 AM »
Yes, convection can not occur in a vacuum.  However, he mentions a vacuum and then claims that I am talking about conduction.  Do you not see the error here?  He could man up and admit that he made a mistake.  However, the funny part is that he made his mistake while chastising me for not learning about thermodynamics.  Oh, the irony. 

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #101 on: July 19, 2014, 02:25:22 AM »
Yes, convection can not occur in a vacuum.  However, he mentions a vacuum and then claims that I am talking about conduction.  Do you not see the error here?  He could man up and admit that he made a mistake.  However, the funny part is that he made his mistake while chastising me for not learning about thermodynamics.  Oh, the irony.
I did not make any such claim. If you think I made a mistake then please take your own advise and open a related thread in FED. Thanks.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #102 on: July 19, 2014, 03:25:05 AM »
sokarul, make a thread in the debate section if you don't like my answers.  This section is for flat Earth questions and answers.  We will be strictly enforcing this in the future.
Wow, the hypocrisy.  I've just read through this thread and seen you shit all over it: either through intentional trolling or drunk posting - I can't decide which, and I suppose they aren't mutually exclusive.

Please don't force me to make an example out of you. 

Make an example of yourself and stop behaving like a bitter, bored child.
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #103 on: July 19, 2014, 03:36:43 AM »
This is not a commentary or debate forum.  If you don't have a flat Earth answer or question, then please refrain from posting in the FE Q&A section.  Thanks. 


Son of Orospu

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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #104 on: July 19, 2014, 03:41:04 AM »
But, I am giving flat Earth answers.  It is allowed in the flat Earth Q&A section.  Also, are you ready to admit that you mistakenly said conduction when you meant convection? 

How do satellites get rid of all of the heat from the sun?  They are in a vacuum, after all.
I would guess that you mention the vacuum because you believe in error that all heat must be conducted away, never radiated. Did you pay attention in the TD classes?



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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #105 on: July 19, 2014, 06:35:24 AM »

Scepti if you "slow down the agitation of matter" you are taking the energy out of that matter, which has to go somewhere. Heat naturally flows from a warmer place to a cooler place. To move heat the other way takes more energy and the end result is that the system as a whole gets warmer. Any system that could move heat from a cooler place to a warmer place without any expenditure of energy violates the second law of thermodynamics, which is not possible.

In a closed system entropy can only increase. Your Earth is a perfectly closed system. So you can never cool it.
Ok let me try and explain.

At sea level, we know that when the sun is over us we get hot. We get hot because the sun has caused the molecules to get excited or agitate. What has really happened is the molecules are being expanded making the pressure less because more expanded molecules mean less molecules per area.

Those molecules are agitating around your skin. It's like a someone giving you a body friction burn. Your body immediately sweats to cool it.
Cooling it is simply stopping the agitation of molecules are making them more dense and more dormant, meaning less movement.

Higher up in the sky, the molecules are already much more expanded and because of this their agitation is not severe like it was at sea level dense pressure. The higher they go, the more expanded they go and even less agitation can occur, meaning it's cold to our perception.

Venting isn't really anything like people think in the grand scheme of things. People just assume that venting is forcing heat away but that heat has tio go somewhere. It doesn't have to go anywhere because all heat is, is the expansion and contraction of matter.

If you rub your hands together you feel them get hot. As soon as you stop rubbing them together, they cool your perception. They cool down because you have stopped agitating matter so it reverts back to it's original form now that you took the energy away.
The sun does the same. As soon as it moves away, the agitation slows down. It doesn't have to vent.

Can you understand what I'm trying to tell you?

None of those examples are closed systems.



  • 1931
Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #106 on: July 19, 2014, 06:51:46 AM »
Scepti, I don't think you understand how heat works.
That's your opinion. Simply saying I don't is not proof I don't, unless you state why I don't.
Let me put it into a simple nutshell for you, as easy as pie.

Heat is the direct result of friction/vibration of matter/molecules/elements. It's that simple.
Well, I would say that based on your "theory" of the Earth being a "cell" with absolutely nothing outside of it, and a large heat source such as the sun is inside of it, why would the Earth not heat up?  You say a cooling system, then proceed to give examples of systems that are not enclosed.  Such as the human body.  You know why the human body doesn't over heat?  Because we radiate our extra heat away from us.  We sweat and the water evaporates off of us.

However, the Earth (in your "theory") does not have the luxury of removing excess heat from its system.

Therefore, you do not exhibit knowledge of heating systems.
Therefore, Markjo does not think you understand how heat works.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #107 on: July 19, 2014, 07:52:23 AM »
But, I am giving flat Earth answers.

Read back through the thread.  The original question was:

"What are the explanation for meteors and comets?
Where do they come from?"

Which you never attempted to answer.  You have just done your usual collection of passive aggressive schtick with a bunch of strawmen chucked in whilst completely diverting the entire thread into a debate about how heat works.

If you really find this forum so boring that you need to constantly troll it, why don't you just leave?

Now, lets get back to the OP.  Meteors and comets should be the same as on a round earth.  The problem comes in if we have "universal acceleration".  In this model the earth is travelling at a hair's breadth from the speed of light, and would be vapourised by a collision with even the smallest particle.  Not to mention that we would have left the galaxy some time ago, but this is tangential to the OP.

Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #108 on: July 19, 2014, 01:13:30 PM »
But, I am giving flat Earth answers.  It is allowed in the flat Earth Q&A section.  Also, are you ready to admit that you mistakenly said conduction when you meant convection? 

How do satellites get rid of all of the heat from the sun?  They are in a vacuum, after all.
I would guess that you mention the vacuum because you believe in error that all heat must be conducted away, never radiated. Did you pay attention in the TD classes?
Do tell us where I said conduction when I meant convection and how you determine that correcting my intentions is appropriate to this section.



  • 6091
Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #109 on: July 20, 2014, 05:19:07 AM »

I have a question for jroa, who stated earlier:

Condensers change liquids to gas by pressure.  Heat being taken in or removed is simply a by-product.

This is contrary to my understanding.  Changing a liquid to a gas is called vapourisation.  NO pressure necessary.  How do you propose your version of a condenser works jroa?

In systems involving heat transfer, a condenser is a device or unit used to condense
a substance from its gaseous to its liquid state, typically by cooling it. In so doing,
the latent heat is given up by the substance, and will transfer to the condenser coolant.

The bright "tail" we see behind meteors is an example of a solid sublimating directly to a gaseous state without passing through a liquid phase.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #110 on: July 20, 2014, 06:56:51 AM »

Scepti if you "slow down the agitation of matter" you are taking the energy out of that matter, which has to go somewhere. Heat naturally flows from a warmer place to a cooler place. To move heat the other way takes more energy and the end result is that the system as a whole gets warmer. Any system that could move heat from a cooler place to a warmer place without any expenditure of energy violates the second law of thermodynamics, which is not possible.

In a closed system entropy can only increase. Your Earth is a perfectly closed system. So you can never cool it.
Ok let me try and explain.

At sea level, we know that when the sun is over us we get hot. We get hot because the sun has caused the molecules to get excited or agitate. What has really happened is the molecules are being expanded making the pressure less because more expanded molecules mean less molecules per area.

Those molecules are agitating around your skin. It's like a someone giving you a body friction burn. Your body immediately sweats to cool it.
Cooling it is simply stopping the agitation of molecules are making them more dense and more dormant, meaning less movement.

Higher up in the sky, the molecules are already much more expanded and because of this their agitation is not severe like it was at sea level dense pressure. The higher they go, the more expanded they go and even less agitation can occur, meaning it's cold to our perception.

Venting isn't really anything like people think in the grand scheme of things. People just assume that venting is forcing heat away but that heat has tio go somewhere. It doesn't have to go anywhere because all heat is, is the expansion and contraction of matter.

If you rub your hands together you feel them get hot. As soon as you stop rubbing them together, they cool your perception. They cool down because you have stopped agitating matter so it reverts back to it's original form now that you took the energy away.
The sun does the same. As soon as it moves away, the agitation slows down. It doesn't have to vent.

Can you understand what I'm trying to tell you?

None of those examples are closed systems.
Everything that happens inside Earth is done in a closed system. Because us humans interpret it as venting and what not, is irrelevant.
The basic reality is, everything is dependent on vibration and frequency which is energy. What determines that energy, is how dense and small to how dense and large those vibrations occur and their frequencies, which determines what we feel as heat.

I'll make it simple in this closed system of ours.
The more pressure, the more vibration = the more heat. The less pressure, the less vibration= less heat.
At sea level which is where we exist, we are under pressure, so anything we attempt to apply our own energy to to create those vibrations and frequencies, which is basically friction...creates slow to high expansion of molecules which determines the heat we feel/give out. The more expanded they become into the atmosphere, the more they lose their us, as in, what we feel as heat.

It doesn't have to be vented, it just has to be pushed away from us until the agitation through dense molecules slows down, which would happen when you slow down the energy source.

As a simple explanation: if you are sanding a piece of wood, lightly, you are creating a vibration which is creating some heat, yet that heat due to expansion of matter is quickly pushed away from the source by the dense matter coming under it to fill the void or expansion. Basically it's a low pressure crwation that is immediately filled by the sea level pressure, smaller molecules.

Start using more energy and frequency on that wood and you can basically set fire to it, because you're creating a much higher expanasion of the molecules that are being constantly filled by the high pressure sea level molecules pushing into the space, forcing the expanded molecules up. If the vibration and frequency are upped a little, then so would the expansion of molecules, until you basically create a fire by the super speed of dense molecules filling the space.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #111 on: July 20, 2014, 07:11:50 AM »
Scepti, I don't think you understand how heat works.
That's your opinion. Simply saying I don't is not proof I don't, unless you state why I don't.
Let me put it into a simple nutshell for you, as easy as pie.

Heat is the direct result of friction/vibration of matter/molecules/elements. It's that simple.
Well, I would say that based on your "theory" of the Earth being a "cell" with absolutely nothing outside of it, and a large heat source such as the sun is inside of it, why would the Earth not heat up?  You say a cooling system, then proceed to give examples of systems that are not enclosed.  Such as the human body.  You know why the human body doesn't over heat?  Because we radiate our extra heat away from us.  We sweat and the water evaporates off of us.

However, the Earth (in your "theory") does not have the luxury of removing excess heat from its system.

Therefore, you do not exhibit knowledge of heating systems.
Therefore, Markjo does not think you understand how heat works.
It's not me that doesn't undertsand how heat works. It's people who have it in their heads that heat has to build up and build up and go somewhere inside a dome, meaning the dome should simply just go on heating, then state a thermos flask as proof.

Once people get it into their heads that heat is only the product of agitated matter, expanding and being pushed away by denser matter, they will understand that once the expanded matter is pushed up, it becomes more dormant, until it ceases to be pushed up...meaning that the denser matter that's continued to push it all up in a uniform way, will cease to do so once the energy is taken away from the point of the creation of it in the first place.

Your body is always warm. It keeps warm because it's constantly vibrating. You only feel it vibrating when it has less agitated molcules actring against your skin which makes your body shiver (vibrate). Your body does this to keep your operating temperature at optimum.
Once your body does this, it expands the molecules around it that are dormant and expands them, sort of making the body heat up. The molecules expand and are pushed away as the denser molecules fall into place and are expanded as they do...constantly, as long as the body vibrates.

The expanded molecues are soon compresseed back again because of the weak friction.
Earth perfectly ensures it heats and cools by this method in every form you can think of.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #112 on: July 20, 2014, 07:12:43 AM »

Scepti if you "slow down the agitation of matter" you are taking the energy out of that matter, which has to go somewhere. Heat naturally flows from a warmer place to a cooler place. To move heat the other way takes more energy and the end result is that the system as a whole gets warmer. Any system that could move heat from a cooler place to a warmer place without any expenditure of energy violates the second law of thermodynamics, which is not possible.

In a closed system entropy can only increase. Your Earth is a perfectly closed system. So you can never cool it.
Ok let me try and explain.

At sea level, we know that when the sun is over us we get hot. We get hot because the sun has caused the molecules to get excited or agitate. What has really happened is the molecules are being expanded making the pressure less because more expanded molecules mean less molecules per area.

Those molecules are agitating around your skin. It's like a someone giving you a body friction burn. Your body immediately sweats to cool it.
Cooling it is simply stopping the agitation of molecules are making them more dense and more dormant, meaning less movement.

Higher up in the sky, the molecules are already much more expanded and because of this their agitation is not severe like it was at sea level dense pressure. The higher they go, the more expanded they go and even less agitation can occur, meaning it's cold to our perception.

Venting isn't really anything like people think in the grand scheme of things. People just assume that venting is forcing heat away but that heat has tio go somewhere. It doesn't have to go anywhere because all heat is, is the expansion and contraction of matter.

If you rub your hands together you feel them get hot. As soon as you stop rubbing them together, they cool your perception. They cool down because you have stopped agitating matter so it reverts back to it's original form now that you took the energy away.
The sun does the same. As soon as it moves away, the agitation slows down. It doesn't have to vent.

Can you understand what I'm trying to tell you?

None of those examples are closed systems.
Everything that happens inside Earth is done in a closed system. Because us humans interpret it as venting and what not, is irrelevant.
The basic reality is, everything is dependent on vibration and frequency which is energy. What determines that energy, is how dense and small to how dense and large those vibrations occur and their frequencies, which determines what we feel as heat.

I'll make it simple in this closed system of ours.
The more pressure, the more vibration = the more heat. The less pressure, the less vibration= less heat.
At sea level which is where we exist, we are under pressure, so anything we attempt to apply our own energy to to create those vibrations and frequencies, which is basically friction...creates slow to high expansion of molecules which determines the heat we feel/give out. The more expanded they become into the atmosphere, the more they lose their us, as in, what we feel as heat.

It doesn't have to be vented, it just has to be pushed away from us until the agitation through dense molecules slows down, which would happen when you slow down the energy source.

As a simple explanation: if you are sanding a piece of wood, lightly, you are creating a vibration which is creating some heat, yet that heat due to expansion of matter is quickly pushed away from the source by the dense matter coming under it to fill the void or expansion. Basically it's a low pressure crwation that is immediately filled by the sea level pressure, smaller molecules.

Start using more energy and frequency on that wood and you can basically set fire to it, because you're creating a much higher expanasion of the molecules that are being constantly filled by the high pressure sea level molecules pushing into the space, forcing the expanded molecules up. If the vibration and frequency are upped a little, then so would the expansion of molecules, until you basically create a fire by the super speed of dense molecules filling the space.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #113 on: July 20, 2014, 07:16:32 AM »
Heat inside a closed system, such as a dome, would need to go somewhere or the closed system will just continue to heat.

You have absolutely zero knowledge and you're just pulling this stuff out your ass.

Based on reading your other crap here I'm sure you are going to now tell me I am brainwashed and only know what "they" tell me. So go right ahead.

But.........your dome idea could easily be tested in a lab as far as the heating and cooling goes. I'd encourage you to give it a go because you might learn something. Then again, I'm guessing your the type that would never actually text one of your own ideas for fear of being wrong.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #114 on: July 20, 2014, 07:44:39 AM »
Heat inside a closed system, such as a dome, would need to go somewhere or the closed system will just continue to heat.

You have absolutely zero knowledge and you're just pulling this stuff out your ass.

Based on reading your other crap here I'm sure you are going to now tell me I am brainwashed and only know what "they" tell me. So go right ahead.

But.........your dome idea could easily be tested in a lab as far as the heating and cooling goes. I'd encourage you to give it a go because you might learn something. Then again, I'm guessing your the type that would never actually text one of your own ideas for fear of being wrong.
My dome idea cannot be tested in a lab without the use of all the elements to create the dome, plus the sun, etc, so it's pointless making out it can.

You don't understand how the system works by your answer. You're a bottom feeder of info and will not allow yourself to realise what is higher than your own head as in how the matter is stacked and how it works.

Try reading what I say and absorbing it , then you can see how the closed system you believe cannot
Stop thinking at sea level, because this is warping your thoughts.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #115 on: July 20, 2014, 07:49:42 AM »
You don't even understand how your system works, how can anyone else?

You're too ignorant to see where you contradict yourself and you lack fundamental understanding to see why you're wrong.

There's nothing to absorb here. You're simply pulling words out of your ass and then deciding to ridicule anyone that doesn't believe you........which you may notice happens to be anyone that reads what you write.

Nothing you're saying could possibly exist in reality. None of it. Fact.

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #116 on: July 20, 2014, 07:51:27 AM »
Why wouldn't a smaller model of your dome be tested? We could make a scaled down disc with a heat source and dome? Is there something missing?

Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #117 on: July 20, 2014, 07:56:09 AM »
It's not me that doesn't undertsand how heat works.
Oh, it really is.

It's people who have it in their heads that heat has to build up and build up and go somewhere inside a dome, meaning the dome should simply just go on heating, then state a thermos flask as proof.

Once people get it into their heads that heat is only the product of agitated matter, expanding and being pushed away by denser matter, they will understand that once the expanded matter is pushed up, it becomes more dormant, until it ceases to be pushed up...meaning that the denser matter that's continued to push it all up in a uniform way, will cease to do so once the energy is taken away from the point of the creation of it in the first place.

Your body is always warm. It keeps warm because it's constantly vibrating. You only feel it vibrating when it has less agitated molcules actring against your skin which makes your body shiver (vibrate). Your body does this to keep your operating temperature at optimum.
Once your body does this, it expands the molecules around it that are dormant and expands them, sort of making the body heat up. The molecules expand and are pushed away as the denser molecules fall into place and are expanded as they do...constantly, as long as the body vibrates.

The expanded molecues are soon compresseed back again because of the weak friction.
Earth perfectly ensures it heats and cools by this method in every form you can think of.
I've never read such a load of shite in my life.  Not since your last post anyway.

As obviouslyround says: you just pull this stuff from your ass then call us brainwashed when we point this out.  That's all you ever do.
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #118 on: July 20, 2014, 08:07:50 AM »
You don't even understand how your system works, how can anyone else?

You're too ignorant to see where you contradict yourself and you lack fundamental understanding to see why you're wrong.

There's nothing to absorb here. You're simply pulling words out of your ass and then deciding to ridicule anyone that doesn't believe you........which you may notice happens to be anyone that reads what you write.

Nothing you're saying could possibly exist in reality. None of it. Fact.
Who am I ridiculing. Show me a post where I'm ridiculing? What's the matter with you?
I'm telling you how it is. If you choose to think I'm talking nonsense, then do not partake in the conversation with me. It's quite simple.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Meteors and Comets
« Reply #119 on: July 20, 2014, 08:09:09 AM »
Why wouldn't a smaller model of your dome be tested? We could make a scaled down disc with a heat source and dome? Is there something missing?
How do you make the dome?
Tell me how you make the dome at sea level and we can talk further on this.