What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?

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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2014, 01:19:35 PM »
Are you claiming that all 6 Apollo moon landings were hoaxes?  Instead of NASA being thankful for getting away with it once, they  said, "Hey, let's pull of this massive hoax -- involving hundreds of people who must keep the secret -- again!"  And then they decided to do it four more times.  Is that your  theory?
We've never been to the moon.
NASA received something of a 25 billion dollar paycheck for the Apollo project.
And NASA and others round the world (!) continue to launch communications and other types of satellites.
And inquisitive, though I tell him/her usually once a day, continues to derail threads and never start a thread about the six (or so) questions that apparently eat at the pit of his mind.
By interesting I mean annoying.

I don't profess to be correct.
Quote from: sceptimatic
I am correct.



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2014, 02:05:47 PM »
Are you claiming that all 6 Apollo moon landings were hoaxes?  Instead of NASA being thankful for getting away with it once, they  said, "Hey, let's pull of this massive hoax -- involving hundreds of people who must keep the secret -- again!"  And then they decided to do it four more times.  Is that your  theory?

That is my theory, yes. Massive cover-ups involving thousands of people have been successfully orchestrated in the past. Why wouldn't it be possible again?  ???
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2014, 02:16:01 PM »
Shmeggley, are we in agreement that the moon landings were a hoax now?

Nope, what gave you that idea?

Even jroa realizes we went to the Moon, check his quote in my sig.

I know you think you are clever for quote picking, quoting out of context, and ignoring sarcasm.  Great job.  You are one step closer to being a flat Earther.  :)

Awesome. Now that I have my virtual quote-picking merit badge, I'll work on my thread derailment to earn my "red herring".
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #33 on: June 09, 2014, 02:19:43 PM »
Are you claiming that all 6 Apollo moon landings were hoaxes?  Instead of NASA being thankful for getting away with it once, they  said, "Hey, let's pull of this massive hoax -- involving hundreds of people who must keep the secret -- again!"  And then they decided to do it four more times.  Is that your  theory?

That is my theory, yes. Massive cover-ups involving thousands of people have been successfully orchestrated in the past. Why wouldn't it be possible again?  ???

Citation needed. What massive cover up invoving thousands of people was successfully orchestrated? And if it was successful how do you know about it?  ???
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2014, 02:29:54 PM »
The Mafia was basically unknown until the 1960s. They were operating for at least 100 years prior to that in secret infiltrating CIA, FBI, and even the highest levels of government. All this was happening and no one knew about it except those involved.

Also, the Manhattan Project and Sandy Hook.

If you don't believe me, look it up.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 02:34:03 PM by Vauxhall »
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2014, 02:46:40 PM »
Are you claiming that all 6 Apollo moon landings were hoaxes?  Instead of NASA being thankful for getting away with it once, they  said, "Hey, let's pull of this massive hoax -- involving hundreds of people who must keep the secret -- again!"  And then they decided to do it four more times.  Is that your  theory?
We've never been to the moon.
NASA received something of a 25 billion dollar paycheck for the Apollo project.
And NASA and others round the world (!) continue to launch communications and other types of satellites.
And inquisitive, though I tell him/her usually once a day, continues to derail threads and never start a thread about the six (or so) questions that apparently eat at the pit of his mind.
By interesting I mean annoying.
It's also annoying that certain subjects get avoided by some as they get too close to proving a round earth...



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2014, 02:52:52 PM »
The Mafia was basically unknown until the 1960s. They were operating for at least 100 years prior to that in secret infiltrating CIA, FBI, and even the highest levels of government. All this was happening and no one knew about it except those involved.

The mafia is a crime syndicate where there's a clear motivation to make money illegally. The mafia doesn't go around launching pretend rockets to draw attention to themselves. Not really the same thing. Besides, it's not like nobody knew about it. All kinds of people knew but it was better to turn a blind eye then get your toes cut off or whatever.

Also, the Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project wasn't a conspiracy per se, it was a government weapons project during wartime that was secret by necessity. After the war a lot of it was declassified. Unless you're trying to say Atomic Bombs are fake in which case that's bloody ridiculous

and Sandy Hook.

Fuck your Sandy Hook hoax bullshit. I wish it was only a hoax. A bunch of little kids got shot, it's a tragedy, and you should be ashamed of yourself for buying into this conspiracy theory especially.

If you don't believe me, look it up.

Look up what? A bunch of mindless youtube videos? The only one that remotely even qualifies is the mafia, and that's no longer even secret.
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2014, 03:09:10 PM »
There's a lot of evidence suggesting that Sandy Hook was some sort of conspiracy. I'm not going to say it flat out didn't happen, but I will say that it didn't happen the way the media reported it to happen. To deny this is silly. A lot of the evidence is pretty damning.
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #38 on: June 09, 2014, 03:30:05 PM »
Are you claiming that all 6 Apollo moon landings were hoaxes?  Instead of NASA being thankful for getting away with it once, they  said, "Hey, let's pull of this massive hoax -- involving hundreds of people who must keep the secret -- again!"  And then they decided to do it four more times.  Is that your  theory?

That is my theory, yes. Massive cover-ups involving thousands of people have been successfully orchestrated in the past. Why wouldn't it be possible again?  ???

The possibility of cover ups in the past and lack of any evidence of a conspiracy now does not mean there is one.

What evidence do you have for a RE conspiracy and what is their motive?  Please detail it out with citations.



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #39 on: June 09, 2014, 04:07:14 PM »
You are making this a circular discussion, Mike.

I cannot provide sources for these theories. Period.

If there were sources it would no longer be considered a conspiracy. Are you familiar with the term conspiracy?

We will have to work around your obsession with sources and citations, because frankly: there are none.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 04:15:22 PM by Vauxhall »
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #40 on: June 09, 2014, 04:13:07 PM »
There's a lot of evidence suggesting that Sandy Hook was some sort of conspiracy. I'm not going to say it flat out didn't happen, but I will say that it didn't happen the way the media reported it to happen. To deny this is silly. A lot of the evidence is pretty damning.

All of the "evidence" I've seen so far has been extremely stupid. I think it's more likely the hoax theories are hoaxes themselves, perpetuated by gun nuts who don't want anyone to think that owning and carrying AR-15's and such might not be the greatest idea ever.

But this is getting a little off topic. Even if it were a hoax, this thread is about the RE conspiracy in particular. It's still extremely unfeasible, and evidence for other conspiracies doesn't make the RE conspiracy any more likely unless there's some relevant connection.
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #41 on: June 09, 2014, 04:16:24 PM »
There's a lot of evidence suggesting that Sandy Hook was some sort of conspiracy. I'm not going to say it flat out didn't happen, but I will say that it didn't happen the way the media reported it to happen. To deny this is silly. A lot of the evidence is pretty damning.

All of the "evidence" I've seen so far has been extremely stupid. I think it's more likely the hoax theories are hoaxes themselves, perpetuated by gun nuts who don't want anyone to think that owning and carrying AR-15's and such might not be the greatest idea ever.

But this is getting a little off topic. Even if it were a hoax, this thread is about the RE conspiracy in particular. It's still extremely unfeasible, and evidence for other conspiracies doesn't make the RE conspiracy any more likely unless there's some relevant connection.

I am all for discussing the Sandy Hook matter, but would have to make a separate thread.

As for the obsession with citations and sources: I have already covered this in my previous post.

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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #42 on: June 09, 2014, 04:19:30 PM »
You are making this a circular discussion, Mike.

I cannot provide sources for these theories. Period.

If there were sources it would no longer be considered a conspiracy. Are you familiar with the term conspiracy?

We will have to work around your obsession with sources and citations, because frankly: there are none.

So you have 0 evidence that anything nefarious is actually happening?  You're basing all of your ideas of the possibility that it could be occurring without actually having anything concrete, or even muddy to work from.



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #43 on: June 09, 2014, 04:21:52 PM »
"a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful."

"not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others."
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #44 on: June 09, 2014, 04:23:08 PM »
You've got to love conspiracy nuts. Even when there's no evidence, that IS the evidence! ::)
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?

Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #45 on: June 09, 2014, 04:23:38 PM »
"a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful."

"not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others."

So if it's a secret, how do you know it's happening?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #46 on: June 09, 2014, 04:24:05 PM »
"a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful."

"not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others."

So if it's a secret, how do you know it's happening?

We have circumstantial evidence that there is a conspiracy. Whatever conclusions you draw from that evidence are your own.

If you want to keep asking for sources and citations, then maybe you're on the wrong forum?
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #47 on: June 09, 2014, 04:31:04 PM »
"a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful."

"not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others."

So if it's a secret, how do you know it's happening?

We have circumstantial evidence that there is a conspiracy. Whatever conclusions you draw from that evidence are your own.

Oh, so you do have evidence, what is this circumstantial evidence and what are your sources and citations for it?

If you want to keep asking for sources and citations, then maybe you're on the wrong forum?

It sounds like you're just making things up now.

Do you have any sources for the information you're peddling?
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 04:34:22 PM by sandmanMike »



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #48 on: June 09, 2014, 04:36:20 PM »
Context, Mike. Context.
I was asking for sources for information that is not related to a secret conspiracy according to RE'ers. Unless you're claiming that the UN is part of a conspiracy within your worldview, this is irrelevant. There should be sources for when and why the UN picked their logo. I have asked for it and received none. Do you have some sources for this information? If there are none, then there is a good chance that the UN is likely part of the conspiracy. Information on how the UN picked their logo should be public domain if they are truly an innocent organization.

Do you want me to post the definition of conspiracy and secret again?  ::)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 04:37:51 PM by Vauxhall »
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #49 on: June 09, 2014, 04:39:40 PM »
Context, Mike. Context.
I was asking for sources for information that is not related to a secret conspiracy according to RE'ers. Unless you're claiming that the UN is part of a conspiracy within your worldview, this is irrelevant. There should be sources for when and why the UN picked their logo. I have asked for it and received none. Do you have some sources for this information? If there are none, then there is a good chance that the UN is likely part of the conspiracy. Information on how the UN picked their logo should be public domain if they are truly an innocent organization.

Do you want me to post the definition of conspiracy and secret again?  ::)

Would you like me to post my question about your circumstantial evidence again and what sources you might have for it?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #50 on: June 09, 2014, 04:43:41 PM »
Go ahead and post asking for sources and citations again. What difference does it make?

You made this thread knowing you weren't going to change your mind about anything conspiracy related. Why should I even try at this point?

The shape of the Earth is circumstantial evidence that there is a conspiracy. Unless each government across the world somehow came to the same false conclusion that the Earth is round, which I sincerely doubt.
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #51 on: June 09, 2014, 04:45:45 PM »
Go ahead and post asking for sources and citations again. What difference does it make?

You made this thread knowing you weren't going to change your mind about anything conspiracy related. Why should I even try at this point?

The shape of the Earth is circumstantial evidence that there is a conspiracy. Unless each government across the world somehow came to the same false conclusion that the Earth is round, which I sincerely doubt.

So your claim is because you believe the earth is flat (and can't prove it) and all governments believe the world is round (but you think they think it's flat and they're lying) then there must be a conspiracy?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #52 on: June 09, 2014, 04:48:58 PM »
Go ahead and post asking for sources and citations again. What difference does it make?

You made this thread knowing you weren't going to change your mind about anything conspiracy related. Why should I even try at this point?

The shape of the Earth is circumstantial evidence that there is a conspiracy. Unless each government across the world somehow came to the same false conclusion that the Earth is round, which I sincerely doubt.

So your claim is because you believe the earth is flat (and can't prove it) and all governments believe the world is round (but you think they think it's flat and they're lying) then there must be a conspiracy?

I like how you added "and can't prove it". Just because I can't prove it to you doesn't mean it hasn't been proven. I have seen the Flat Earth with my own two eyes. It has been proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt. Your logic is the only problem here.
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #53 on: June 09, 2014, 04:50:50 PM »
Why do you keep asking these questions when I have answered them before with factual evidence?

The main goal of the conspiracy is to harvest resources from the ice wall and to develop technology to utilize aether through laundered funds.

This whole "ice wall" thing sounds really pathetic and ludicrous. how about showing us some evidence instead of talking about it. RE'ers constantly post photos, videos and facts of a round earth. wheres your proof? furthermore, why has no one ever seen this ice wall from earth, from a plane, from space etc?????



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #54 on: June 09, 2014, 04:52:00 PM »
Why do you keep asking these questions when I have answered them before with factual evidence?

The main goal of the conspiracy is to harvest resources from the ice wall and to develop technology to utilize aether through laundered funds.

This whole "ice wall" thing sounds really pathetic and ludicrous. how about showing us some evidence instead of talking about it. RE'ers constantly post photos, videos and facts of a round earth. wheres your proof? furthermore, why has no one ever seen this ice wall from earth, from a plane, from space etc?????

Are you famillar with CGI and video editing?

Also, have you ever seen the movie The Wizard of Oz?
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #55 on: June 09, 2014, 04:54:57 PM »
Go ahead and post asking for sources and citations again. What difference does it make?

You made this thread knowing you weren't going to change your mind about anything conspiracy related. Why should I even try at this point?

The shape of the Earth is circumstantial evidence that there is a conspiracy. Unless each government across the world somehow came to the same false conclusion that the Earth is round, which I sincerely doubt.

So your claim is because you believe the earth is flat (and can't prove it) and all governments believe the world is round (but you think they think it's flat and they're lying) then there must be a conspiracy?

I like how you added "and can't prove it". Just because I can't prove it to you doesn't mean it hasn't been proven. I have seen the Flat Earth with my own two eyes. It has been proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt. Your logic is the only problem here.

Then would you like to provide some evidence for the flat earth?

It sounds like you're just making things up now.

Do you have any sources for the information you're peddling?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #56 on: June 09, 2014, 04:56:14 PM »
Context, Mike. Context.
I was asking for sources for information that is not related to a secret conspiracy according to RE'ers. Unless you're claiming that the UN is part of a conspiracy within your worldview, this is irrelevant. There should be sources for when and why the UN picked their logo. I have asked for it and received none. Do you have some sources for this information? If there are none, then there is a good chance that the UN is likely part of the conspiracy. Information on how the UN picked their logo should be public domain if they are truly an innocent organization.

Do you want me to post the definition of conspiracy and secret again?  ::)

Those cheeky, conniving bastards were hiding it in plain site all along!

Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #57 on: June 09, 2014, 05:02:32 PM »
Straight from the UNs own website...  ::)
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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #58 on: June 09, 2014, 05:15:45 PM »
Straight from the UNs own website...  ::)

Versus evidence only located on the FE website?



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Re: What is the Motive for the RE Conspiracy?
« Reply #59 on: June 09, 2014, 05:17:13 PM »
Straight from the UNs own website...  ::)

Versus evidence only located on the FE website?

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