Edit: This post has been edited for the people with short attention span, people not able to read lots of words in a bunch clearly, or the people lacking in intelligence. I have seperated things into paragraphs. Enjoy!
I'm sorry. I'm not gonna flame or anything. I just find it hard to grasp that there's people that still think the earth is flat. I mean come on. We live in a time where it wouldn't be possible to fool the public on something like this.
I think some people are saying the earth is flat just for attention and others are really lost and out of the loop or maybe even senile. Still others are doing it knowing the earth is round but just like to debate and try to persuade others. Not sure which category you fall in, but i hate to tell you, if you believe the earth is flat, you fall into one of these categories. I'm usually the first to think the government is shady and always up to something but this is going a bit extreme.
The sun isn't disspearing as you so call it....you can see it slip through the horizon. And the moon being a spotlight? Come on. If someone shines a light at you your gonna be blinded. The moon isn't blinding at all. It's just got sunlight shining on it which allows you to see the craters on it which you wouldn't be able to see if it was a spotlight. Not to mention stuff like a crescent moon. Is that a partial spotlight? Did someone forget to change the batteries? NO! It's just sunlight shining on it from an angle.
Go buy a telescope, you can see the moon up close. See the powerful magnification? Now with that powerful of an instrument try to see Japan from the United States. It's not gonna happen and you can think of any bogus excuse as to why but the fact is that the earth is round and you wont be able to see it from there.
The Flat Earth Society is a primitave society with primitave ideas. All our ancestors way back thought the earth was flat cause we didn't know any better. But technology has helped us see it clearly. As we have gotten better equipment and more knowledge we have learned more about our earth. But your society is stuck on that one idea it will never let go.
You could even get invited aboard a space shuttle to look at the earth and I'll bet you'll still come up with an excuse as to why it looks round. Maybe it's an optical illusion? Oh wait, I know.... It's all an elaborate hoax and NASA flew you to MGM instead and put you on a movie set. I mean get real.
You can post what you like as a followup but you'll never sway any RE'ers. It's like telling us we don't exist. It's that obvious to us. There's a reason why the FE'ers are the minority in their thinking.
P. S. It's like the episode of "Who wants to be a Millionaire" where a person had to poll the audience for a $100 question. And even on an easy question like that, there were some people in the audience who had no clue and answered it incorrectly. How does it feel to fall in that category? Oh boy! I hope you guys have some more lifelines left.