You appear to simply believe that no one is living their everyday lives. This is a discussion forum for free thinking people to air their views and theories.
We all go along in life following protocol, all of us, in some way, shape of form.
Yes, we can all just simply go picnicking in the park and looking at nature, eat ice cream, have a beverage, good food and all the rest of it, without giving any thought to dimensions and what makes us what we are.
The problem is, we are actual thinkers; explorers, physical builders, inquisitive, etc.
We are born to mimic at first, like a bird reliant on it's parents until it's ready to face it's own destiny in the world.
We are born to mimic our parents, then we are FORCED to mimic what mainstream society tells us we should mimic. It's all put on a plate for us and your life is mapped out from that point.
Those who comply, then go into production. Those who don't, go to prison or are shunned by society.
Those who show a real talent for telling lies in a really clever way, become politicians and such like.
Those who are real thinkers with the ability to have the patience to scrutinise and absorb stuff, become scientists, as long as they follow protocol.
If every person had a scientific brain then the world would fall apart. We are deliberately formed into social classes, which isn't actually a bad thing except for the fact that the classes are so lopsided in terms of who gets the paradise and who gets the basic rations.
Having said all that, it's about brains over brawn and a mixture of good and evil.
We are all vibrating. We are all what we term as electrically operated. Basically we are a robot, designed to think and learn.
Your veins are your wiring. Your brain is your cpu. Your blood is your electricity.
So basically, we are nothing but sensors that depict reality, to us. We are a cpu that operates a walking talking feeling, vibrating machine of the main part of life, which is... we are all alight. Everything glows at different rates. Some we see, some we don't. Some that other animals see that we can't.
Your pc screen is simply glowing heat to your eyes, as everything else is that you see, made up into various frequency waves, producing colours.
We are all slowly vibrating back into the ground, like everything else is that is ejected onto the surface where it starts it's demise by being slowly but surely put back into place in a never ending (to out perception) cycle.