See, Trig? According to most people who study dinosaurs, birds are dinosaurs, and no amount of semantic gameplaying on your part is going to change that this is a fact.
I am not disputing that in some classifications birds are dinosaurs. That is a judgment call, since every animal we used to call a dinosaur is extinct, and a common ancestor to both the likes of the T. Rex and the modern bird is absolutely accepted to have existed. Whether you believe that common ancestor is close enough to warrant the use of the name "dinosaur" for both is not a matter that keeps me awake.
What I am disputing is the false definition of clade that some in this forum have adopted. They have jumped to say that Jurassic dinosaurs and modern birds are in the same clade (which is true, since there was a common ancestor to both) and that humans and fish are not in the same clade (which is totally false, since there was a common ancestor to both).
If you do not qualify your assertions about clades you have to say that every living being, from the bacteria to the human, belong to the same clade, since it is generally accepted that there is a common ancestor to all living beings.
You can safely say that humans and fish do not belong to any common clade which started after the Cretaceous, but you cannot say that there are no clades with humans and fish. That is, after all, the very definition of a tree (in mathematics).