Oh, he's not embarrassing himself. He's seeing the Apollo missions for what they were. Fake!
Actually, you're the one embarrassing yourself with this comment sceptimatic. Apparently you agree with the conspiracy theorists who claim most if not all of the American space missions were bogus?
And that upwards of 40,000 scientists, technicians, engineers, astrophysicists, and the entire global media agreed to an absolute vow of silence for more than 40 years. That this was agreed to by two arch enemies at the height of the Cold War—Russia and the US, and also China.
You don't think for a minute that Russia would've loved nothing more than proving America's claim to be winning the so-called space race to be totally fabricated?
Even more ludicrous is your apparent belief that all these people, all over the world, have kept this secret for four decades, with not one single leak?
—Dream on my friend.
I'll tell you why they're fake and it's not a case of me just going along with conspiracy theorists. For me, this is a conspiracy that has become fact. It's a conspiracy fact in my honest opinion for many reasons.
1: Rockets need atmosphere to work, regardless of you lot believing otherwise. They cannot operate in the upper atmosphere never mind what you people think space is, which is supposedly a vacuum...BUT...it has SCATTERED particles, we are told to believe.
2: The pressurised oxygen tanks that propel the ignited fuel out, would be rendered useless in short order as they reached a certain height due to serious expansion, blowing the rocket into smithereens.
3.So called astronauts would not survive the supposed 21,000? miles per hour vertical speed that's supposedly needed to escape the atmosphere.
4. A vacuum flask with only partially evacuated air, keeps your coffee piping hot or cold, depending on what's used. It only loses heat or becomes room temperature, because it's not a full separation gap between the inner and outer containers, with it having a neck and a stopper, which transfer the heat under atmospheric pressure, slowly but surely.
In space, assuming what we are told about it...there would be none of this, so people can harp on about coolants and heat exchanges and anything else....but it requires water (and plenty of it) that can be cooled and ejected...No silly back pack battery is going to aid astronauts in space or on the so called moon.
5: If the moon is lit up like a beacon from our point of view, then it should be lit up like a beacon from the moon walkers view, or to put it simpler...they should have been settling into the moon dust as black charcoal along with their melted aluminium heap of crap they called a lunar lander.
6:The camera's they supposedly took with them, had no super special film, yet somehow it worked perfectly with no heat or cold effects of supposed minus 250 or plus 250 in the shade or light, respectively.
7. They say the rocket doesn't need atmosphere to work and claim that the rocket pushes ITSELF from inside and the same thing when landing on the moon...saying that it all works in a combustion chamber and that's why it works in a so called vacuum...yet to steer it side by side, it supposedly had little compressed air retro boosters or some baloney...yet how did this combust in a chamber to keep the craft from wobbling?
Not only that but to move to the side in one direction, it had to use the retro thrusters on one side only, which means, the pile of crap craft would simply tip over.
I've seen the arguments from the super scientists on here who try their best to argue against it....It makes me smile, because they do try...and try hard, too.
8.The amount of photos taken on all the missions, would be impossible when you consider all what they had to do in between it all...not to mention the bozo's driving about in stupid moon buggies.
9: When you have a pressurised space suit in a so called near vacuum, there is nothing and I mean nothing pushing back onto that space suit...NOTHING...there is no balance, which means the astronauts would have simply inflated like big space hoppers before their suits exploded with the dead astronauts suffering the same fate as all their cells simply expand.
10: When you are in a swimming pool and you try to run...you find that it's not as easy as running through air...being in the water makes you look like you're running in slow motion, where as running against air, you naturally move quite well....yet in this so called vacuum...the clowns of the time who first done the pretend space walks in a training pool, had to keep up the same slow motion of all missions, even on the moon, because that's how they depicted it to the gullible people...who swallowed it, hook, line and sinker...even to this day.
For all you right thinking people...have a serious think about running against super low air resistance and you will find that you wouldn't be going in slow motion, you would be like a frightened mouse running away from a cat.
Don't believe me?
Well have a think about the arguments with the coin and the feather in a vacuum chamber and see how fast the FEATHER falls....pretty fast eh?...nearly as fast as the coin.
Well that's what would be happening on the so called moon if it was what they say it all is.
If you jumped up, you would jump much higher than on earth, but your landing would require a team of astronaut paramedics to quickly rush you back to earth by commandmodulance to have all your leg bones pinned back together after they snap in x amount of places.
I could spend all night going on and on and on... I could mention shadows, stars, fluttering flags, tin foil jalopy craft and so on and so on and so on...but they are argued to death the most, even though they are very pertinent...it just seems like urinating against the wind with the apologists.
I'm fairly certain this post will be jumped on by the super debunkers...but all I say to those who are watching , who have some kind of open mind.....have a serious think about how they are laughing at you for being as gullible as you are in believing all this tripe.
They are getting so smug now that they will come up with more ridiculous claims in the not too distant future and it's already started with this mars rover and this sudden wake up of a probe that's apparently half a billion miles into space ready to piggy back an asteroid or something like that. But that's another silly story.
So there you have it: all you rational people can add to it at your leisure, if you so wish. All the irrationals can argue the hell out of what I've said but you know I'm right.