That isn't the point.
Wrong. I was comparing the sun at noon and sunset. No comparison with the moon was needed. That's my point regarding my photos.
Like I said, it needs to be measured during a full moon THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.
Why? If I'm comparing pictures of the sun throughout the year, each presumably taken at noon and with the same magnification, and then comparing them all so see of the sun is bigger or smaller in any of them, then what's the point of comparing them with the moon too?
If I have a midday photo of the sun for every month, compare them all, see that all 12 are the same size, should I expect one or two to suddenly re-size if compared to a moon photo?
And yes, it would need to be on a clear night (isn't that obvious?)
A clear night...Who would have thought? No, I was refering to the 'new moon' phase. I thought that was obvious.
Anyway, you claimed you're going to do these observations of the sun (or have you changed it to the moon now?)... or both.... whichever... so by all means, go ahead and do this as you see fit. We'll await the results.