I have seen several claims of moonlight being dangerous. Is their any evidence that backs this up?
I should think that maybe some medical or mental authorities such as the American Medical Association or other organizations might be able to supply some information.
Also military and police organizations. Many sentries have the "Mid Watch" or will be outside in their patrols in the moonlight. Many police officers will have their "beats" during the night.
I have never seen any reports on ill effects except for maybe sleep deprivation or maybe drowsiness, but maybe these might be good sources for information.
Except for the mention of myths, etc. I have never seen any evidence that moonlight was dangerous.

When I was in the US Navy, I was fortunate and did not have to stand "Mid Watches" but of course there were always other officers and enlisted men who
were exposed to moonlight - every night or at least almost every night - in their duties, but I never heard of any ill effects other than those previously mentioned.
Those on the "Evening Watch" (1600-2400 or from 4:00 PM to Midnight) or "Mid Watch" (0000-0800 or from Midnight to 8:00 AM) would of course be exposed to moonlight during their watches.
My wife is an RN and she says she has never heard of any evidence of medical or mental dangers of moonlight in her studies and practice.