I understand the FE theory, but do you have any repeatable experimental evidence

  • 58 Replies
I don't expect to be able to perceive the curvature of the earth, if it were a really huge ball with some slight curvature. There is simply no reason to believe illusion over reality.

if you cant perceive the curvature of a huge ball with your eyes, then how are you so sure its flat?

it would look flat even if it was round
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 07:28:35 PM by mike247 »



  • 4785
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Tom, your physics simulation analogy is a piss poor example. That hypothesis isn't science because there is currently no test that can be done to verify one way or the other.


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
I don't expect to be able to perceive the curvature of the earth, if it were a really huge ball with some slight curvature. There is simply no reason to believe illusion over reality.

if you cant perceive the curvature of a huge ball with your eyes, then how are you so sure its flat?

it would look flat even if it was round

How are you so sure that the earth really exists and our reality is not a computer simulation run by aliens on Uranus?

How are you so sure that ghosts don't exist?

How are you so sure that the earth is not hollow?

We don't assume such things because the evidence of reality trumps "it might be an illusion" or "it might exist".
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 08:06:49 PM by Tom Bishop »

I don't expect to be able to perceive the curvature of the earth, if it were a really huge ball with some slight curvature. There is simply no reason to believe illusion over reality.

if you cant perceive the curvature of a huge ball with your eyes, then how are you so sure its flat?

it would look flat even if it was round

How are you so sure that the earth really exists and our reality is not a computer simulation run by aliens on Uranus?

How are you so sure that ghosts don't exist?

How are you so sure that the earth is not hollow?

We don't assume such things because the evidence of reality trumps "it might be an illusion" or "it might exist".

On question one, i have no idea
on question 2, i have no idea

on question 3, physics, geology, plate tectonics etc 

not sure what your point is....

let me reiterate mine. The earth looks flat, it would look flat to our eyes if it were flat or if it were a really big ball.
so why are you so sure based on the fact it looks flat that it is?


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Tom, your physics simulation analogy is a piss poor example. That hypothesis isn't science because there is currently no test that can be done to verify one way or the other.

It would be rather ignorant to assume that every experiment conducted is invalid because "it might be an illusion". Illusions cannot be assumed until it has been demonstrated to be an illusion.

let me reiterate mine. The earth looks flat, it would look flat to our eyes if it were flat or if it were a really big ball.
so why are you so sure based on the fact it looks flat that it is?

Any illusion must be demonstrated, not assumed.

A lot of things "might be possible". The earth might be a big torus. But until it has been demonstrated so, it is not.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 07:56:45 PM by Tom Bishop »



  • 4785
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Tom, your physics simulation analogy is a piss poor example. That hypothesis isn't science because there is currently no test that can be done to verify one way or the other.

It would be rather ignorant to assume that every experiment conducted is invalid because "it might be an illusion". Illusions cannot be assumed until it has been demonstrated to be an illusion.

It has, quite conclusively. Mike shouldn't have said illusion. It's not an illusion, people just didn't know any better.

Quote from: Isaac Asimov
Another way of looking at it is to ask what is the “curvature” of Earth’s surface. Over a considerable length, how much does the surface deviate (on the average) from perfect flatness. The flat-Earth theory would make it seem that the surface doesn’t deviate from flatness at all, that its curvature is 0 to the mile.

Nowadays, of course, we are taught that the flat-Earth theory is wrong; that it is all wrong, terribly wrong, absolutely. But it isn’t. The curvature of the Earth is nearly 0 per mile, so that although the flat-Earth theory is wrong, it happens to be nearly right. That’s why the theory lasted so long.

There were reasons, to be sure, to find the flat-Earth theory unsatisfactory and, about 350 B.C., the Greek philosopher Aristotle summarized them. First, certain stars disappeared beyond the Southern Hemisphere as one traveled north, and beyond the Northern Hemisphere as one traveled south. Second, the Earth’s shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse was always the arc of a circle. Third, here on Earth itself, ships disappeared beyond the horizon hull-first in whatever direction they were traveling. All three observations could not be reasonably explained if the Earth’s surface were flat, but could be explained by assuming the Earth to be a sphere.

What’s more, Aristotle believed that all solid matter tended to move toward a common center, and if solid matter did this, it would end up as a sphere. A given volume of matter is, on the average, closer to a common center if it is a sphere than if it is any other shape whatever.

About a century after Aristotle, the Greek philosopher Eratosthenes noted that the Sun cast a shadow of different lengths at different latitudes (all the shadows would be the same length if the Earth’s surface were flat). From the difference in shadow length, he calculated the size of the earthly sphere and it turned out to be 25,000 miles in circumference.

The curvature of such a sphere is about 0.000126 per mile, a quantity very close to 0 per mile as you can see, and one not easily measured by the techniques at the disposal of the ancients. The tiny difference between 0 and 0.000126 accounts for the fact that it took so long to pass from the flat Earth to the spherical Earth.

Mind you, even a tiny difference, such at that between 0 and 0.000126, can be extremely important. That difference mounts up. The Earth cannot be mapped over large areas with any accuracy at all if the difference isn’t taken into account and if the Earth isn’t considered a sphere rather than a flat surface. Long ocean voyages can’t be undertaken with any reasonable way of locating one’s own position in the ocean unless the Earth is considered spherical rather than flat.

Furthermore, the flat Earth presupposes the possibility of an infinite Earth, or of the existence of an “end” to the surface. The spherical Earth, however, postulates an Earth that is both endless and yet finite, and it is the latter postulate that is consistent with all later findings.

So although the flat-Earth theory is only slightly wrong and is a credit to its inventors, all things considered, it is wrong enough to be discarded in favor of the spherical-Earth theory.

Rotundity is discounted on lack of evidence. Any illusion must be demonstrated, not assumed.

what lack of evidence? Also what illusion?

The evidence the earth looks flat leads equally to either conclusion that it is flat or a large ball, it doesn't prove anything either way?



  • 4785
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There is an abundance of evidence mike don't let Tom troll you.


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025

Rotundity is discounted on lack of evidence. Any illusion must be demonstrated, not assumed.

what lack of evidence? Also what illusion?

The evidence the earth looks flat leads equally to either conclusion that it is flat or a large ball, it doesn't prove anything either way?

Evidence that the earth looks flat leads to the direct conclusion that the earth is flat.

It does not lead to the conclusion that the earth is a football.

It does not lead to the conclusion that the earth is a pyramid.

It does not lead to the conclusion that the earth is a dodecahedron.

The observation only leads to the direct conclusion that the earth is flat. While the shapes mentioned above may be "possible," the evidence remains that the earth is flat. Only until evidence is presented that the flatness is an illusion and that the earth is really an imperceptibly big torus/boomerang/whatever, the earth remains flat until demonstrated otherwise.



That picture of the LHC I showed you, the curvature didn't look very large, and the earths circumference is 1,500 times that of the LHC. The curvature is simply to small to see. It's not an illusion.



  • Content Nazi
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Rotundity is discounted on lack of evidence. Any illusion must be demonstrated, not assumed.

what lack of evidence? Also what illusion?

The evidence the earth looks flat leads equally to either conclusion that it is flat or a large ball, it doesn't prove anything either way?

Evidence that the earth looks flat leads to the direct conclusion that the earth is flat.

It does not lead to the conclusion that the earth is a football.

It does not lead to the conclusion that the earth is a pyramid.

It does not lead to the conclusion that the earth is a dodecahedron.
It does not contradict any of those conclusions either.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Rotundity is discounted on lack of evidence. Any illusion must be demonstrated, not assumed.

what lack of evidence? Also what illusion?

The evidence the earth looks flat leads equally to either conclusion that it is flat or a large ball, it doesn't prove anything either way?

Evidence that the earth looks flat leads to the direct conclusion that the earth is flat.

It does not lead to the conclusion that the earth is a football.

It does not lead to the conclusion that the earth is a pyramid.

It does not lead to the conclusion that the earth is a dodecahedron.

The observation only leads to the direct conclusion that the earth is flat. While the shapes mentioned above may be "possible," the evidence remains that the earth is flat. Only until evidence is presented that the flatness is an illusion and that the earth is really an imperceptibly big torus/boomerang/whatever, the earth remains flat until demonstrated otherwise.

No. It doesn't. At best it leads to the conclusion that the small part of the earth you can see has the appearance of being flat, but you can't actually see the whole earth can you?

And as has already been demonstrated time and again, the fact the the small area we can see at a time looks flat does NOT lead to the direct conclusion the earth is flat, a large round earth is also a equally viable conclusion, why is this so hard to understand?


Rama Set

  • 6877
  • I am also an engineer
What about sunsets that do not merge in to the horizon like a liquid?

That image is looking up at a hill, not the true horizon. Take a look at the cow to the furthest right. His feet are obscured by the land.

There are images of the sun disappearing behind land where it is behaving like a liquid.

It is, however, possible to get the sun as a picturesque circle. The sun is constantly morphing as it sets and if a number of pictures are taken one can capture a circular sun.

What hill is my photo looking up?  How do you know this?
Aether is the  characteristic of action or inaction of charged  & noncharged particals.

Look out your window.
I'm surrounded by hills.

An observation of a flat earth constitutes evidence that the earth is flat. It is not evidence of "an illusion". The fact that other illusions may exist (although I can see curvature in that image) is not evidence that the flat earth is an illusion.
So an observation of curvature constitutes evidence that the earth is round.  It is not evidence of an illusion.  The fact that other illusions may exist is not evidence that the curvature I'm seeing is an illusion.

Experiment Vs. Assumption. Experiment always wins.
You should tell that to sceptimatic.


Scintific Method

  • 1448
  • Trust, but verify.
I don't expect to be able to perceive the curvature of the earth, if it were a really huge ball with some slight curvature.

So why then is looking out your window supposed to be proof that the earth is flat? If it is as round as it is supposed to be, then it's impossible to see the difference with the unaided eye anyway.

There is simply no reason to believe illusion over reality.

Which is why I do not believe the earth to be flat, because the flatness is merely an illusion created by the earths size. Also:

Experiment Vs. Assumption. Experiment always wins.

Nice of you to say that, because the unbiased experiments I have conducted have given results that are inconsistent with a flat earth.
Quote from: jtelroy
...the FE'ers still found a way to deny it. Not with counter arguments. Not with proof of any kind. By simply denying it.

"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt."



And experiments like these, http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php/topic,59240.0.html demonstrate curvature.

Look out your window.

Tom Bishop that isn't going to cut it. If you can imagine a sphere so big, that when you stand on its surface, that it looks flat, you got a faulty conclusion when you say the earth looks flat therefore it must be flat.

Look at this video. #ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Impossible Balls Illusion!
Does it proof to you that things can roll upwards?

The earth may look flat, but in fact, the distance for the horizon to drop just 1 degree is about 110 km. Gives some stuff to think about Tom.


Adolf Hipster

Look out your window.

Tom Bishop that isn't going to cut it. If you can imagine a sphere so big, that when you stand on its surface, that it looks flat, you got a faulty conclusion when you say the earth looks flat therefore it must be flat.

Look at this video. #ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Impossible Balls Illusion!
Does it proof to you that things can roll upwards?

The earth may look flat, but in fact, the distance for the horizon to drop just 1 degree is about 110 km. Gives some stuff to think about Tom.
That video does little to refute his point. That's an illusion, whereas looking outside and seeing flatness isn't an illusion.
In RE, they say the earth is very big and it will look flat locally. This is their explanation. 
I interpret his point as you looking outside and seeing flatness. Seeing the flat underside of clouds, etc. Then, you should stitch all of these local, flat places together and you have a large, flat area - the flat Earth.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 05:11:17 PM by Adolf Hipster »



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43172
That video does little to refute his point. That's an illusion, whereas looking outside and seeing flatness isn't an illusion.
So FE'ers are saying that the flatness that someone sees out their window is not an illusion, but the sunset that someone sees out that same window is an illusion?  Wow, that's some window.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
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That video does little to refute his point. That's an illusion, whereas looking outside and seeing flatness isn't an illusion.
So FE'ers are saying that the flatness that someone sees out their window is not an illusion, but the sunset that someone sees out that same window is an illusion?  Wow, that's some window.

markjo, you have been here for a long, long time.  You have asked every question, and heard every answer.  Why don't you let new people ask questions? 



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43172
That video does little to refute his point. That's an illusion, whereas looking outside and seeing flatness isn't an illusion.
So FE'ers are saying that the flatness that someone sees out their window is not an illusion, but the sunset that someone sees out that same window is an illusion?  Wow, that's some window.

markjo, you have been here for a long, long time.  You have asked every question, and heard every answer.  Why don't you let new people ask questions?
I'm sorry, but does me asking that question make it any less valid?  Or would you rather ignore/evade that same question from a noob?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
  • 37834
  • I have artificial intelligence
That video does little to refute his point. That's an illusion, whereas looking outside and seeing flatness isn't an illusion.
So FE'ers are saying that the flatness that someone sees out their window is not an illusion, but the sunset that someone sees out that same window is an illusion?  Wow, that's some window.

markjo, you have been here for a long, long time.  You have asked every question, and heard every answer.  Why don't you let new people ask questions?
I'm sorry, but does me asking that question make it any less valid?  Or would you rather ignore/evade that same question from a noob?

markjo, you could let people who do not know the answers ask the questions.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43172
That video does little to refute his point. That's an illusion, whereas looking outside and seeing flatness isn't an illusion.
So FE'ers are saying that the flatness that someone sees out their window is not an illusion, but the sunset that someone sees out that same window is an illusion?  Wow, that's some window.

markjo, you have been here for a long, long time.  You have asked every question, and heard every answer.  Why don't you let new people ask questions?
I'm sorry, but does me asking that question make it any less valid?  Or would you rather ignore/evade that same question from a noob?

markjo, you could let people who do not know the answers ask the questions.
jroa, you could either answer the question or stop derailing this thread.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • At least 3 words, please.
  • 4696
  • It's SCIENCE!
Look out your window.
Quote from: Junker
Please keep low content posts out of the upper fora.

I don't profess to be correct.
Quote from: sceptimatic
I am correct.

Look out your window.

Tom Bishop that isn't going to cut it. If you can imagine a sphere so big, that when you stand on its surface, that it looks flat, you got a faulty conclusion when you say the earth looks flat therefore it must be flat.

Look at this video. #ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Impossible Balls Illusion!
Does it proof to you that things can roll upwards?

The earth may look flat, but in fact, the distance for the horizon to drop just 1 degree is about 110 km. Gives some stuff to think about Tom.
That video does little to refute his point. That's an illusion, whereas looking outside and seeing flatness isn't an illusion.
In RE, they say the earth is very big and it will look flat locally. This is their explanation. 
I interpret his point as you looking outside and seeing flatness. Seeing the flat underside of clouds, etc. Then, you should stitch all of these local, flat places together and you have a large, flat area - the flat Earth.

Both are a perception Adolf. From one point of view it may look like the marbles are rolling upwards and if you do not look further you may take it as thruth that yes, marbles can roll upwards. This however would mean you would believe anything the way it is presented to you. The world to you is presented as a flat world and yes, when looking out over the ocean it may seem perfectly flat, but it does not end there.

There are a whole lot of observations which would NOT match that of a flat earth. But all of that aside. Let's just focus on the sheer size of the earth. You know what a protractor is? Here is a link http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Protractor_Rapporteur_Degrees_V3.jpg
It shows you the degrees of half a circle. You definitely see a curvature there, don't you?  Every black line is 1 degree. Take 90 degrees as the north pole. Go one degree either left or right. Not much of a drop, agree? From 90 degrees to 89 degrees, you do not see much of a drop. That curvature becomes more visible when you go to let's say 50 degrees. You definitely see a curvature when going straight from 90 degrees to 50 degrees. Would you expect to see such a curvature for a spherical earth?

You would be living on a very tiny planet if you would, because the earth's curvature drops 1 degree for ever 111 km/ 69 miles. Check that protractor. Go from 90 degrees to 89 degrees. The amount of curvature that protractor makes in such a small distance, is the same curvature the earth has over a distance of 111 km / 69 miles. It is simply to tiny to notice. Surely there is a curvature, but you simply cannot detect such minute differences. Once you start to get higher in the sky you are able to look further. At 10 km altitude you are able to look about 300 km far away. The amount of drop visible is 3 degrees. 3 lines on that protractor Adolf. You have a curvature as much as going from 90 degrees to 87 degrees. Still a very small difference, which is very hard to notice. Especially if clouds cover the horizon. The curvature becomes more clearly visible the higher you get.

So although the earth may look flat, it is only an illusion.


Adolf Hipster

Look out your window.

Tom Bishop that isn't going to cut it. If you can imagine a sphere so big, that when you stand on its surface, that it looks flat, you got a faulty conclusion when you say the earth looks flat therefore it must be flat.

Look at this video. #ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Impossible Balls Illusion!
Does it proof to you that things can roll upwards?

The earth may look flat, but in fact, the distance for the horizon to drop just 1 degree is about 110 km. Gives some stuff to think about Tom.
That video does little to refute his point. That's an illusion, whereas looking outside and seeing flatness isn't an illusion.
In RE, they say the earth is very big and it will look flat locally. This is their explanation. 
I interpret his point as you looking outside and seeing flatness. Seeing the flat underside of clouds, etc. Then, you should stitch all of these local, flat places together and you have a large, flat area - the flat Earth.

Both are a perception Adolf. From one point of view it may look like the marbles are rolling upwards and if you do not look further you may take it as thruth that yes, marbles can roll upwards. This however would mean you would believe anything the way it is presented to you. The world to you is presented as a flat world and yes, when looking out over the ocean it may seem perfectly flat, but it does not end there.

There are a whole lot of observations which would NOT match that of a flat earth. But all of that aside. Let's just focus on the sheer size of the earth. You know what a protractor is? Here is a link http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Protractor_Rapporteur_Degrees_V3.jpg
It shows you the degrees of half a circle. You definitely see a curvature there, don't you?  Every black line is 1 degree. Take 90 degrees as the north pole. Go one degree either left or right. Not much of a drop, agree? From 90 degrees to 89 degrees, you do not see much of a drop. That curvature becomes more visible when you go to let's say 50 degrees. You definitely see a curvature when going straight from 90 degrees to 50 degrees. Would you expect to see such a curvature for a spherical earth?

You would be living on a very tiny planet if you would, because the earth's curvature drops 1 degree for ever 111 km/ 69 miles. Check that protractor. Go from 90 degrees to 89 degrees. The amount of curvature that protractor makes in such a small distance, is the same curvature the earth has over a distance of 111 km / 69 miles. It is simply to tiny to notice. Surely there is a curvature, but you simply cannot detect such minute differences. Once you start to get higher in the sky you are able to look further. At 10 km altitude you are able to look about 300 km far away. The amount of drop visible is 3 degrees. 3 lines on that protractor Adolf. You have a curvature as much as going from 90 degrees to 87 degrees. Still a very small difference, which is very hard to notice. Especially if clouds cover the horizon. The curvature becomes more clearly visible the higher you get.

So although the earth may look flat, it is only an illusion.
I see your point. 

Also, what do you think about the second point I made - the underside of clouds tending to be flat.
I heard that cloud's undersides will reflect the surface below them shape wise, and a great deal of clouds tend to have flat undersides.
Why is this if the earth is round?



  • Content Nazi
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I heard that cloud's undersides will reflect the surface below them shape wise...
Where did you hear that?  ???
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.


Adolf Hipster

I heard that cloud's undersides will reflect the surface below them shape wise...
Where did you hear that?  ???
I just thought I heard it somewhere.

I also just looked into why clouds have flat undersides sometimes - you can ignore my point. I was very off.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43172
I heard that cloud's undersides will reflect the surface below them shape wise...
Where did you hear that?  ???
I just thought I heard it somewhere.
Ah, then it must be true. ::)

I also just looked into why clouds have flat undersides sometimes - you can ignore my point. I was very off.
I would think that wind currents and air temperature layers would have more to do with cloud shapes than terrain.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.