read this:"Rutherford overturned Thomson's model in 1911"
recap: JJ Thompson did that famous plum pudding experiment to estimate the size of atoms/particles based on the quantity of particles that escaped through the gold foil (but I don't think Thompson made any statement about orbiting).
This article just says that Rutherford made alpha particles to disprove it, and then created a new interpretation... very vague, poorly written wiki article.. this is the crucial aspect of Rutherford and then Niels Bohr, but I have difficult time finding things online that really explain well how they "disproved" JJ Thompson, and then took the giant leap to describe a planetary style orbiting neutron/electron atom...
the american text books are only good for learning the core of chemistry, but I think the argument of if electrons spin or don't spin is meaningless to actual chemistry. Dalton's chemistry existed before Bohr and Rutherford.