In order to evolve Flat Earth Theory we have to create some actual science.
Present your theories here for the Flat Earth Society to use / debate / evolve.
Keep in mind these should be useful to all FETruthists in explaining the various events of FET, if not all of them. In other words, keep it simple so anyone can learn it, prove and use for experiments or logic.
Bendy Light Theory
I explain it by simple property of light wave deflection, reflection or refraction that is proven in experiments to exist in any translucid mass / fluid.
Glass is a fluid made from burnt sand that condenses into hard crystal form, but after years, the fluid of the glass flows down to the lower side gaining more mass and density there, while losing mass and density on the upper side. This is not due to gravity, but the natural property of fluids to find a horizontal form of balance to 'fill up'.
Magnifying glass also bends light, like water in a pool or glass does. Air is fluid gas (like mist) and also bends light. All translucid masses that allow light waves to flow through their surface and body, distort light waves to reflect at different angles. Bendy light theory is the easiest one of the FET Core we can all prove. Even experiment this with starlight, sunlight etc.
We can create a complex experiment with a miniature Flat Earth, with a semidome on top that has a fluid inside that distorts light from above in curved patterns. This works if the edges of the semidome (the one that begins at the World Edge and unites above the North Pole / Flat Earth Center), are high reflective and distort the light from above to the inside of the dome. Basically highly reflective / refractive walls of the semidome, like those of a magnifying glass. The atmosphere is like a liquid anyway, and we can introduce the concept of a massive glass like semidome covering the world from Edge to Edge, refracting / reflecting starlight, sunlight & moonlight from above on a distorted pattern across the world surface.
This is completely possible, and I know for a fact will work. You just have to practice to aim the angles and densities of the glass semidome and fluids properly, and voila, you can see tiny starlight dots, moonrise sunrise, sunsets swirling across the surface in a circular reflective pattern.
Flat Sky Theory
~Antigravitational Air Compression Theory~
Is explained by the property of fluids to expand horizontally to find a base for balance, like the surface of a lake. The more fluidic the mass the more horizontally expansive it is. It's horizontal expansive fluidic properties are explained by the horizontal air pressure of the upper atmosphere, which are not rounded as the Conspiracy claims, but flat.
Flat horizontal air layers above us, of tons of condensed gases, will press any mass and liquid beneath it to the same horizontal flat shape the Earth itself has. It's like trying to press your finger inside a water baloon, the pressure of the water inside will push your finger out to maintain it's shape.
The horizontal shape of air above the Flat Earth, forces fluids and liquids downwards, compressing them to the same flat form the Earth generally has. The experiment to prove this, is dropping a brick on a tomato. The brick will press the softer liquid inside a tomato to it's same horizontal form of balance. This is not because of gravitation at all, but the very Flatness of the Air Layers above the Flat Earth. This creates a full (flat) circle as it cancels out any need of gravitation, and uses any liquids to prove this horizontal balance under the Flat Sky's flat pressure is almost universal. Or rather terrestrial as it occurs beneath the Flat Sky's immense horizontal flattening pressure.
This does not happen higher up where this antigravitational horizontal pressure weakens. Those videos of people opening water bottles, and watching the water drops float in the air not as flat puddles but as roundish domes, prove that liquids are only flattened here at the Flat Earth's surface into ponds, puddles, lakes, seas, by the Flat Sky's immense horizontal pressure. Like a celestial hammer that flattens and squishes anything that's "too vertical" and resists the Flatness of the Sky's horizontal balance shape.
Flying also proves this, since the flat wings use the Flat Air density's horizontal properties / pressure to glide over them as if sliding over a liquid / fluidic mass. Flying needs flat wings, because the sky is flat, and all it's layers are equally flat, like the seas compressed to the same flat shape.
Globular lightning is higherfluidic plasma that is too light to be pressed by the flat sky's horizontal layers, so it holds the same dome shape that water drops have in those videos of idiots flying high in the Flat Sky above the Flat Earth. So globular lightning also proves Flat Sky theory.
(Yours went here)