Why is it that Greenland is always represented on a map as a big chunk of ice?

  • 12 Replies
 You can Google Earth Greenland and all you will see is some of the coastline but everything else is white or snow. It wont let you magnify close like everywhere else. And its location on a map is the same as Canada and the Soviet Union in terms of occupying the same longitude and latitude. I hope that made sense? If anyone sincerely knows I would by glad to hear why because there isnt much mention of this.


Son of Orospu

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Greenland has glaciers on it.  It is mostly covered by them.  Canada and Russia are not mostly covered by glaciers.

Well thats only what they show us. But if you look at its location it is parallel to canada and the soviet union and Iceland and they arent full of icebergs. And part of Greenland hangs way down where it shouldnt be covered with ice i would think. Something is really strange about, you never here anything about Greenland and it is always portrayed as a block of ice but if you look up Greenland you will see that along the coast theres no ice . Bizarre 


Excelsior John

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You can Google Earth Greenland and all you will see is some of the coastline but everything else is white or snow. It wont let you magnify close like everywhere else. And its location on a map is the same as Canada and the Soviet Union in terms of occupying the same longitude and latitude. I hope that made sense? If anyone sincerely knows I would by glad to hear why because there isnt much mention of this.
I very much agree with this. People dont give enough credit to Greenland. Ive seen pictures of its southern coast and it is beutiful. And its capital/largest city Nuuk looks like a nice town. People also must respect that it has a government. It is part of Denmark, but it is legally an autonomous country like Denmark, all under the Crown of Denmark
Quote from: sceptimatic
John is not your average bear is he. He's a daddy grizzly that grabs ridicule and intimidation , folds it up, wipes his bum on it and slings it right back, slap , bang into your face and it's frustrating isn't it?

Glaciers require mountains to form. That's why there's a lot of glaciers in and around Denali but not very many in northern Alaska. Canada and Siberia are also mostly flat.

Greenland, on the other hand, is covered in mountains. Thus, glaciers. Also, same with Antarctica. Lots of mountains + near a pole = glaciers!

You can Google Earth Greenland and all you will see is some of the coastline but everything else is white or snow. It wont let you magnify close like everywhere else. And its location on a map is the same as Canada and the Soviet Union in terms of occupying the same longitude and latitude. I hope that made sense? If anyone sincerely knows I would by glad to hear why because there isnt much mention of this.

If you can't magnify, that part of picture was probably taken by satellite. There are many places on earth where you can't zoom in because there is no aerial photographs taken by airplanes for that region. One factor you should take into account is the time when the photo was taken. Try to zoom in on a ski resort for example. Most probably there is no snow in the picture although you know it's full of snow during the winter.
I think, therefore I am



  • 8971
I wouldn't trust Google Earth to give me the time of day. Greenland is most likely full of nuclear silos and training camps for the ice wall guardsmen. They just whited it all out and everyone goes with it.

Greenland has lots of Green spaces.
And using Google earth you can view them.


Most of it is ice however away from the sea (which cant get colder than 0 C)

Kinda like the continent of Antarctica.



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May I ask what this has to do with FET?

I think because it was the OP thinking it was a conspiracy thing?
Like Davis's Reptilian people.



  • 106
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By the way I don't think they call it the Soviet Union anymore or have done for a long time.

The maps show land mass only, most of the time, the northern ice cap is composed of floating ice which is why it is not shown. 
"When you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way." -  Stevie Wonder, 1972



  • 3926
A little late, but I am going to move to S&AS. 



  • 2180
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Saw a map of the world once that had Greenland almost exactly the same colour as the water around it. Weird stuff.
The earth is round because the space man said so.