Not exactly. Depends on your point of view.
The Soviet Union was the world-plan, it was the system's investment, to rule the word.
Any half-thinking human would see the brutality and satanism in Bolshevist Russia and oppose it.
They couldn't stop it's criticism, it was too much and too obvious, and half of Europe attacked it, leaded by Germany.
The system managed to defame Germany as "evil nazis", and genocide them, but couldn't stop that half the civilized world still hate the Soviets.
So, "cold war" as popular hate and awareness of the threat of the Soviet Union was not wanted by the system at all.
In fact, the "cold war" (if possible Open War!) was wanted by the Nazis.
The Allies would have wanted a happy peaceful environment with more friendship with Russia.
But there were many Pattons, many would stated the obvious... "We invaded Europe, to save it... and we leave half of it to the Soviets?"
The System, the traitors usurping power in the West could only hold and control the rage to the level of "cold war", that is, rhetoric.
The Infiltration and Occupation of a country by foreign traitors (jews, masons, etc..) doesn't mean they will have absolute control.
They have to lie for years to push for a war, they have to simulate being Christians, being part of the folk, they can't just eliminate the army, the institutions, the traditions, the social system of a nation, they have to go slowly. It takes centuries.
The "fast track" for this international gangsters is to create a brutal army outside, like the Soviet Union, and betray the country they simulate to serve.
Then, they won't have to respect traditions, institutions like rule of law, private property, common decency and things like that.
The US wouldn't have been attacked, after the subjugation of Europe and Asia. They would have weakened it for decades.
Even after "loosing", the Nazis managed to get US troops on Western Europe, in frontier with the Soviets, they wouldn't dare attack them and therefore the US. So their plan of a worldwide URSS slavering all Europe and Asia was stopped. They were forced to go with the slow plan, demoralization and weakening of nations.
Russians were the chosen useful idiots, not Americans, always have been and will be.
America was an obvious key country to control, and so they did, but even so, they couldn't forbid guns, or the 1st Amendment.
Anti-Americanism is politically correct, insulting them as "dumb", but, for example, who was behind the flat earth movement? Brits and Americans.
Who is attacking Evolution and atheism? Americans and Muslims mostly.
There's a reason atheism, communism and drunkenness appear in Russia, there's a reason corruption, suicide and brutality are so common there.
So, my point, on an unconscious level, humanity was aware of the Russian/Soviet threat. The Powers that be managed to keep it controlled to the level of Cold War only.
In fact, the Nuke Hoax could have been invented just for this reason, to protect the Soviet Slavery Gulag System!
The Cold War was entirely faked.
After the assasination of Stalin by the British secret service at the end of February 1953 (Stalin was planning to attack Europe in the summer of 1953), the new rulers of the Soviet Union agreed to play the game until 1989.