It goes to show that I've been subjected to all avenues of thought and came to a conclusion that the earth is definitely not a solid globe, whether rotating or not.
The rotating globe model was simply fed to me, which I quickly discarded quite early on. I knew the sun/moon and stars actually moved and took to thinking that the earth was a solid stationary globe with everything moving around at super speed. And then I thought, "nah, this doesn't make any sense."
I then found this forum and read it for a while and found that a flat earth actually started to make sense and I started sifting through the ins and outs of this thought. I even embraced the idea of an infinite earth and many other things, until I started to really put my mind to what it actually is, logically.
By process of elimination, I have come to the point I'm at now, which is by no means finished and there's a lot to do and fathom out.
Earthisaspaceship has put some great ideas forward, which I'm mulling over and sooner or later I will get an even bigger picture of what the earth is.
One thing I'm not, is closed minded. I'm open to all ideas that do not involve fictional forces and solid floating balls in space.
Reality is what I'm after getting to grips with, not fake video evidence or fake pictures or dressed up news feeds or the masses shouting, " it's round and everything you're taught is true, we've done the experiments", because they haven't done any experiments. They have all relied on peer pressure and false vision, plus a lot of fantasy physics, none of which can directly be provable but do make up the story of fantasy to fit the fantasy world they want us to believe we live on and the fantasy of space and exploits in space.
Gravity, the speed of light and a host of other stuff are merely falsities and I'm sick of being fed them, so I'm on a diet. It's called the reality diet, where I enjoy small portions of real logic and common sense and if one small portion doesn't quite agree with my palate, I will carefully move it to the side and concentrate on the other portions. That way, I know when I've had the right fill and can digest it with ease, instead of having to sit next to a person who ordered the 72 ounce mainstream steak who then sits there and farts and burps out a stream of constant bull crap.
The dome makes 100% perfect sense and everything we are or see or know, is inside of it. Nothing we "see", exists outside of it, because a vacuum is the absence of all matter and all matter means that there is no existence, so space does not exist, but earth does, in suspended animation and we exist as organisms within the protective shell that holds all life, as we know it.