
  • 25 Replies
« on: October 21, 2006, 01:37:22 PM »
This community does not revolve around the singular idea that the FE'ers are trying to prove that the Earth is flat.  They already know the Earth is flat, so there is no use in trying to convince them otherwise.  Since FE is the huge countertheory to RE, it is most likely that they came to the conclusion themselves rather than indoctrined in this belief.

While I cannot say that they do not wish to "convert" RE'ers to FEism, I can say that it is not the purpose of this forum to do so.  It is merely a discussion forum.

FE'ers have absolutely no obligation to answer any of your challenges.  They do, however, from time to time answer questions, and it is very nice of them to do so even though they aren't required to prove anything to anyone here.  It is unfortunate that this stance is often taken as either ignorance or rudeness.

This is something posters should keep in mind while posting in this forum.

"Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2006, 01:52:17 PM »
To a non-believer, you need to understand that Flat Earth theory raises a lot of questions.  The posts of a Round Earther are not always an attempt to disprove Flat Earth theory, but merely to better understand it so that they can devulge for themselves what evidence they truly believe.  Flat Earthers' refusal to clarify their beliefs by answering the questions put forth by Round Earthers makes it very hard for them to be taken seriously by any sort of intellectual.

General Discussion
This is the forum for general Flat Earth Society discussion. If you'd like to ask questions or debate about Flat Earth theory, this is the place to do it.



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« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2006, 02:35:22 PM »
Quote from: "jeremy.troy"
To a non-believer, you need to understand that Flat Earth theory raises a lot of questions.  The posts of a Round Earther are not always an attempt to disprove Flat Earth theory, but merely to better understand it so that they can devulge for themselves what evidence they truly believe.  Flat Earthers' refusal to clarify their beliefs by answering the questions put forth by Round Earthers makes it very hard for them to be taken seriously by any sort of intellectual.

Fair enough.  We do understand that most people have their doubts (to put it mildly) about Flat Earth theory.  I certainly have no issue with people asking questions or debating the matter.  That's a lot of the reason the forums are here in the first place.  I think Mephistopheles' post was more in response to the tendency of some (but certainly not all) Round Earth advocates to do the following:

Round Earther posted at 1:30pm
: You guys are all idiots.  The Earth is round!  If the Earth is flat, what about [gravity/seasons/Antartica/etc]?  Yeah, I'd like to see one of you jerks answer that..

Round Earther posted at 1:32pm
Big surprise; nobody answered my question.  Yeah, just what I thought!  You're all too scared to reply to my post.  I'm obviously right and your silence proves it conclusively!

« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2006, 03:04:00 PM »
Oh, I'll agree with you there.  Those sorts of people are just plain ignorant.  Unfortunately, you'll find people like that everywhere.

« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2006, 03:15:49 PM »
It is hard for us to understand a theory with so many holes that we need proof. The FE theory just doesn't make sense.
he earth is a cube!

« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2006, 07:57:04 PM »
People are going to question FE theory, there is no way around that.

Though I do not support people like in that example who bark insults for no apparent reason, I beleive they are a minority.
atttttttup was right when he said joseph bloom is right, The Engineer is a douchebag.

« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2006, 05:10:34 PM »
Though I do not support people like in that example who bark insults for no apparent reason, I beleive they are a minority.

maybe in your world, but here at the Flat Eath Society, where it is an Internet fad to come in and start spamming insults, it happens ALOT.  :wink:
quote="DiegoDraw"]"And Moses said unto his brethren: 'The Earth is flat!...biznatches,'" [/quote]

« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2006, 05:58:50 PM »
Basically, people should not come here and start ridiculing people on their beliefs of a flat earth. It is a forum and it is meant for discussions. If a RE'er has a question about the theory, the least a FE'er can do is answer it. This forum often has parts of the theory being argued against, so it also helps build it, every time a part has for certainly been proven wrong, the theory can change or adapt.

There should be respect all around no matter what side of this debate you are on.

I think the earth is round, but I'm not going to say something like "you stupid fags, teh earthisround. your all gayyyyy" (note: shitty writing lol)

In the end, people should just try to prove each other right or wrong, and answer or ask questions, in a civil way.

« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2006, 08:44:36 PM »
Exactly, this site is great for debate, and


is not debate
he man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

Advocatus Diaboli



  • The Elder Ones
  • 4242
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2006, 09:33:18 PM »
Quote from: "CrimsonKing"

You spelled "teh" wrong.
Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?


Dioptimus Drime

  • 4531
  • Meep.
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2006, 11:54:04 PM »
Quote from: "Earthisround99"
It is hard for us to understand a theory with so many holes that we need proof.

Wait...You are talking about the Round Earth Theory, right? :P

Nah, but really, I agree with that. If someone wants to have a serious debate and bring up some valid issues, I'll appreciate it, but when people just get ignorant, arrogant, and, frankly, just stupid, that's the point where I don't even feel the necessity to respond.


Re: Attention
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2006, 02:25:10 AM »
Quote from: "Captain I Live With My Mother"
This community does not revolve around the singular idea that the FE'ers are trying to prove that the Earth is flat.  They already know the Earth is flat, so there is no use in trying to convince them otherwise.  Since FE is the huge countertheory to RE, it is most likely that they came to the conclusion themselves rather than indoctrined in this belief.

While I cannot say that they do not wish to "convert" RE'ers to FEism, I can say that it is not the purpose of this forum to do so.  It is merely a discussion forum.

FE'ers have absolutely no obligation to answer any of your challenges.  They do, however, from time to time answer questions, and it is very nice of them to do so even though they aren't required to prove anything to anyone here.  It is unfortunate that this stance is often taken as either ignorance or rudeness.

This is something posters should keep in mind while posting in this forum.

You post your theories on the internet then complain when people ask you to back them up with proof.

Penguins were actually created in the 1960's by Russian scientists who combined the DNA of otters and birds.  [/quote]


Re: Attention
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2006, 03:34:12 AM »
Quote from: "Yardstick2006"
Quote from: "Captain I Live With My Mother"
This community does not revolve around the singular idea that the FE'ers are trying to prove that the Earth is flat.  They already know the Earth is flat, so there is no use in trying to convince them otherwise.  Since FE is the huge countertheory to RE, it is most likely that they came to the conclusion themselves rather than indoctrined in this belief.

While I cannot say that they do not wish to "convert" RE'ers to FEism, I can say that it is not the purpose of this forum to do so.  It is merely a discussion forum.

FE'ers have absolutely no obligation to answer any of your challenges.  They do, however, from time to time answer questions, and it is very nice of them to do so even though they aren't required to prove anything to anyone here.  It is unfortunate that this stance is often taken as either ignorance or rudeness.

This is something posters should keep in mind while posting in this forum.

You post your theories on the internet then complain when people ask you to back them up with proof.


hahahahaha, yardies great  :D

« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2006, 03:53:19 AM »
This community does not revolve around the singular idea that the FE'ers are trying to prove that the Earth is flat. They already know the Earth is flat, so there is no use in trying to convince them otherwise. Since FE is the huge countertheory to RE, it is most likely that they came to the conclusion themselves rather than indoctrined in this belief.

While I cannot say that they do not wish to "convert" RE'ers to FEism, I can say that it is not the purpose of this forum to do so. It is merely a discussion forum.

FE'ers have absolutely no obligation to answer any of your challenges. They do, however, from time to time answer questions, and it is very nice of them to do so even though they aren't required to prove anything to anyone here. It is unfortunate that this stance is often taken as either ignorance or rudeness.

This is something posters should keep in mind while posting in this forum.

The above post shows that in the minds of FE'ers everything comes down to "who owns this forum", rather than "let's share why we think the earth is the way it is".

What I mean to say is, RE'ers come here and debate; they argue that the FE theory is flawed and they look for interesting debates because it's a brain stimulus (that's why I post anyway - to learn something and exchange information). Sometimes the discussions get very heated and FE'ers give the impression that they actually believe what they say (i.e. that they're not just wasting time typing something they don't believe in). Thinking that they found someone intelligent to talk to, some RE'ers grow curious about why one would believe in a FE so vehemently, despite all the proof available in the world, and which is completely denied on this website for no apparent reason.

So we ask, "Why do you think that governments lie about the shape of the earth? If they do, then how could such a secret stay hidden for so many hundreds of years with absolutely no leaks from any retired politicians?" or "Why is there no proof about the existence of an ice-wall? If there was an ice-wall, then how come not a single guard, out of the tens of thousands who "guarded" it over hundreds of years, said anything (even on his/her deathbed) about its existence?" and the list keeps going and going...

There is nothing wrong with asking these questions, and while "FE'ers have absolutely no obligation to answer any of your challenges" these questions are not necessarily meant to pose a challenge, but rather understand one's mindset.

Sure, RE theory cannot explain why gravity exists but it's damn obvious that gravity exists nonetheless (or something that does what gravity is supposed to do - call it anything you like if you don't like the word 'gravity'). But it's one thing to not be able to explain why gravity exists yet know that it exists nonetheless, and something entirely different to assume that the government is hiding things from us, or that pictures of earth from space are fake, or that the sun is a spotlight - for no apparent reason and against all evidence, just to have a basis for another theory. These are basic questions about our world which I'd be a little more curious to find answers to before believing something as radical as "the world is flat".

Think about it: nowadays people actively search for answers based on strong evidence and are very skeptical about believing something as radical as "the earth is flat" when they don't have real reason to believe that except "when I look at earth, it looks flat" which - sorry to say - is a very limited view. With no basis to sustain your theory upon and a rain of short answers like "the pictures from space HAVE to be fake since the earth is flat" yet no answers to "why is the earth flat?" a lot of FE'ers just go around in circles. This is not a question about "incomplete theories", but rather "Why would you believe in a 'theory' that raises more questions than it provides answers?"

And eventually the final answer to everything is "We don't have to convince you why the earth is flat because this is the FE forum" which brings me back to my initial idea - that in the minds of FE'ers everything comes down to "who started this forum", rather than "let's share why we think the earth is the way it is". It's just sad.

« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2006, 04:58:46 AM »
You spelled "teh" wrong.

Heh. Heheheheh.
 tried to be nice. I tried to not get angry at insultingly rediculous notions.


« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2006, 12:04:25 PM »
Quote from: "bibicul"

The above post shows that in the minds of FE'ers everything comes down to "who owns this forum", rather than "let's share why we think the earth is the way it is".

And eventually the final answer to everything is "We don't have to convince you why the earth is flat because this is the FE forum" which brings me back to my initial idea - that in the minds of FE'ers everything comes down to "who started this forum", rather than "let's share why we think the earth is the way it is". It's just sad.

I've never claimed to be either an RE'er or an FE'er, but I do claim to have enough sense that I'm right and you're wrong.

You can post whatever you want; just keep in mind the following:

1)  Burden of proof - You attempt to prove FE'ers wrong, you require proof.  If an FE'er attempts to disprove something in the RE model, then he or she requires proof.
2)  FE'ers don't have to answer - Your personal belief does not have any impact on the belief of someone else.  Its nice that they come in from time to time to answer questions and correct mistakes, but, for the most part, its completely voluntary.
3)  Pertaining to 2, if a FE'er chooses not to answer it does not constitute proof or holes in the argument - It doesn't matter how many times someone says "thread hasn't been answered yet, obviously its because it disproves their theory".
4)  It's highly recommended to look at it objectively.  Just as science poses a hypothesis and attempts to disprove it, assume the flat Earth and attempt to disprove it.

Also, if you have such great proofs of the round Earth, no one is stopping you from posting them.  I would appreciate you not throwing out that same tired rheotoric of RE proofs.  Please use another thread for that, though.

I'm sorry if this isn't as much of a silver platter as many of you wanted, but unfortunately things don't often work like that.  Bring your own silver platter, if you don't mind.

"Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2006, 01:29:12 AM »
Quote from: "Mephistopheles"
Quote from: "bibicul"

The above post shows that in the minds of FE'ers everything comes down to "who owns this forum", rather than "let's share why we think the earth is the way it is".

And eventually the final answer to everything is "We don't have to convince you why the earth is flat because this is the FE forum" which brings me back to my initial idea - that in the minds of FE'ers everything comes down to "who started this forum", rather than "let's share why we think the earth is the way it is". It's just sad.

I've never claimed to be either an RE'er or an FE'er, but I do claim to have enough sense that I'm right and you're wrong.

You can post whatever you want; just keep in mind the following:

1)  Burden of proof - You attempt to prove FE'ers wrong, you require proof.  If an FE'er attempts to disprove something in the RE model, then he or she requires proof.
2)  FE'ers don't have to answer - Your personal belief does not have any impact on the belief of someone else.  Its nice that they come in from time to time to answer questions and correct mistakes, but, for the most part, its completely voluntary.
3)  Pertaining to 2, if a FE'er chooses not to answer it does not constitute proof or holes in the argument - It doesn't matter how many times someone says "thread hasn't been answered yet, obviously its because it disproves their theory".
4)  It's highly recommended to look at it objectively.  Just as science poses a hypothesis and attempts to disprove it, assume the flat Earth and attempt to disprove it.

Also, if you have such great proofs of the round Earth, no one is stopping you from posting them.  I would appreciate you not throwing out that same tired rheotoric of RE proofs.  Please use another thread for that, though.

I'm sorry if this isn't as much of a silver platter as many of you wanted, but unfortunately things don't often work like that.  Bring your own silver platter, if you don't mind.

Indeed, the Zionist-run world conspiracy propagandists come to this site spouting there garbage on this site, soiling a great and wonderful thing with there heresy. We know we are correct and valiant in our war against the conspiracy. You round earthers will perish in the the fires of hell.
he Engineer and GeoGuy are douchebags. Period.

Also, they smell bad.

« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2006, 01:51:52 AM »

1. Most of what you said had nothing to do with my post; I won't bother to reply.
2. Based on the "rules" that you set up for everyone, how is an argument won by a RE'er then? If FE'ers don't have to reply to anything (not even questions relating to the holes in the FE "theory") then what's the point of a forum? Clearly in that case when people are actually disproved they can just paste

2) FE'ers don't have to answer - Your personal belief does not have any impact on the belief of someone else. Its nice that they come in from time to time to answer questions and correct mistakes, but, for the most part, its completely voluntary.
3) Pertaining to 2, if a FE'er chooses not to answer it does not constitute proof or holes in the argument - It doesn't matter how many times someone says "thread hasn't been answered yet, obviously its because it disproves their theory".

and the argument is over. This is ridiculous.

I have to agree with Bibicul here.
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2006, 07:34:42 AM »

The opinions and beliefs expressed in any posts do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of The Flat Earth Society Forums.
The Flat Earth Society Forums' goal is to promote the free discussion of The Flat Earth Theory as well as the free discussion of and debate of any topic of interest to our members that do not contradict Forum Rules.
The views of any individual or organization (including that of the old Flat Earth Society run by Charles K Johnson) are not nessecarily shared in whole or in part by The Flat Earth Society Forums. The only person qualified to give the official position of the Forums (if required) is Daniel.
Also please remember that views of the Forum are not necessarily shared by the Forum Staff who come from both sides of The Flat/Sphere Debate and whose sole unifying purpose is to promote a smooth running forum so as to encourage the victory of truth throught free disscussion and argument.

The above is the disclaimer for the FLat Earth Society forum. I believe this might have already posted by earlier in this forum.

I personally came to this forum to learn more about the FE theory. Not to attack, but to establish my own thoughts and final conclusions of the truth. I feel I have been welcomed into this community and have been treated kindly.  My goal is not to attack anyone for their beliefs but to have a better understanding of our world.

However with that being said, it is frustrating when one asks a question, and the responder ignores or gives a fullish answer, it does get frusterating. I have read many questions and answers in all the different forums this website has to offer. Also, in the disclaimer above, it does say " to promote the free discussion of The Flat Earth Theory as well as the free discussion of and debate of any topic of interest to our members that do not contradict Forum Rules." THis means providing answers and others attempts at proof for what ever they believe. Otherwise, what is this website for? WHat is the purpose if not to answer questions, or even to have a logical debait. If one doesnt have answers to questions, than thats fine but dont respond by dodging the question, or responding in a unhelpful manner. Just say you dont know.

Now, I dont think it is right or fair to resort to rudness or name calling or any other middle school way. I wouldnt answer anything to that response either.

If the people of this website cant accept RE questions, then a seperate website needs to be created to have a "FLAT EARTH BELIEVERS website ONLY" website, and not let people on who dont share the same beliefs as them.
y the Power of Round Earth!!!

I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Re: I have to agree with Bibicul here.
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2006, 08:51:00 AM »
Quote from: "FlexGirl"
However with that being said, it is frustrating when one asks a question, and the responder ignores or gives a fullish answer, it does get frusterating. I have read many questions and answers in all the different forums this website has to offer. Also, in the disclaimer above, it does say " to promote the free discussion of The Flat Earth Theory as well as the free discussion of and debate of any topic of interest to our members that do not contradict Forum Rules." This means providing answers and others attempts at proof for what ever they believe. Otherwise, what is this website for? WHat is the purpose if not to answer questions, or even to have a logical debait. If one doesnt have answers to questions, than thats fine but dont respond by dodging the question, or responding in a unhelpful manner. Just say you dont know.

If your question goes ignored, or is answered with something like "Read the FAQ" it's probably because the question has been asked so many times that FE's are just getting sick of seeing it, so when you think of a question it's usually a good idea to check in the Search Feature to see if there is already another thread going on the topic.
I have yet to see a new and original question asked on these forums go without being answered by at least one FE.

If the people of this website cant accept RE questions, then a seperate website needs to be created to have a "FLAT EARTH BELIEVERS website ONLY" website, and not let people on who dont share the same beliefs as them.

There is a FE's only section on this site, only people who genuinely believe in the FE theory are allowed to post in there.



« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2006, 08:57:27 AM »
Quote from: "bibicul"

1. Most of what you said had nothing to do with my post; I won't bother to reply.
2. Based on the "rules" that you set up for everyone, how is an argument won by a RE'er then? If FE'ers don't have to reply to anything (not even questions relating to the holes in the FE "theory") then what's the point of a forum? Clearly in that case when people are actually disproved they can just paste


and the argument is over. This is ridiculous.

No, what Meph is saying here is right, when RE's pot a question on the forums the FE's do not have to answer them. They do so out of common courtesy, not because they have to.

« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2006, 10:37:53 AM »
y the Power of Round Earth!!!

I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2006, 11:40:20 AM »
If your question goes ignored, or is answered with something like "Read the FAQ" it's probably because the question has been asked so many times that FE's are just getting sick of seeing it, so when you think of a question it's usually a good idea to check in the Search Feature to see if there is already another thread going on the topic.
I have yet to see a new and original question asked on these forums go without being answered by at least one FE.

Well, your right, people need to read the FAQ. However, not every answer to every question is answered in there. On top of that, some of the answers posted in the FAQ are either incomplete or to short. Meaning, one could go in further to that particular topic answer. Secondly, I didnt realize this website had a search feature. Thanks for the tip.

But still, Im right about what I said about the FAQ. javascript:emoticon(':lol:')

 :lol:  :lol:
y the Power of Round Earth!!!

I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2006, 12:35:12 PM »
Besides, often enough when old debates or questions are brought up again, they turn into new debates. THen conversations and threads and forums become even more interesting. Because, you have newer people and new ideas to bring to the table. SO, old questions and debates should deffinatly be brought up again, and again.
y the Power of Round Earth!!!

I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2006, 12:50:53 PM »
True, but there has to be a limit to "again and again". Just wait until you've been here a while, virtually every single person who comes to this site feels an irrepressible urge to start a new thread on a topic that already has seven or eight threads running, it gets tiresome very quickly.

« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2006, 01:03:26 PM »
Your right I suppose. But, I wonder how difficult it would be in addition to the FAQ, the administrators could make up catagories of the topics that are brought up again and again. You know, organize the threads into different catagories. It wouldnt have to go so far back as the very first thread, just maybe a few months, that way it wouldnt take forever. Then, if there were questions that are older than a few months, they may be brought up again and discussed, and the ones that are just a few months old can be referenced to the community and limit the amount of questions asked again and again. Who is in charge here? Perhaps, I should ask them. I think that would be a great idea. Organization. thats what my Daddy taught me. Well not really. I am really quite messy.
y the Power of Round Earth!!!

I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
