I'm just often wrong.
I'm bench pressing body builders in the gym.
lol guise checkk this outheheheh i think that parfisal and pizzapalnit are gaylolololololololol im so funy and orginal
I work nights are get the feeling of impennding doom for things most people take for granted.
Quote from: Saddam Hussein on September 28, 2013, 08:34:11 PMlol guise checkk this outheheheh i think that parfisal and pizzapalnit are gaylolololololololol im so funy and orginalNo you're not. Everybody has been making gay jokes about them, retart.
I am now in Malaysia. They took my fingerprints and put a sticker in my passport. In a mere 26 hours I should be home.
Quote from: PizzaPlanet on September 29, 2013, 02:32:28 PMI am now in Malaysia. They took my fingerprints and put a sticker in my passport. In a mere 26 hours I should be home.Tell the pilots that the earth is flat and that by going direct instead of following a 'great circle' will save you all several hours.
I'm going to side with the white supremacists.
Aether is the characteristic of action or inaction of charged & noncharged particals.
This post is off-topic. Please use your round-the-world trip thread for posts regarding your round-the-world trip.
Tell Danny I say "what's up?"
Aww yeah, the Socialist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka. This place is absolutely fantastic and I'm not at all looking forward to leaving.Seriously, though, I took a walk outside of the airport and I've been asked if I need a taxi 30 times... by 10 different people.I wanted to buy some post cards and stamps, but the post officer wouldn't stop asking me how much money I have, what currencies I have, and if I'd like some coffee/collector's stamps/a credit card. I did eventually manage to convince him to let me send postcards and not buy a lot of crap I'm not interested it, but it took quite a long conversation.Discouraged by the amount of people wanting my money, I decided to head back to the safety of the airport. On my way there, I set off 3 metal detectors, but no one gave a damn. The reason why I set off these detectors was that I had lots of stuff in my pockets - but they didn't want me to take it out. I think the metal detectors are just for show.What I found the most interesting, however, was how carefully everyone inspected my passport. One security guy even looked at it through a magnifying glass, then stared at me, then looked again, then passed it to a friend who did the same. Only then was I allowed to proceed. The combination of primitive security measures and the atmosphere of distrust definitely made this experience complete.All in all, I'd say one hour in Sri Lanka was more than enough for one trip.
I enjoyed your holiday. I guess next time you have to come to the UK.
YEAH UK.Around 3 years ago, this happened.
I vote for SecretUser as supreme overlord of TFES.
Where's the roadkill?