still waiting on the creation myth for the flat earth hypothesis.
The myth is that all matter was condensed in to the volume of a match head. Then it exploded and the universe formed.
The truth is God created the heaven and the earth.
Not many FE'ers believe what I have just said, however I believe it to be the truth.
You also believe that God took time out of his busy schedule to give you hiccups for 4 days last week.
I'm not sure if there is an official society line for this. The end of the earth is predicted by Samuel Rowbotham and he predicts that the earth shall perish in fire.
I've seen a suggestion that the big bang may have been applicable to Flat Earth theory and an early earth without an atmosphere was literally hammered flat by early cosmic debris as it gained speed, driven by dark matter. As it hurtled its way past rock and ice its surface was blasted into a flat disk. The force of aether / dark energy pushing the rock in one direction and the obstacles squashing it flat from the other. It was literally pancaked between the force that drives it and the rock that got in the way.
Another theory is that it formed much like a galaxy. Spinning very very fast a soft and semi-molten (pliable) earth was pulled into a flat plate. The centripetal force of the rapidly spinning body of soft rock being enough to pull it into a nice plate shape before the rock cooled and ceased spinning, now in this new shape.
No one really knows how the universe and earth were created round earth or flat earth, so pick the one you like best. I wouldn't get too hung up on it.