Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?

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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2006, 10:40:46 PM »
I thought Satelites didn;t exist in FE theory?
he earth is a cube!



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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2006, 10:53:52 PM »
They don't.

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson

Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2006, 12:17:33 AM »
Quote from: "CrimsonKing"
You get an A for effort, but an F for thinking outside the box.

I guess this is the only thing FE'ers do when they argument. "Thinking outside the box", or simply "using their imagination". Imaginational arguments are not facts of science.

But I'm wrong, of course.
quot;Earth is flat because there is a conspiracy, and there is a conspiracy because the Earth is flat" - Makes sense, duh.


Re: all Im saying is
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2006, 05:30:33 AM »
Quote from: "FlexGirl"
My search is for proof. Actual un-argumentative proof.

The problem is that you really can't "prove" much more than the fact that you exist.



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Re: not trying to be rude or anything
« Reply #34 on: October 21, 2006, 01:29:27 PM »
Quote from: "FlexGirl"
but perhaps maybe it was a coudy day?

I fly a lot.  I live in Phoenix, where we have an average of 300 sunny days a year.  My luck would have to be pretty bad to fly only when it's overcast.
look out the window of the air plane shortly after taking off and landing, you can see the curviture of the earth.

You wouldn't be able to see it from so low.

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson

Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #35 on: October 21, 2006, 04:02:48 PM »
Its lucky, when theres undeniable proof against the FE theory, in this case flight times, its explained away by the big conspiracy.

Fortunately the nature of a conspiracy is such that it can't be wrong.


Lord Wilmore

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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #36 on: October 21, 2006, 05:28:39 PM »
Quote from: "ciroc"

*Sigh* Another example of your poor interpretive ability. My assumption was that CrimsonKing did not know how a GPS is fabricated, operated nor had used one before. He/she verified this. OK?
I'm not even going to bother arguing with you about the potency of the military to alter the global GPS system. Why? Because your antipathy towards RE logic means that my time would be better spent placing my hand in a waffle iron.

Please accept my apology- I thought you were adressing that to all of us. As to whether or not you choose to argue the point, well, that's up to you.

Oh, and by the way, 'hypocritisizm' is not a word. One might go so far as to say your English is 'deviant', if one were so inclined...

Quote from: "ciroc"

Please accept my apology, the word I had intended to say was hypercriticism. I didn't reali(s?)(z?)(s?)(z?)e you were that pedantic over spelling. But I've acknowledged it now so there is no need for you to lose any sleep.  :D

I'm not being pedantic over spelling, it's just that hypercriticism is a word (which means to be over critical) and hypocriticism is not a word. Thus it's very hard to tell whether you mean hypocrisy or hypercriticism- they mean two totally different things. You put parts of each word in, so it wasn't pedantry- I just had no idea what you were saying, because it isn't a word.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord

Re: all Im saying is
« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2006, 07:30:41 PM »
Quote from: "Ambassadork"
Quote from: "FlexGirl"
My search is for proof. Actual un-argumentative proof.

The problem is that you really can't "prove" much more than the fact that you exist.

Depends by which standards. By most philosophical points of view, you can't even prove that you exist.
atttttttup was right when he said joseph bloom is right, The Engineer is a douchebag.

Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #38 on: October 22, 2006, 04:19:52 PM »
Someone said that when flying below the equator, the plane would just fly at a faster speed to make up the time difference, but at some point the plane would have to be flying at supersonic speeds. [EDIT: Now, I'm pretty sure passengers would be able to tell] that they're travelling faster than sound because... well... if they're travelling faster than it, then they wouldn't hear anything, but I will accept that I could be wrong. However, commercial jets, aerodynamically and engineerically (is that a word) speaking, are not capable of supersonic speeds. Not according to what the conspiracy tells us, but according to simple science available and testable by the public.

Also, explain how a jet could be flown faster than sound without the pilot (a citizen not in on the conspiracy) knowing that something is up? Are you saying that jets are built with a sensor that knows when it's flying below the equator and exponentially increases it's speed, while displaying a guage that reads half the speed it's going so as to fool the pilot?

Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #39 on: October 22, 2006, 10:06:14 PM »
If the earth was flat then people would have fallen off or found the edge. What is going to stop an airplane from flying off the earth? The only proof that is credible for a flat earth is the edge. No one on the planet has ever seen the edge of the earth. Also, the egde cannot be made of ice. There is no explanation for this ice wall theory. The sun, if the world were flat, would shine on the edges just as it does on the rest of the world since lightwaves can travel millions of miles. Why has no one found the edge? because it doesn't exist. The whole world knows that the earth is round and the world will never believe, even in a million years, that the world is flat. As long as there are no scientific experiments proving that the earth is flat, which no one has conducted with success, this silly argument will remain in silly online forums such as this one. Real proof exists in the science books that are in our libraries. look it up. No one can disprove Newton or Einstien, especially on this forum.
s the earth really flat?
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, maybe go fcuk yourself.



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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2006, 10:16:14 PM »
So basically the crux of your argument is that we are all just very very silly?
Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?



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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2006, 10:19:28 PM »
Quote from: "gogeta2478"
If the earth was flat then people would have fallen off or found the edge.

People have probably fallen off.  However, they would not be able to tell you about it.  Those that may have found the edge and came back would immediately be labled as crazy and dismissed.
What is going to stop an airplane from flying off the earth?

Navigation equipment.
 No one on the planet has ever seen the edge of the earth.

How do you know?
Also, the egde cannot be made of ice. There is no explanation for the ice wall theory. The sun, if the world were flat, would shine on the edges just as it does on the rest of the world since lightwaves can travel millions of miles.

The sun shines at an angle on the ice wall, therefore, it recieves less energy per area.
Why has no one found the edge?

How many times are you going to say the same thing?
As long as there are no scientific experiments proving that the earth is flat, which no one has conducted with success

See this:
No one can disprove Newton or Einstien, especially on this forum.

I guess it's a good thing we like their theories then (with the exception of universal gravitation).

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson

Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #42 on: October 22, 2006, 11:15:02 PM »
Quote from: "EnCrypto"
Someone said that when flying below the equator, the plane would just fly at a faster speed to make up the time difference, but at some point the plane would have to be flying at supersonic speeds. Now, I don't think passengers would be able to tell that they're travelling faster than sound because... well... if they're travelling faster than it, then they wouldn't hear anything, but I will accept that I could be wrong. However, commercial jets, aerodynamically and engineerically (is that a word) speaking, are not capable of supersonic speeds. Not according to what the conspiracy tells us, but according to simple science available and testable by the public.

Also, explain how a jet could be flown faster than sound without the pilot (a citizen not in on the conspiracy) knowing that something is up? Are you saying that jets are built with a sensor that knows when it's flying below the equator and exponentially increases it's speed, while displaying a guage that reads half the speed it's going so as to fool the pilot?

If you suddently started traveling at supersonic speed, you'd notice trust me. You would feel those G'S pressing on your body. That's why medical tesst for fighter plane pilots are so strict.
atttttttup was right when he said joseph bloom is right, The Engineer is a douchebag.



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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #43 on: October 22, 2006, 11:48:33 PM »
Quote from: "phaseshifter"

If you suddently started traveling at supersonic speed, you'd notice trust me. You would feel those G'S pressing on your body. That's why medical tesst for fighter plane pilots are so strict.

Actually, no.  The g training is in place to keep a pilot from going into either red/black-out when dogfighting.  They will often sustain 7+ g's for tens of seconds at a time.  Accelerating through the sound barrier is nothing special as far as g's go.

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson

Hey engineer, yeah you
« Reply #44 on: October 23, 2006, 07:11:28 AM »
First of all you say that people could have fallen of the edge. Humans, being as advanced as they are, are stupid enough to walk off a cliff, yeah really. Next you bring in the crazy idea. This is a silly reply on your part. really. If someone found the edge they would not be considered crazy because we now have something called a camera if you didn't know that. Also you mean to say that the sun lies directly above the center of the square earth. this mean that it would a equidistant from the four corners meaning that the "ice wall" would have four huge mountains greater than Everest which have never been discovered. This would also mean that there would be a point on the earth hotter than hell which has never been found and which lies directly under the sun. You sound like an educated person but you are still REPLYING LIKE A CHILD. The whole "how do you know" thing is only a way of prolonging the argument. Also you people forget the Mayans. They were one of the most intelligent civilizations on the planet. They calculated the amount of time which it takes to go "around the sun". If you really want to argue and you are near Indiana University Bloomington email me, I’m not joking(gradadia@indiana.edu). I really want to talk because all this typing doesn’t cut it. ANOTHER POINT, unless your a pilot, which your not, then you are making a huge assumption. Basically you are saying that airplane navigation instruments were made to keep airplanes from falling off of the earth and that Boeing Corporation is in on the flat earth conspiracy. LOL. It's called information leakage. It’s basic business. Information will always leak from companies. Take a business class. We are in the information age and not many people take FE seriously because you have no real scientists or real experiments or any real way of refuting the RE reality. A round earth is not a theory, look it up or dig a hole to the other side of the pancake. Also the bible doesn't count as a science book. LOL
s the earth really flat?
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, maybe go fcuk yourself.



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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2006, 07:30:38 AM »
Most convincing post on this forum ever.

Convincing that people who argue that the Earth is round actually are dumber than they look.



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Re: Hey engineer, yeah you
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2006, 07:55:24 AM »
Quote from: "gogeta2478"
First of all you say that people could have fallen of the edge. Humans, being as advanced as they are, are stupid enough to walk off a cliff, yeah really.

Happens all the time. They are called accidents
Next you bring in the crazy idea. This is a silly reply on your part. really. If someone found the edge they would not be considered crazy because we now have something called a camera if you didn't know that. Also you mean to say that the sun lies directly above the center of the square earth. this mean that it would a equidistant from the four corners meaning that the "ice wall" would have four huge mountains greater than Everest which have never been discovered. This would also mean that there would be a point on the earth hotter than hell which has never been found and which lies directly under the sun.

This goes to show that you didn't read the FAQ.  First, would you believe someone who said "I have found the edge of the Earth!"?  Second, the earth is not square, it is circular.  The sun orbits over the equator.
ANOTHER POINT, unless your a pilot, which your not,

Actually, I am.

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson

this is for ignorant honkies everywhere
« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2006, 03:25:30 PM »
You just proved that no one would ever believe that the earth is flat. You said that no one would believe someone that said that they had found the edge of earth!! LOL. What a silly engineer. That means that you are calling yourself crazy. Also you never answered the camera part. We have cameras. Also we have satellites. It's called GPS and I have it in my $47,000 2005 3.2 liter v6 Audi A4 German driving machine and he has it in his BMW 745Li which you probably couldn't afford!! LOL. I have a wealthy father. So if my father didn't pay for GPS than what is that fancy equipment? Since you’re an engineer and a pilot, you explain how this equipment works without satellites ok. By the way, I am an 18 year old of Indian descent just for your information. I am assuming you are middle aged white guy since no one else but white people think that the earth is flat. Another thing, people are out there to discover the truth. So if there was an edge someone would have found it by now, think about it. Since you’re a pilot you've probably seen the edge in your fancy airplane that has equipment that keeps the plane away from the edge. That means that if airplanes are kept away from the edge during autopilot then you could fly toward the edge after shutting autopilot off. So until you fly to the edge, everything you say is a disgrace to the scientific community. LOL, a flat world. LOL you sound like some bible preacher. The Hindu scriptures that are way older than the bible (take a history course) say that the world is round. So this is really an argument of religion jackass.
s the earth really flat?
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, maybe go fcuk yourself.



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Re: this is for ignorant honkies everywhere
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2006, 03:40:15 PM »
Quote from: "gogeta2478"
That means that you are calling yourself crazy.

Not quite sure how you made that jump in reasoning...

 Also we have satellites. It's called GPS and I have it in my $47,000 2005 3.2 liter v6 Audi A4 German driving machine and he has it in his BMW 745Li which you probably couldn't afford!! LOL.

I prefer American cars.  Imports suck.
Since you’re an engineer and a pilot, you explain how this equipment works without satellites ok.

The signals don't have to come from satellites.  They can come from high altitude lighter than air vehicles or from towers.  It's all in the signal.
By the way, I am an 18 year old of Indian descent just for your information. I am assuming you are middle aged white guy

18?  Of Indian descent?  Uh, good for you.  I am neither middle aged nor white.

 Since you’re a pilot you've probably seen the edge in your fancy airplane that has equipment that keeps the plane away from the edge.

That fancy edge-of-the-earth avoidance equipment?  It's called a compass.

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson


Lord Wilmore

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Re: this is for ignorant honkies everywhere
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2006, 05:05:08 PM »
Quote from: "gogeta2478"
You just proved that no one would ever believe that the earth is flat. You said that no one would believe someone that said that they had found the edge of earth!! LOL. What a silly engineer. That means that you are calling yourself crazy. Also you never answered the camera part. We have cameras. Also we have satellites. It's called GPS and I have it in my $47,000 2005 3.2 liter v6 Audi A4 German driving machine and he has it in his BMW 745Li which you probably couldn't afford!! LOL. I have a wealthy father. So if my father didn't pay for GPS than what is that fancy equipment? Since you’re an engineer and a pilot, you explain how this equipment works without satellites ok. By the way, I am an 18 year old of Indian descent just for your information. I am assuming you are middle aged white guy since no one else but white people think that the earth is flat. Another thing, people are out there to discover the truth. So if there was an edge someone would have found it by now, think about it. Since you’re a pilot you've probably seen the edge in your fancy airplane that has equipment that keeps the plane away from the edge. That means that if airplanes are kept away from the edge during autopilot then you could fly toward the edge after shutting autopilot off. So until you fly to the edge, everything you say is a disgrace to the scientific community. LOL, a flat world. LOL you sound like some bible preacher. The Hindu scriptures that are way older than the bible (take a history course) say that the world is round. So this is really an argument of religion jackass.

Seriously, your post sucks. You need help with your english, because it's clear you can neither read nor write; the former being most apparant.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord

Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2006, 05:17:27 PM »
I vote for kicking Gogeta in the teeth, noone cares about what car you have you stuck up little brat.  Read the FAQ, it says that satellite are not real, so that invalidates that point without you somehow proving to us that satellites do exist
he man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

Advocatus Diaboli



Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2006, 05:54:50 PM »
guys, I don't know what everyone's getting so wound up about here. The thing is with aeroplanes flying between Sydney and Santiago and between Berlin and San Francisco is quite simple. Although the distance between Sydney and Santiago is significantly further than the distance between Berlin and San Fran, the air is thinner near the outside of the disc i.e. near Antarctica where the first plane is travelling and so the plane travels faster than the one flying from Berlin to San Francisco. Because the air is thinner less particles are travelling past the plane and through the speed gague so the plane registers a slower speed than its absolute ground speed.



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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #52 on: October 23, 2006, 06:07:45 PM »
The PM I got from Go dude is even funnier than his posts...

Am i really dumb? Do you know how inteligent I really am? You call me dumb again and I will literally send you my address. You don't know me ok. If your a man come over here and I will kick your ass you honky ass b***h. Oh yeah... is that your face, you ugly fcuk.

I don't know Go, are you really dumb?  You seem to think the best solution of defending yourself when you're intelligence is questioned is threatening violence.  That probably sums up your intelligence pretty well.



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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2006, 06:24:22 PM »
Quote from: "beast"
Am i really dumb? ,,, You call me dumb again and I will ,,, honky ass ...

I don't know Go, are you really dumb?

beast, you are right.  He is really dumb.  Capital D-U-M-B dumb.  Dumbie-dumb-dumb-dumb!
Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?

Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2006, 08:08:07 PM »
Notice the FErs reply to gogeta's posts, but not the ones that make valid arguments against the FE Theory.

I'm not surprised... just pointing it out.



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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2006, 08:20:05 PM »
How should we respond to somebody who writes hard to follow posts, thinks we believe the Earth is square, that we're white and middle aged and that we're all Christians?

What he thinks we think just isn't what we think.  It's like me attacking you for thinking that nobody should write in English.  He's attacking us for things we just don't believe.  How should we respond to that?


Lord Wilmore

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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #56 on: October 24, 2006, 11:04:33 AM »
Quote from: "EnCrypto"
Notice the FErs reply to gogeta's posts, but not the ones that make valid arguments against the FE Theory.

I'm not surprised... just pointing it out.

Err, I replied, and so far no-one has gotten past my answers. As I said earlier, commercial flights over Antarctica are almost unheard of, and all other flights are perfectly possible on a flat earth. End of story?
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord

Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #57 on: October 24, 2006, 04:52:25 PM »
Quote from: "NEEMAN"
Quote from: "EnCrypto"
Notice the FErs reply to gogeta's posts, but not the ones that make valid arguments against the FE Theory.

I'm not surprised... just pointing it out.

Err, I replied, and so far no-one has gotten past my answers. As I said earlier, commercial flights over Antarctica are almost unheard of, and all other flights are perfectly possible on a flat earth. End of story?

"Almost unheard off suggests that there are some.
atttttttup was right when he said joseph bloom is right, The Engineer is a douchebag.


Lord Wilmore

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Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #58 on: October 24, 2006, 05:07:30 PM »
Quote from: "phaseshifter"
"Almost unheard of" suggests that there are some.

Few enough to be easily covered up and misrepresented. A rare and not very interesting event maintains the illusion without attracting interest.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord

Flight distances - HOW does this fit the flat earth view?
« Reply #59 on: October 24, 2006, 05:54:38 PM »
Quote from: "NEEMAN"
Quote from: "phaseshifter"
"Almost unheard of" suggests that there are some.

Few enough to be easily covered up and misrepresented. A rare and not very interesting event maintains the illusion without attracting interest.

And how do you know that is the case?
atttttttup was right when he said joseph bloom is right, The Engineer is a douchebag.