Preface:Orbital mechanics require a round Earth, especially for the orbits NASA claims to enter and NORAD claims to track. Thus, various photographs from the ISS (or other extraterrestrial missions) have been claimed to be faked, as have videos of extra-vehicular activity (EVA) around the ISS (or other extraterrestrial missions).
Now, this isn't the topic for defining 'zero-g' or 'weightlessness' so I'll use those terms to describe the appearance of no gravity that is claimed to be experienced in orbit (and orbital mechanics predicts).
We on Earth, with easily-seen and accepted technology (ie airplanes), can reproduce this effect for short periods of time, usually about 30 seconds (followed by a period of about 20 meter-per-second-per-second acceleration upward as the airplane prepares for the next 30-second stint of zero-g. This is how the zero-g scenes were produced in the movie Apollo 13
However, there exists a
#ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">tour of the ISS, as of 2012, with obvious zero-g effects lasting much, much longer than 30 seconds.
My question is this: if the ISS is faked, how do they create this extended video with weightlessness? Alternatively, please point out the evidence for how this has been faked.
Note 1: this topic is
not about the existence of or non-existence of gravity. In UA, the only way I can see this is if the video set were careening toward the flat earth at 9.8 m/s/s.
Note 2: this topic is
not about the location of the video set / ISS. If it were at the bottom of the ocean, it would still experience 'gravity' as the rest of the Earth, no matter what model.
Note 3: this topic is
not about what causes gravity: be it UA, see above. If it's atmosphere, there's obviously atmosphere in this set. If it's aether or whatever, and you want to use that to explain the above question, please explain how it could affect this video set differently than it affects the rest of the world (and maybe why haven't there been built weightless resorts in this awesome place).
Note 4: anything either not answering the above question or agreeing that this question need be answered should be considered either 'low-content' or 'derailment'. A statement saying 'I don't know, but I'll look into it' or the like is an attempt to answer the question, and I'll gladly accept it, so long as the matter isn't considered closed until answered properly.
Note 5: if a theory is posed, and you know that theory to be wrong, please reply with something more than "WRONG!" Moderators: please be diligent about low-content posts. I want this to be a true discussion, and any post that says "You're wrong" should contain an answering theory or explanation as to why the posed theory is wrong.
Note 6: if a reply to this topic is in violation of any of these, any reply containing simply a quote and the words "Note 4" (et al) should not be considered low-content, please. I want this to stay on-topic, and pointing out where a reply errs without feeding a troll is a method I'd like to test.
Thank you, and I apologize for the long post. You may watch the video below for quick access, or follow
#ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">this link.
#ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">International Space Station Tour 2012 (HD) ISS Tour