New theory

  • 36 Replies
New theory
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:37:35 PM »
As some of you may be aware, there is a great deal of evidence that might disprove the Earth being flat. While some of you have thought and theorized ways this could be possible, you never really questioned if the Earth was really flat. I propose that while the Earth is still flat, its dimensions and shape might differ from what was originally thought.
Problem 1: The Sun and other celestial bodies
While theories and diagrams have been produced to explain how the Sun and moon move across our sky, it has never been truly explained why it does not drift away or change in movement. This might be because some force must be holding it on course, and in the same position. What this force is is unknown. I have a theory in mind, which also can explain the second flaw with the theory.
Problem 2: Humans and other creatures/objects on Earth
It is also never explained why creatures and things of the sort never drift away from Earth. The diagrams and theories out there never explain where this large amount of gravity comes from, as they often portray Earth as a thing sphere shaped object.
So, if you are still reading, you can see the problem with the theory: gravity

That is why I propose this new theory that can explain how everything is bound. The Earth extends infinitely in all horizontal directions and down farther than originally hypothesized. Not only that, but the Earth extends throughout multiple dimensions, and we are simply bound to this dimension, allowing for people to "circumnavigate the globe". Let me know what you guys think about my theory and if I missed any important factors.



  • 3624
Re: New theory
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 04:35:04 PM »
Welcome to the Site!

FET does have more legitimacy than other theories that have been put up against it.  Reality bears this out.  FET still must be tested against any new theories that are presented, yours included.  Gravity and sun/celestial bodies have been discussed previously but your analysis is presented with sincerity. 

If you do not get a lot of discussion from your post, please search within to see other discussions on the matter.  It now resides here in FEG because it had more generalities than Q&A potential.   

Re: New theory
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 04:54:39 PM »
Alright, thanks for the input.



  • 3926
Re: New theory
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 05:21:58 PM »
Which brand of pizza rolls have cocaine?

Please refrain from low content posting in the upper fora. You have been told about this before and have been here long enough to know better. Consider this a warning.

Re: New theory
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 06:05:38 PM »
Which brand of pizza rolls have cocaine?

Please refrain from low content posting in the upper fora. You have been told about this before and have been here long enough to know better. Consider this a warning.

I apologize oh great one Junker.
But why didn't you move the original post? Or is that beyond your powers?



  • 1909
  • Eppur si muove!
Re: New theory
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 06:17:40 PM »
Which brand of pizza rolls have cocaine?

Please refrain from low content posting in the upper fora. You have been told about this before and have been here long enough to know better. Consider this a warning.

I apologize oh great one Junker.
But why didn't you move the original post? Or is that beyond your powers?

Looks like he already did, as well as my snarky drug referencing one.

Seriously though, I have to ask if there really were "pizza rolls" involved because this reads exactly like what stoners (and I should know) come up with while passing the pope pipe around.

EDIT: Fixed my (awesome) typo.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 06:52:41 PM by Shmeggley »
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?



  • 312
  • If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.
Re: New theory
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2013, 05:39:42 AM »

While theories and diagrams have been produced to explain how the Sun and moon move across our sky, it has never been truly explained why it does not drift away or change in movement. This might be because some force must be holding it on course, and in the same position. What this force is is unknown. I have a theory in mind, which also can explain the second flaw with the theory.

Orbital periods of planets are getting larger, the moon is drifting away from the earth.

Force is not unknown, the force is gravity.

Problem 2: Humans and other creatures/objects on Earth
It is also never explained why creatures and things of the sort never drift away from Earth. The diagrams and theories out there never explain where this large amount of gravity comes from, as they often portray Earth as a thing sphere shaped object.
So, if you are still reading, you can see the problem with the theory: gravity

They never explain where this large amount of gravity comes from? ???

Force experienced by a 1kilogram object on the surface of the earth is governed by: F = GMm/r^2

F = (6.67x10^-11 x 1 x 5.972E24)/ (6,371x10^3)^2
F = 9.8136N

The large amount of gravity comes from the massive rock underneath you.

Re: New theory
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2013, 12:42:57 PM »
This is a good theory but its not new. I actually proposed a very similar theory here and actually modified it many times. I believe that the earth is multidimensional. The biggest evidence for this are the ancient Indian Vedas that describe our known earth as a globe, yet state that there is a greater earth, much larger and in a form of giant disk. In my theory the entrances to this greater infinite flat earth are through the north and south poles. The conspirators and fakers came up with a hollow earth theory to cover up the real truth.  the extreme polar regions of known earth are infect gateways to infinite earth.
JJA voted for Pedro

Re: New theory
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2013, 04:08:19 PM »
That's your idea of an evidence!?

Beliefs of ancient indians?

Re: New theory
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2013, 05:11:29 PM »
That's your idea of an evidence!?

Beliefs of ancient indians?

Yes to me Vedas and other esoteric texts are more credible then an idea of some washed up inner city scientist whose only knowledge of outside world was a starbucks shop near the campus lol
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 312
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Re: New theory
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2013, 12:30:26 AM »
ent indians?

Yes to me Vedas and other esoteric texts are more credible then an idea of some washed up inner city scientist whose only knowledge of outside world was a starbucks shop near the campus lol

Good luck having that philosophy about science and trying to convince anyone of your HYPOTHESIS.

Re: New theory
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2013, 03:13:04 AM »
ent indians?

Yes to me Vedas and other esoteric texts are more credible then an idea of some washed up inner city scientist whose only knowledge of outside world was a starbucks shop near the campus lol

Good luck having that philosophy about science and trying to convince anyone of your HYPOTHESIS.

I don't need any luck, you do. To think that the ancients knew less about the earth is arrogant and wrong. Today we know less, no matter what scientists of today tell you. Modern science is primitive compared to the age of the Pyramids or Vedas. This earth you are living on right now is not the first earth, there were at least 5 before. We are approaching the end of this current earth now. The new earth that is about to replace the current reality will be on a higher vibration frequency and people will have full access to infinite earth. But many things must change before such awareness becomes possible. The earth has to go through quantum shift to bring about the new golden age of unlimited posibilities. The new earth hence my name refers to the new earth that is about to unfold itself. Our seven known continents plus Atlantis, Lumeria and Hyperborea surfacing up. The new heaven in the book of Revelation refers to the new physical paradise in the Koran the same world is called Jannah. This new reality is just around the corner but most won't make it, cause they are too focused on bull shit science and nerdy little shit that has no merit or relevance to reality. So no my friend I need no luck.
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 312
  • If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.
Re: New theory
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2013, 04:08:00 AM »
I don't need any luck, you do. To think that the ancients knew less about the earth is arrogant and wrong. Today we know less, no matter what scientists of today tell you. Modern science is LESS primitive compared to the age of the Pyramids or Vedas, I assert it is primitive because I subscribe to a belief system that nobody in the modern realm of science agrees with, therefore I must attack the entire discipline of science itself because I cannot refute the evidence put forward that contradicts my belief system. This earth you are living on right now is not the first earth, there were at least 5 before, I will give no scientific evidence for the existence of these previous 5 earths however, you just have to believe me. We are approaching the end of this current earth now. The new earth that is about to replace the current reality will be on a higher vibration frequency,which I just made up right on the spot and people will have full access to infinite earth. But many things must change before such awareness becomes possible. The earth has to go through quantum shift to bring about the new golden age of unlimited posibilities. The new earth hence my name refers to the new earth that is about to unfold itself. Our seven known continents plus Atlantis, Lumeria and Hyperborea surfacing up. The new heaven in the book of Revelation refers to the new physical paradise in the Koran the same world is called Jannah. This new reality is just around the corner but most won't make it, cause they are too focused on bull shit science and nerdy little shit that has no merit or relevance to reality. So no my friend I need no luck.

I like how you assert we know less as you type this message on a computer and send it across the planet. I also like how how you use the term "quantum shift", regardless of it making absolutely no sense at all, you are using a modern day theory to rationalise your idiotic belief.
Try a little harder and you might be able to reach the level of delusiveness comparable to Sandokhan...

(P.S I corrected your paragraph by the way)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 04:16:22 AM by RyanTG »



  • 1860
Re: New theory
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2013, 07:02:30 AM »
I don't need any luck, you do. To think that the ancients knew less about the earth is arrogant and wrong. Today we know less, no matter what scientists of today tell you. Modern science is primitive compared to the age of the Pyramids or Vedas. This earth you are living on right now is not the first earth, there were at least 5 before. We are approaching the end of this current earth now. The new earth that is about to replace the current reality will be on a higher vibration frequency and people will have full access to infinite earth. But many things must change before such awareness becomes possible. The earth has to go through quantum shift to bring about the new golden age of unlimited posibilities. The new earth hence my name refers to the new earth that is about to unfold itself. Our seven known continents plus Atlantis, Lumeria and Hyperborea surfacing up. The new heaven in the book of Revelation refers to the new physical paradise in the Koran the same world is called Jannah. This new reality is just around the corner but most won't make it, cause they are too focused on bull shit science and nerdy little shit that has no merit or relevance to reality. So no my friend I need no luck.

Actually, you DO need some luck because you were saying this event was going to take place on Dec 21, 2012 and you were so sure of yourself before that date that the rest of us are all going to perish because we don't believe in the quantum shift happening or some bullcrap like that, but when that date came and went, it didn't phase you one bit, did it. The date changes, while the absolute certainty of your belief coming to life stays strong. Doomsdayers, they're all the same.
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.



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Re: New theory
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2013, 07:04:22 AM »
The idea has been proposed before.  Early iterations of my geography were represented in a higher dimension, creating a disk-like mobius strip. More closely, it actually is tied heavily with of my model of chaos and free will.  The majority of people being tied to their beliefs, rather than vice versa, are unable to transfer iterations of chaos through their free will. In this case we are dealing with transversing a probablistic higher dimension to a lower one, but the abstract itself is there.

I like it, myself.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 07:10:59 AM by John Davis »
So long and thanks for all the fish

Re: New theory
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2013, 03:45:10 AM »
I don't need any luck, you do. To think that the ancients knew less about the earth is arrogant and wrong. Today we know less, no matter what scientists of today tell you. Modern science is LESS primitive compared to the age of the Pyramids or Vedas, I assert it is primitive because I subscribe to a belief system that nobody in the modern realm of science agrees with, therefore I must attack the entire discipline of science itself because I cannot refute the evidence put forward that contradicts my belief system. This earth you are living on right now is not the first earth, there were at least 5 before, I will give no scientific evidence for the existence of these previous 5 earths however, you just have to believe me. We are approaching the end of this current earth now. The new earth that is about to replace the current reality will be on a higher vibration frequency,which I just made up right on the spot and people will have full access to infinite earth. But many things must change before such awareness becomes possible. The earth has to go through quantum shift to bring about the new golden age of unlimited posibilities. The new earth hence my name refers to the new earth that is about to unfold itself. Our seven known continents plus Atlantis, Lumeria and Hyperborea surfacing up. The new heaven in the book of Revelation refers to the new physical paradise in the Koran the same world is called Jannah. This new reality is just around the corner but most won't make it, cause they are too focused on bull shit science and nerdy little shit that has no merit or relevance to reality. So no my friend I need no luck.

I like how you assert we know less as you type this message on a computer and send it across the planet. I also like how how you use the term "quantum shift", regardless of it making absolutely no sense at all, you are using a modern day theory to rationalise your idiotic belief.
Try a little harder and you might be able to reach the level of delusiveness comparable to Sandokhan...

(P.S I corrected your paragraph by the way)

Its a compliment that you compare me to Sandokhan, he is a great researcher, actually far more dedicated then myself, so thank you.
JJA voted for Pedro

Re: New theory
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2013, 03:52:11 AM »
I don't need any luck, you do. To think that the ancients knew less about the earth is arrogant and wrong. Today we know less, no matter what scientists of today tell you. Modern science is primitive compared to the age of the Pyramids or Vedas. This earth you are living on right now is not the first earth, there were at least 5 before. We are approaching the end of this current earth now. The new earth that is about to replace the current reality will be on a higher vibration frequency and people will have full access to infinite earth. But many things must change before such awareness becomes possible. The earth has to go through quantum shift to bring about the new golden age of unlimited posibilities. The new earth hence my name refers to the new earth that is about to unfold itself. Our seven known continents plus Atlantis, Lumeria and Hyperborea surfacing up. The new heaven in the book of Revelation refers to the new physical paradise in the Koran the same world is called Jannah. This new reality is just around the corner but most won't make it, cause they are too focused on bull shit science and nerdy little shit that has no merit or relevance to reality. So no my friend I need no luck.

Actually, you DO need some luck because you were saying this event was going to take place on Dec 21, 2012 and you were so sure of yourself before that date that the rest of us are all going to perish because we don't believe in the quantum shift happening or some bullcrap like that, but when that date came and went, it didn't phase you one bit, did it. The date changes, while the absolute certainty of your belief coming to life stays strong. Doomsdayers, they're all the same.

I never said that it was gonna happen on Dec 21 2012. I always thought that 2012 was most likely fake, however I gave room for a slight chance that something just might happen. So just because nothing occurred in 2012, does not mean nothing ever will. I also do not wish that people perish, my hope is that people wake up. However if you are asleep, its not my job to wake you up, its your free will to stay in lower realities and never advance. You chose this for yourself, not me. I don't predict any dates but yes my belief stays strong. My belief is not some religious hocus pocus, it is based on modern physics and on theories of many renown scientists. You simply choose to ignore certain science and only embrace Newtonian reality, you are doing yourself a big disfavor.
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 1860
Re: New theory
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2013, 01:36:45 AM »
I never said that it was gonna happen on Dec 21 2012. I always thought that 2012 was most likely fake, however I gave room for a slight chance that something just might happen.
I remember it quite clearly that you were pretty sure of yourself.

So just because nothing occurred in 2012, does not mean nothing ever will.
And it also doesn't mean that something is bound to happen.

I also do not wish that people perish, my hope is that people wake up. However if you are asleep, its not my job to wake you up, its your free will to stay in lower realities and never advance. You chose this for yourself, not me. I don't predict any dates but yes my belief stays strong. My belief is not some religious hocus pocus, it is based on modern physics and on theories of many renown scientists. You simply choose to ignore certain science and only embrace Newtonian reality, you are doing yourself a big disfavor.
It sounds very much like a religious cult to me. You should also look up the meaning of pseudoscience.
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.



  • 1860
Re: New theory
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2013, 06:44:10 AM »
lower realities

What does that even mean? How is that scientific?

He uses it because whenever (if ever) he transitions from this world to the next, the "New Earth" is of course going to be much better in every way (it wouldn't make much sense for him to pursue a fantasy that would only negatively influence his way of life) so the new world will be higher, and this one is considered lower.
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.



  • Ranters
  • 5322
Re: New theory
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2013, 11:22:49 AM »
I don't need any luck, you do. To think that the ancients knew less about the earth is arrogant and wrong. Today we know less, no matter what scientists of today tell you. Modern science is LESS primitive compared to the age of the Pyramids or Vedas, I assert it is primitive because I subscribe to a belief system that nobody in the modern realm of science agrees with, therefore I must attack the entire discipline of science itself because I cannot refute the evidence put forward that contradicts my belief system. This earth you are living on right now is not the first earth, there were at least 5 before, I will give no scientific evidence for the existence of these previous 5 earths however, you just have to believe me. We are approaching the end of this current earth now. The new earth that is about to replace the current reality will be on a higher vibration frequency,which I just made up right on the spot and people will have full access to infinite earth. But many things must change before such awareness becomes possible. The earth has to go through quantum shift to bring about the new golden age of unlimited posibilities. The new earth hence my name refers to the new earth that is about to unfold itself. Our seven known continents plus Atlantis, Lumeria and Hyperborea surfacing up. The new heaven in the book of Revelation refers to the new physical paradise in the Koran the same world is called Jannah. This new reality is just around the corner but most won't make it, cause they are too focused on bull shit science and nerdy little shit that has no merit or relevance to reality. So no my friend I need no luck.

I like how you assert we know less as you type this message on a computer and send it across the planet. I also like how how you use the term "quantum shift", regardless of it making absolutely no sense at all, you are using a modern day theory to rationalise your idiotic belief.
Try a little harder and you might be able to reach the level of delusiveness comparable to Sandokhan...

(P.S I corrected your paragraph by the way)

Its a compliment that you compare me to Sandokhan, he is a great researcher, actually far more dedicated then than myself, so thank you.

IMHO Sandokhan is a great displayer of supplying endless pasta which makes absolutely no sense and  has no relevance to the subject at hand and is apparently intended to de-rail the subject at hand, whatever it may be . In  another "IMHO" it would take quite a bit of extra effort on your part to reach the level of Sandokhan.  ;D

(P.S.I corrected your typo by the way.)
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 01:50:25 PM by Googleotomy »
Stick close , very close , to your P.C.and never go to sea
And you all may be Rulers of The Flat Earth Society

Look out your window , see what you shall see
And you all may be Rulers of The Flat Earth Society

Yes ! Never, never, never,  ever go to sea !

Re: New theory
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2013, 12:56:44 PM »
I never said that it was gonna happen on Dec 21 2012. I always thought that 2012 was most likely fake, however I gave room for a slight chance that something just might happen. So just because nothing occurred in 2012, does not mean nothing ever will. I also do not wish that people perish, my hope is that people wake up. However if you are asleep, its not my job to wake you up, its your free will to stay in lower realities and never advance. You chose this for yourself, not me. I don't predict any dates but yes my belief stays strong. My belief is not some religious hocus pocus, it is based on modern physics and on theories of many renown scientists. You simply choose to ignore certain science and only embrace Newtonian reality, you are doing yourself a big disfavor.

Just so that I am clear on this, are you saying that your belief in the primitivism of modern science relies on modern science?  Is that not slightly odd logic?
The video demonstrates that we can not fully trust our senses.



  • 1860
Re: New theory
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2013, 07:22:19 PM »
I never said that it was gonna happen on Dec 21 2012. I always thought that 2012 was most likely fake, however I gave room for a slight chance that something just might happen. So just because nothing occurred in 2012, does not mean nothing ever will. I also do not wish that people perish, my hope is that people wake up. However if you are asleep, its not my job to wake you up, its your free will to stay in lower realities and never advance. You chose this for yourself, not me. I don't predict any dates but yes my belief stays strong. My belief is not some religious hocus pocus, it is based on modern physics and on theories of many renown scientists. You simply choose to ignore certain science and only embrace Newtonian reality, you are doing yourself a big disfavor.

Just so that I am clear on this, are you saying that your belief in the primitivism of modern science relies on modern science?  Is that not slightly odd logic?

No, he means he's basing it off of pseudo-science. Those renowned scientists he mentions are actually crackpots that use modern theoretical physics terms such as quantum tunnelling and higher dimensions to make baseless theories about paradise lands, the end of the world, etc.
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.

Re: New theory
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2013, 03:00:46 PM »
Puttah you should really stop posting. However for those who are interested I will explain what lower realities are. You see the earth is multidimensional. I do not believe in many worlds interpretation, however there are hidden physical realities that can only be accessed by inter dimensional gateways. In our earth (our reality) there are many faults and problems that simply do not exist in higher realms. Our sun is poisonous, our food is filled with chemicals, our cities get old and ugly, our roads constantly needs fixture and so on (I'm not gonna name all world's problems) However there are realities where laws of physics are different and thus more suitable and more pleasant life exist there. Where are these higher realities you may ask? As strange as it may sound, one place they exist is beyond Antarctica. Think of Antarctica as entrance to infinite paradise earth, or better yet think of Antarctica as a door to paradise but with a gigantic lock on it so that no one can enter. How does this all work? How can this be possible if Antarctica is simply a continent at the buttom of a globe. On this website we debate if the earth is flat or round. The truth is its both. The universe shapes and becomes real as a result of collective consciousness. So the earth indeed can be percieved as a globe but also as flat disk. Here is a trick; When you enter a dimension where earth is flat disk, you can navigate differently and this point Antarctica is no longer a continent but a barrier between earth and paradise. Once beyond Antarctica you enter infinite land of pure bliss. How do you switch dimensions to enter infinite earth? This is not easy and requires much understanding of higher dimensions and advance knowledge of higher physics. However I believe that world governments do posses such technology already and can switch dimensions at will and fly beyond known earth due south. This is why the Nazis went to Antarctica, this is why flying saucers were created (manipulation of gravity space time) this is how the UN logo came about. (the other map of the earth) 

Now a little bit about lost continents such as Lemuria and Atlantis. Where are they? Truth is the they also in another dimension of space/time. Right now as we speak, Lemuria is in the pacific and Atlantis in the Atlantic ocean. But why do we not see them? Why do we only see open ocean as we fly over them? That is also because they are in another dimension, hidden from the eyes of the world. At one point many thousands years ago, these landmasses were visible and were upon the surface, then as their technology advanced they were able to move an entire continent to a fourth and fifth dimension, where they still thrive yet invisible to the rest of the world. However they can easily see us and travel to us with no problem. The government is also aware of these hidden lands and makes contact with them on regular basis.
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 1909
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Re: New theory
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2013, 03:08:05 PM »
Wow, I am so glad you posted that because that just explains EVERYTHING.
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?

Re: New theory
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2013, 03:43:24 PM »
Wow, I am so glad you posted that because that just explains EVERYTHING.

Yes it does. The earth looks flat to us, it looks flat from 35,000 feet as well. Yet the earth looks like a sphere from space. That is not because the earth is too big to be percieved spherical from lower altitudes (science explanation is wrong) Its because the earth is multidimensional meaning its round and flat at the same time.  Its also infinite when viewed flat.
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 1909
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Re: New theory
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2013, 04:20:56 PM »
Wow, I am so glad you posted that because that just explains EVERYTHING.

Yes it does. The earth looks flat to us, it looks flat from 35,000 feet as well. Yet the earth looks like a sphere from space. That is not because the earth is too big to be percieved spherical from lower altitudes (science explanation is wrong) Its because the earth is multidimensional meaning its round and flat at the same time.  Its also infinite when viewed flat.

At 35,000 feet you could see for maybe a few hundred miles, maybe 1 or 2 percent of the Earth's circumference. Take any circle you want, and cut out 2 percent of it, you're left with something almost indistinguishable from a straight line.
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?



  • 1860
Re: New theory
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2013, 07:11:14 PM »
Ahh there it is  :D This cute little fairy tale land sounds amazing! When you go (which as you said was going to be on Dec. 21, 2012 but has since been postponed) would you take me with you? Or is my conscious mind not prepared yet?
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.

Re: New theory
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2013, 09:07:20 PM »
Ahh there it is  :D This cute little fairy tale land sounds amazing! When you go (which as you said was going to be on Dec. 21, 2012 but has since been postponed) would you take me with you? Or is my conscious mind not prepared yet?

Its not up to me to take you with me. I only know you from this forum, I do not know you in real life and therefore I cannot judge you. I know very little to nothing about you. But so far I noticed that you absolutely refuse to accept anything other then classroom science. In this case its gonna be very hard for you to make transition to better earth. You call my land fairy tale. I think my land is very real but even if my land is fake and does not exist, I have nothing to lose. My question to you is why do you love this world so much? What is it in this world that gives you such pleasure? Cause I don't see anything good or appealing about this place, I don't like its people, its food, its attitude its injustices, its inequality and the list is endless.
JJA voted for Pedro



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Re: New theory
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2013, 09:56:35 PM »
Ahh there it is  :D This cute little fairy tale land sounds amazing! When you go (which as you said was going to be on Dec. 21, 2012 but has since been postponed) would you take me with you? Or is my conscious mind not prepared yet?

Its not up to me to take you with me. I only know you from this forum, I do not know you in real life and therefore I cannot judge you. I know very little to nothing about you. But so far I noticed that you absolutely refuse to accept anything other then classroom science. In this case its gonna be very hard for you to make transition to better earth. You call my land fairy tale. I think my land is very real but even if my land is fake and does not exist, I have nothing to lose. My question to you is why do you love this world so much? What is it in this world that gives you such pleasure? Cause I don't see anything good or appealing about this place, I don't like its people, its food, its attitude its injustices, its inequality and the list is endless.
If you don't like it then do something about it instead of dreaming up a fantasy about a paradise that may or may not exist.
markjo, what force can not pass through a solid or liquid?
Magnetism for one and electric is the other.



  • 1860
Re: New theory
« Reply #29 on: June 27, 2013, 11:30:37 PM »
Its not up to me to take you with me. I only know you from this forum, I do not know you in real life and therefore I cannot judge you. I know very little to nothing about you.
I think my land is very real but even if my land is fake and does not exist, I have nothing to lose.
Wait, is this a religion? I swear I've heard exactly the same arguments from Christians. They won't judge me, but God will, and there's nothing to lose by praying if heaven/hell doesn't exist etc.

But so far I noticed that you absolutely refuse to accept anything other then classroom science.
Because classroom science is the only type of science that has given evidence to support their claims.

In this case its gonna be very hard for you to make transition to better earth.
Ahh so it IS a religion. Until I believe in your paradise can I be allowed to venture into it.

You call my land fairy tale.  My question to you is why do you love this world so much? What is it in this world that gives you such pleasure? Cause I don't see anything good or appealing about this place, I don't like its people, its food, its attitude its injustices, its inequality and the list is endless.
Haha you sound just like Wendy from Peter Pan. Life wasn't cutting it for her, so she just needed to believe to get to Neverland  ;)
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.