Puttah you should really stop posting. However for those who are interested I will explain what lower realities are. You see the earth is multidimensional. I do not believe in many worlds interpretation, however there are hidden physical realities that can only be accessed by inter dimensional gateways. In our earth (our reality) there are many faults and problems that simply do not exist in higher realms. Our sun is poisonous, our food is filled with chemicals, our cities get old and ugly, our roads constantly needs fixture and so on (I'm not gonna name all world's problems) However there are realities where laws of physics are different and thus more suitable and more pleasant life exist there. Where are these higher realities you may ask? As strange as it may sound, one place they exist is beyond Antarctica. Think of Antarctica as entrance to infinite paradise earth, or better yet think of Antarctica as a door to paradise but with a gigantic lock on it so that no one can enter. How does this all work? How can this be possible if Antarctica is simply a continent at the buttom of a globe. On this website we debate if the earth is flat or round. The truth is its both. The universe shapes and becomes real as a result of collective consciousness. So the earth indeed can be percieved as a globe but also as flat disk. Here is a trick; When you enter a dimension where earth is flat disk, you can navigate differently and this point Antarctica is no longer a continent but a barrier between earth and paradise. Once beyond Antarctica you enter infinite land of pure bliss. How do you switch dimensions to enter infinite earth? This is not easy and requires much understanding of higher dimensions and advance knowledge of higher physics. However I believe that world governments do posses such technology already and can switch dimensions at will and fly beyond known earth due south. This is why the Nazis went to Antarctica, this is why flying saucers were created (manipulation of gravity space time) this is how the UN logo came about. (the other map of the earth)
Now a little bit about lost continents such as Lemuria and Atlantis. Where are they? Truth is the they also in another dimension of space/time. Right now as we speak, Lemuria is in the pacific and Atlantis in the Atlantic ocean. But why do we not see them? Why do we only see open ocean as we fly over them? That is also because they are in another dimension, hidden from the eyes of the world. At one point many thousands years ago, these landmasses were visible and were upon the surface, then as their technology advanced they were able to move an entire continent to a fourth and fifth dimension, where they still thrive yet invisible to the rest of the world. However they can easily see us and travel to us with no problem. The government is also aware of these hidden lands and makes contact with them on regular basis.