If a source of "free" energy were found, say harvesting and propagating cosmic radiowaves into free electrical energy on earth*, do you believe that your electric bill would be any cheaper? [not a chance!,!.[/b] As proof of this I will give you an example, people who receive all of there power from a hydroelectric dam should be paying substantially less than those receiving power from an oil fired power station or coal or nuclear, this is not the case! People who get power from wind turbines and dams pay the same as anyone else, even though in a practical, but not absolute sense get there power [gratis,[/i] basically free!
If a fusion reactor was put online tomorrow, you would still be paying through the nose for it! The power generation companies are cash hungry beasts and always will be so. Power generation is to precious to be run by profiteers, I believe power generation should be nationalised and put in the hands of the people, with no shareholders to feed billions of dollars to, infrastructure would be vastly improved and employment increased to keep it properly serviced.
*[ I believe Tesla may have inadvertently or deliberately?done this]