I apprecitate you copying the infor from the website for me. However, I find that Coz 1 may be flawed. Let me tell you why.
If the sun is held up by the rising heat from under it, and cold temperature pushing down on it, its rotation would be far more erratic. Also, if all the heat that is needed radiates from the earth to keep the sun held up, with heat radiating through and around it, then why are the deep oceans so cold. My parents are hard core scuba divers, and they have to wear heavy suits when going deep under water due to the cold temperatures. Also since there is no obsruction between the heat source coming from below the earth, and the surface of the water, then the oceans on all of the world would be as warm as each other. Im thinking that there is another flaw with the sun not being heated. For the sun shining as bright as it does, the sun has to contain some kind of energy. Light energy creates heat. If you touch any light bulb or even florescent light there is some kind of heat coming from it.
Coz 2, Im not really sure what exploding sound this website is referring to. I am also confused what it is saying.
Coz 4, If there is a meteor cloud like that existing in space, would this meteor cloud be moving? Or stationary. Or if it is moving, then the stars that we see would disappear and reappear. And, wether if it is stationary or not, if something disrupts this meteor cloud, we are in a hell of amount of trouble with meteor showers. Instead of a cute little falling star here and there, its gonna be Armegedon and Deep Impact but worse. Plus, we would see this cloud from earth. Since the pictures from satalites and the shuttle are in question, our telescopes can not be. My dad has a little telescope that I used to go out late at night with him and we would look at the stars. Now we can see things in space. We can see Mars and with a stronger telescope, people can actually see Saturn and Jupitor. And, with those really strong telescope you can even see further. Im a big nerd, and I find space facinating. I even order catalogs to learn more. I never heard of a meteor cloud existing out there. Except, unless, one is talking about the Kuiper Belt. The Kuiper Belt is a vast reservoir of icy bodies in the region of the solar system beyond the orbit of the planet Neptune, with diameters estimated in the 100-1200-kilometer (60-750-mile) range. Also known as Edgeworth-Kuiper belt. As for these celestial beings. THis gets into a theology discussion. Me personally I am a christian. Everyone has their own personal beliefs and I dont believe there are celestial beings made of light existing out there. Though it would be interesting if they did. Just from an explorers point of view.
Coz 5, As for the shipping and traveleing aspect... Bascially, most of the land mass is above the equator. Below the equator are few developed nations. So shipping would be more common to and easier and cheaper to places above the equator than below. THere are other factors involved to support more commercial and personal travel above the equator. I think the other thing though when considering the FLat Earth map is that it is twice the distance to get to anartic circle than to the equator.
I am not arguing for or against the flat earth theory. I am just trying to gather all evidence needed to come up with my concusion. So far though, with the evidense given, there really os much proof for the Flat Earth theory. That dosent mean that I am debunking the theory.
I really appreciate your input though. Thank you for responding.