bibicul wrote:
RE model does not give the reason as to why gravity exists. Rather, it is BASED on the existence of gravity
Which is to say the he says the round Earth model is BASED on the existence of gravity despite the fact that the round Earth model predates the theory of gravity and we don't know what causes gravity.
Firstly, I already answered that, and the fact that we don't know what causes gravity is irrelevant. I said that the concept of gravity, introduced after the earth was thought to be round, summed up different (and sometimes diverging) opinions about WHY the earth was round. It simply made the RE model MORE credible and MORE complete. A model becomes better and better over time as it becomes more and more simple and easy to understand. Just because gravity was formally defined after the RE model was introduced doesn't mean that the RE model cannot be based upon it! All it means is that as time progressed the RE theory was based on something NEWER and BETTER - it evolved. In the same way, the expansion of the universe is based on Einstein's Theory of relativity, even though people thought about whether the universe was expanding long before Einstein was born.
Secondly, you did contradict yourself; saying "you are taking things out of context" has nothing to do with the fact that you've stated 2 opposing ideas: once you said that the RE model is based on something that cannot be explained:
I'm saying that the RE model relies on something that cannot be explained.
You are admitting that the RE model is BASED on gravity in this sentence, where 'be based/base' and 'rely' are OBVIOUS synonyms, and HERE is your proof on
Synonyms: base, be based, be contingent, be dependent, be founded, be supported, be upheld, bottom, count, establish, found, ground, hang, hinge, lie, predicate, rely, reside, stay, turn
Then you said that gravity was part of the RE theory, and highlighted that it is NOT something upon which the RE theory is based:
Instead gravity is a part of round Earth theory - a crucial part.
Either the RE theory is based on gravity or gravity is part of the RE theory - not both! This is called a contradiction! Are you redefining the definition of "contradiction" too? So far you've been redefining everything that you read - in improper ways, too. Nobody is taking anything out of context, we are simply quoting you and your stubborness is amusing.
Thirdly, what I am saying and I can argue for over and over again is that the RE theory is BASED on gravity and leaves no unanswered questions. The RE theory proves that the earth is round; it does not attempt to answer the question "why does gravity exist". That question will most likely be answered by something called "The gravitational theory".
Your statement "Godel's incompleteness theorem shows that in any logic system based on axioms is either incomplete or inconsistant." is false; you completely misunderstood what this man said and you redefined his first theorem; I urge you not to do that because he said something correct, unlike you. Observe what Godel stated:
For any consistent formal theory that proves basic arithmetical truths, it is possible to construct an arithmetical statement that is true 1 but not provable in the theory. That is, any theory capable of expressing elementary arithmetic cannot be both consistent and complete.
He is explicitly referring to "arithmetical truths". Do you know what those are? They are proofs based on arithmetic. Nowhere in his theory does Godel say that a theory "in general" is incomplete. Again, all he is saying is that THEORIES BASED ON ARITHMETIC are incomplete. Arithmetic: the mathematics of integers, rational numbers, real numbers, or complex numbers under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
When some of us in this thread tell you that gravity is an axiom, that it is based on observations of the nightsky, other galaxies, stars, and the bahavior of bodies in the universe in general, we are pointing out that axioms (including those for the RE theory) are NOT based on arithmetic:
axiom: 1) a self-evident truth that requires no proof; 2) a universally accepted principle or rule; 3) Logic, Mathematics. a proposition that is assumed without proof for the sake of studying the consequences that follow from it
Godel is not talking about axioms, which you claimed in your sentence "Godel's incompleteness theorem shows that in any logic system based on axioms is either incomplete or inconsistant", nor does he say that all theories are incomplete. He is saying that theories based on arithmetical statements are incomplete (i.e. that mathematical proof can only take you so far).
beast, you need to pay attention to what you read and you should seriously consider that what you post on this forum is deeply flawed.
Lastly... the RE theory proves that the earth is round. It is based on gravity. Read phaseshifter's statement again, it addresses what you said very clearly:
"What causes gravity, and why the earth is spherical are 2 different things.
Those are 2 different questions and do not share their answer.
What causes gravity Is not a question about earth, it's a question about a fundamental force in the universe. Because earth is NOT the only object i nexistence to be affected by it."
I have no idea where you are going with your nonsense but the entire point of a debate is to learn something from others and to stop responding just for the sake of having the last word; in no way does that mean you won the argument. I really thought that you understood this being an older member of this forum. We can all keep posting and posting infinitely, but the idea is that we HAVE brought you all the arguments that one needs, while you never answered any of our questions about the FE theory which you (seem to?) embrace.