Or possibly all of you are too stupid to realize after nine pages of me making up insane crap that the idea of this wasn't to prove that I have been to the ice wall, but rather prove that you can't prove that I haven't.
But then why would I ever want to do that?
I've been posting on this forum for a while, but I still can't find the right words to describe you, so here are several that may come close to describing what you are;
alice, ass bandit, ass king, blow boy, bun duster, buttercup, betty boy, broken-wrist, brown-hatter, cocksucker, cream puff, cock queen, closet queen, cowboy, dicksucker, dick smoker, daffodil, ducky, dandy, daisy, dicky, licker, ethel, fag, faggot, fruit, fairy, flaming faggot, gay, gayboy, girlie, goat blower, gobbler, gonsel, green and yellow fellow, gentlemiss, gussie, homo, he-she, himmer, hen-hussy, joy-boy, joey, lad-lass, lisper, lavender boy, light-foot, lily, limp-wrist, lick-spigot, malkin, mary ann, molly, mop, miss nancy, meat hound, midnight cowboy, mother, mattress muncher, nance, nancy boy, nelly, nephew, one of those, pink pants, pansy, poof, panty waist, powder puff, pretty boy, pussy, punk, pillow-biter, piccolo player, quiff, queer, queen, quince, rear admiral, rear gunner, raving queen, rimadonna, receiver, sissy, screaming fairy, sis, soapy sister, spurge, sissy-britches, skin diver, skippy, suckster, sweetie, swish, third-sexer, three-dollar bill, three-legged beaver, twinkie, twank, twixter, turd burgler, uranist, undercover man, whoops boy, willie boy, and wonk