How would believing words have concrete meaning necessarily be pompous?
Attributing a concrete significance to words allows you to say "no, this word means this."
I did no such thing.
It is the kind of person that enjoys appearing "educated" despite missing the entire purpose of language. Language is for communication. If communication is achieved, then the purpose is fulfilled. We all knew what PP meant when he said "dumb," there was no reason for you to come in and try to be a pedant about the use of it.
I'm not being a pedant. You are misunderstanding the point. The point is everyone is dumb, intelligent, and average.
Furthermore, that is not my entire purpose for language, nor humanities.
I would argue that language comes from a neurological basis. Babies make certain sounds to represent certain wants, in example. Bees talk with no real existence of society or methodology to teach this. bee language, ape language, dolphin language, common language, etc is no different.
How is mathematics different from any other language?
Mathematics exists outside the realm of humanity. We can not define it, only discover it. Mathematical equations are timeless and always mean the same thing.
What is the difference, to you, between discovery and creation?
Mathematics describes abstract ideas, but mathematics itself is not those abstract ideas. Its a language to both communicate these ideas and to study them.