Yesterday, 16 October at 00:00 PM In Algeria, Oran (west of north africa).
I was with my wife setting in our balcony, I saw the ursa major starts in another place, they were a little bit far away,I wanted to know where the polaris is? it was not there! I told my wife look there, Tom BISHOP didn't lie about that, it's possible to not see the north star only because of atoms of the atmosphere, and people in the southern hemisphere under 20° could not see it just because of the large distance, not forcibly because of the earth's curvature, (because they were in the middle of the sky and the horizon was so far) suddenly i saw in the horizon, a big light, I thought it's an airoplane because we live between the airport and the western littoral, so we always see planes in front of us coming from france, the problem is, this light rising as quick as the sun and in the same orbit approxi was not a plane but the polaris, actionly the polaris should not move, at 02:00 PM the moon went to the eastern south, the ursa major followed it, and the polaris has come above my house, but I dont live in the north pole, it should stay there no? i mean if I'll take a boat and go toward the north the polaris will be behind me!!! I don't Know many things about astronomy but it seams to be moving and this is not mentioned in any of the religious books, in any of your theories (FE and RE)