Please explain how it is not possible for satellite imagery to be used at a time when no planes fly above the area. Like I said, it has been done.
You said:
People have had satellite pictures taken of them when there were no planes flying overhead.
I said:
No, they haven't.
Since neither of us offered any proof of our statements whatsoever, they are both equally valid.
The only thing you did was disagree, you presented no infromation to support your position. It is possible to verify if planes where flying EVERYTIME satellite imagry was used. Also, you only quoted PART of what I Said, while your your arguments were limited to a 4 word sentence that shows nothing else than the fact that you disagree.
A smart person would know that to take a picture at dead angle, you have to be at dead angle. A smart person would also know that it would not be profitable to use some of the most expensive crafts in existence simply to take pictures for every person who wants them in order to sell their house, or have a nice picture. Finally, a smart person would figure out that the stalthiest planes we have must use engines in order to fly, and would therefore still leave a thermal trail, even if they were somehow invisible when looked at directly using visual enhancment tools.
However, someone that is not smart would not figure those things out, as they require logical reasoning.