Well, think about it this way. Had the Flat Earth model been the "generally accepted" one for the entire human technology boom/space age, I assure you, more than Mr. Rowboatham would have written reports. The FE model is simply at a loss, due to general unacceptance. Also, I haven't seen proof that NASA has conducted any experiments in space either...but everyone believes that now.
History proves this point of view to be false. Flat earth WAS generally acepted, until people decided to test the theory and all the results pointed at a spherical world. When the first experimentations started bothering the status quo, others replicated them in order to find a flaw into it, which they didn't.
ANd that was done in preclassical times too.
The last time wetern society generally believed in a flat earth was in the old babylonian period, ca 1800 BC.
Babylonian mathematicians demonstrated, as did the egyptians, rpoofs for a round earth. A greek in alexandria calculated the earth's circumference by measuring shadows and angles at the tropic on the equinox and other days..
aristotle used the example of the shadow of the earth on the moon demonstrate that, knowing the only object which can always cast a round shadow in all instances is a sphere, and that the earth always casts a round shadow, as reported as far afield as india and spain, it must be a sphere.
So i mean, with 5000 years of mounting evidence, first observational/theoretical, then experimental, then predictive (in this model, this should happen, if it happens it supports the model, until something happens that th emodel says shouldn't happen),
with all of that evidence, why is this one man, a lone voice in the wilderness, so credible? Especially without personally examining his proofs and repeating his experiments to test and verify the data?
A lot of people knock science, but in science, it's a rigorous process of experimentation, followed by a long period of your peers around the world copying your experiment to see if they got the same data, or if yours was a mere fluke or attributable to some other unforseen phenomenon or circumstance of your environment.
Applying that same thing, i mean, as a flat earther, wouldn't you want to test this theory personally?
not accepting the conclusion "The earth is flat, and if i do these experients and see these things, that prooves the earth is flat because dude said that after the same observations"... but to make the observations, then serisouly consider their meaning.