Soon - I've been working on it. I'm expanding my research a bit, but I'll have a preview chapter once I finish it to release quality. Its in my top priority list lately and the time is near enough that it has to be. I want to include enough in this book to satisfy the topics of the main issues in non-zetetic science, paradox, and the Flat Earth.
The issue of whether I'm John Titor is not one that can be answered, least of all by myself. Even given I am John Titor and given that I know this and presuming he is from a fair state in relation to us it is still a question of when he|I is|am and whether or not I'd even want people to know - and the consequences of such knowledge. Even assuming I travel time, he could be a rival, a nemesis or he could be an ally. He could just be a third actor, unrelated to me. There certainly are enough coincidences to make an argument for it, however. I suppose, one could argue, as patterns complicate the mono-myth forms.
As a father, one can see why I might not want every poser in a parka, who thinks he's John Titor's arch-nemesis, to show up at my door. I'm just living my life and following what some might see as a fool's errand. If a Time Traveler, it might be advantageous to avoid culture shock.