Throwing a very heavy ball away from you will naturally overcome the air friction quite easily and will have minimal effect in pushing you away and this is where gravity and the mass of the ball come into play.
Demonstrate this. Do an experiment, and see if your predictions agree with the result of your own experiment.
You are telling us the result of experiments all the time, without even having the common decency to do the actual experiment, or otherwise giving a reason for your magical knowledge of the result of an experiment.
You are getting from this forum a sizable amount of information so you can do your own experiments and demonstrate to yourself how there is more to Science than you want to see. It is your responsibility with yourself to get out of your idea that if it sounds right to an Average Joe it has to be right.
There is one such thing as extrapolation. It is not a weird thing that only strange scientists in lab coats can do. It is something you, yourself can do. Design the "ball and a wheelchair" experiment in such a way that the only variable left is air resistance and do the experiment yourself. You just have to throw two balls of the same weight but very different sizes so there will be a big difference in total air resistance. But do the experiment, don't just play with words and believe your own wild speculation.
I will give you a hint: if you do the actual experiment you delineate in your own post, you are going to see that you are wrong.