The contents of the box were counted and counted again. Apart from anything, the act of counting votes distracted the speaker from the inane questions piled upon him by the barons whose constant arguing was giving him a headache.
Eventually he could put off the inevitable no longer and raised himself to the Speakers' Dias
"Ladies and Gentlemen! I have here the results of today's election. By a majority of 4, I declare Baron de Supertails of the Province of Merika our first member of Parliament."
Supertails flounced to the foot of the Speaker's Dias and received the chain of state.
"Thith ith a truly thtupenduth day, not only for I, not only for the people of Merika, but altho for the Conthervative Party! I intend to honour my promitheth and decree that the ofithial uniform of the Empire thhould be nudity! Everybody thtrip!"
There was a mix of uncomfortable glances around the great hall, before the Speaker could take Supertails to one side to explain the powers an MP actually had...
Congratulations to Supertails who becomes the first MP for the Conservative Party.
Current Parliament:
Conservatives = 1
Communists = 0
Liberals = 0
Independants = 0
Last Elected: Supertails (Con)
-Press is Allowed
-No barons have been arrested
-No barons have been knighted
-No spies have been appointed
It is now the legislative period until 1300 BST tomorrow or September 20, 2012, 05:00:00 AM
Parliament, please vote for an edict
Press, send me a PM
MPs may vote for the following edicts:
-Press Freedom - Vote to allow or ban the press.
(e.g. I vote to ban the press (1))
Allowed - The Press sends a PM to the Speaker during the legislative period with a name on it. The Speaker will respond with the baron's political party. The Press can make any statement concerning any baron's political party.
Banned - The press is treated as a normal baron who cannot reveal their own or other barons' parties. A PM to the speaker will not be answered.
-Arrest a Baron
(E.g. I vote to arrest Mr X)
Effects: An arrested baron cannot vote and cannot be voted for during the next election period.
-Appoint/Demote a knight
(E.g. I vote to knight Mr X)
Effects: A knight must be an ordinary baron (not an MP or Press) and remains a knight until demoted by parliament. A knight gets 2 votes during the election period. They give up their knight privileges when they are elected to be an MP
-Appoint/Demote a spy
(E.g. I vote to appoint a spy (and send PM to Speaker with who)
Effects: A Spy is appointed in secret by Parliament. They are not allowed to reveal they are a spy. During the election period, they send a PM to the Speaker, the Speaker then sends the results of the request to the MPs. The spy himself will not know the result of their spying.