Parliament - Players Only.

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #90 on: September 18, 2012, 01:53:34 PM »
I hope I'm on Parsifal's team.
I don't know what you're implying, but you're probably wrong.



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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #91 on: September 18, 2012, 01:56:16 PM »
Also, Supertail's best move would be to crate a spy to see what Parsifal is up to, and promote himself to knight.
I don't know what you're implying, but you're probably wrong.



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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #92 on: September 18, 2012, 02:11:14 PM »
I vote for Baron Supertails.

Supertails (6)
Thork (2)
Parsifal (1)
Franklin (2)
Pseudonym (1)



  • 3471
Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #93 on: September 18, 2012, 02:25:08 PM »
You will be given extra knowledge to everyone else. Having you pulling the strings as well, would be dangerous.

I agree with Thork. He would use his journalistic powers to win the game for his team.
I don't know what you're implying, but you're probably wrong.


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #94 on: September 18, 2012, 02:50:33 PM »
I vote for Baron von Thork.  May terror reign in the land.

Supertails (6)
Thork (3)
Parsifal (1)
Franklin (2)
Pseudonym (1)
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • 18586
Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #95 on: September 18, 2012, 03:12:50 PM »
You will be given extra knowledge to everyone else. Having you pulling the strings as well, would be dangerous.

I agree with Thork. He would use his journalistic powers to win the game for his team.
That isn't bad of he's on the same team as you.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.



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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #96 on: September 18, 2012, 03:18:11 PM »
You will be given extra knowledge to everyone else. Having you pulling the strings as well, would be dangerous.

I agree with Thork. He would use his journalistic powers to win the game for his team.
That isn't bad of he's on the same team as you.

What would it be if he's independent?

I vote Supertails (7)
Thork (3)
Parsifal (1)
Franklin (2)
Pseudonym (1)
Only one thing can save our future. Give Thork a BanHammer for Th*rksakes!



  • 18586
Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #97 on: September 18, 2012, 03:50:04 PM »
You will be given extra knowledge to everyone else. Having you pulling the strings as well, would be dangerous.

I agree with Thork. He would use his journalistic powers to win the game for his team.
That isn't bad of he's on the same team as you.

What would it be if he's independent?

I vote Supertails (7)
Thork (3)
Parsifal (1)
Franklin (2)
Pseudonym (1)
Still good. Unless you're a conservative.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.


Saddam Hussein

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #98 on: September 18, 2012, 03:59:32 PM »
Will this game ever progress if so many people continue to split the vote by voting for someone who doesn't have a chance of winning?  Suppose we don't elect someone today.  There are no wolves to lower the population.  We will be in the exact same position tomorrow.


Mr Pseudonym

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #99 on: September 18, 2012, 04:23:22 PM »
Well, we'll be in the same position for the next 2 days really. Also, Lorddave is stupid. Anyway, I vote for Baron Thork. Not because he voted for me but he really has put some effort into this campaign; I'd like to reward that.  :)

Supertails (7)
Thork (4)
Parsifal (1)
Franklin (2)
Pseudonym (1)
Why do we fall back to earth? Because our weight pushes us down, no laws, no gravity pulling us. It is the law of intelligence.



  • 18586
Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #100 on: September 18, 2012, 04:46:56 PM »
Well, we'll be in the same position for the next 2 days really. Also, Lorddave is stupid. Anyway, I vote for Baron Thork. Not because he voted for me but he really has put some effort into this campaign; I'd like to reward that.  :)

Supertails (7)
Thork (4)
Parsifal (1)
Franklin (2)
Pseudonym (1)
And why am I stupid?
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.



  • 3471
Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #101 on: September 18, 2012, 06:52:05 PM »
Will this game ever progress if so many people continue to split the vote by voting for someone who doesn't have a chance of winning?  Suppose we don't elect someone today.  There are no wolves to lower the population.  We will be in the exact same position tomorrow.

In the event of a tie, the first person to get the vote wins.
I don't know what you're implying, but you're probably wrong.


Benjamin Franklin

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #102 on: September 18, 2012, 07:08:11 PM »
Will this game ever progress if so many people continue to split the vote by voting for someone who doesn't have a chance of winning?  Suppose we don't elect someone today.  There are no wolves to lower the population.  We will be in the exact same position tomorrow.
There's no arbitrary voting threshold like in Werewolf. Splitting the vote in this game doesn't really matter, it just means it's pointless to be the only one voting for a person.

At least, as I understand the rules to be.



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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #103 on: September 18, 2012, 07:24:22 PM »

Dann, please don't break this game for the sake of everyone's fun and my sanity.

f u



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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #104 on: September 18, 2012, 08:16:15 PM »
Aww! Thank you everyone for all your support. I don't know if I deserve to have the position, but I'll damn well do my best to do my best with it. I place my vote for Franklin, and you'll surely see more efforts from me once I've finished watching the riveting piece of entertainment that is Breaking Bad for tonight. :)

Supertails (7)
Thork (4)
Parsifal (1)
Franklin (3)
Pseudonym (1)
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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #105 on: September 18, 2012, 08:58:15 PM »

Supertails (8)
Thork (4)
Parsifal (1)
Franklin (3)
Pseudonym (1)

supertails i guess?


Mr Pseudonym

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #106 on: September 18, 2012, 11:43:44 PM »
And why am I stupid?
The fact you are asking that question is proof enough.

I know it is a new game and new rules but you are trying to vote Parsifal in the first round. Yes, it may be a good idea if he is on your team, but probability dictates he probably isn't. Examine the rules and the powers given and you will see why this is a bad move.
Why do we fall back to earth? Because our weight pushes us down, no laws, no gravity pulling us. It is the law of intelligence.


Chris Spaghetti

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #107 on: September 19, 2012, 02:39:13 AM »
Quick update: The servers here are going down at midday and I'm out this afternoon so I'll update the game probably about 3-4pm BST



Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #108 on: September 19, 2012, 02:43:50 AM »
This gives people time to assess the horrible mistake they've made in voting for Supertails. Its not too late.

Vote Th*rk and f*ck the consequences!



  • 18586
Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #109 on: September 19, 2012, 03:23:27 AM »
And why am I stupid?
The fact you are asking that question is proof enough.

I know it is a new game and new rules but you are trying to vote Parsifal in the first round. Yes, it may be a good idea if he is on your team, but probability dictates he probably isn't. Examine the rules and the powers given and you will see why this is a bad move.
I am not unaware of the rules. He is the press and has great power.
And I would think a 1/3 chance is pretty good.

But in the end, it hardly matters. This is a guessing game, nothing more.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.



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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #110 on: September 19, 2012, 03:46:47 AM »

Get your "I Voted for Baron de Supertails" badges if you want them. They took a good while to make and I just thought they'd be a fun addition. :)


Walter White is for a brighter, more rainbow-y future!

« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 04:02:49 AM by Supertails »
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Mr Pseudonym

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #111 on: September 19, 2012, 05:38:41 AM »
And why am I stupid?
The fact you are asking that question is proof enough.

I know it is a new game and new rules but you are trying to vote Parsifal in the first round. Yes, it may be a good idea if he is on your team, but probability dictates he probably isn't. Examine the rules and the powers given and you will see why this is a bad move.
I am not unaware of the rules. He is the press and has great power.
And I would think a 1/3 chance is pretty good.

But in the end, it hardly matters. This is a guessing game, nothing more.
The press can lie, so it isn't really that powerful a position from someone else's viewpoint. Also, you do realise there is 2/3 chance he isn't on your team. And, I do believe that Chris has made this so it won't just be a guessing game. A smart player will realise the strategy needed to bring victory to their team. Hence, once this next round is over I would encourage yourself and the others to vote for me.
Why do we fall back to earth? Because our weight pushes us down, no laws, no gravity pulling us. It is the law of intelligence.


Chris Spaghetti

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #112 on: September 19, 2012, 06:10:43 AM »

The contents of the box were counted and counted again. Apart from anything, the act of counting votes distracted the speaker from the inane questions piled upon him by the barons whose constant arguing was giving him a headache.

Eventually he could put off the inevitable no longer and raised himself to the Speakers' Dias

"Ladies and Gentlemen! I have here the results of today's election. By a majority of  4, I declare Baron de Supertails of the Province of Merika our first member of Parliament."

Supertails flounced to the foot of the Speaker's Dias and received the chain of state.

"Thith ith a truly thtupenduth day, not only for I, not only for the people of Merika, but altho for the Conthervative Party! I intend to honour my promitheth and decree that the ofithial uniform of the Empire thhould be nudity! Everybody thtrip!"

There was a mix of uncomfortable glances around the great hall, before the Speaker could take Supertails to one side to explain the powers an MP actually had...


Congratulations to Supertails who becomes the first MP for the Conservative Party.

Current Parliament:

Conservatives = 1
Communists = 0
Liberals = 0
Independants = 0

Last Elected: Supertails (Con)

-Press is Allowed
-No barons have been arrested
-No barons have been knighted
-No spies have been appointed


It is now the legislative period until 1300 BST tomorrow or September 20, 2012, 05:00:00 AM

Parliament, please vote for an edict
Press, send me a PM

MPs may vote for the following edicts:

-Press Freedom - Vote to allow or ban the press.
(e.g. I vote to ban the press (1))
Allowed - The Press sends a PM to the Speaker during the legislative period with a name on it. The Speaker will respond with the baron's political party. The Press can make any statement concerning any baron's political party.
Banned - The press is treated as a normal baron who cannot reveal their own or other barons' parties. A PM to the speaker will not be answered.

-Arrest a Baron
(E.g. I vote to arrest Mr X)
Effects: An arrested baron cannot vote and cannot be voted for during the next election period.

-Appoint/Demote a knight
(E.g. I vote to knight Mr X)
Effects: A knight must be an ordinary baron (not an MP or Press) and remains a knight until demoted by parliament. A knight gets 2 votes during the election period. They give up their knight privileges when they are elected to be an MP

-Appoint/Demote a spy
(E.g. I vote to appoint a spy (and send PM to Speaker with who)
Effects: A Spy is appointed in secret by Parliament. They are not allowed to reveal they are a spy. During the election period, they send a PM to the Speaker, the Speaker then sends the results of the request to the MPs. The spy himself will not know the result of their spying.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 06:19:34 AM by Chris Spaghetti »



Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #113 on: September 19, 2012, 06:19:46 AM »
I am crestfallen.  :'(

Thanks those who voted for me though. Congratulations Supertails.  ;D

Also all that stuff I said about victimising you if I should be brought to power ... probably best we forget all that nasty business. Politics is politics after all.

I'm off to lick my wounds and decide on which direction my campaign should take me next.



  • 3471
Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #114 on: September 19, 2012, 07:47:06 AM »
Supes should appoint a spy to figure out where Parsifal's allegiances lie.
I don't know what you're implying, but you're probably wrong.



  • 6758
Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #115 on: September 19, 2012, 07:53:44 AM »
Is there anything stopping Supertails from arresting everyone and continuing his reign indeffinetly?



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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #116 on: September 19, 2012, 07:54:19 AM »
Supertails flounced to the foot of the Speaker's Dias and received the chain of state.

"Thith ith a truly thtupenduth day, not only for I, not only for the people of Merika, but altho for the Conthervative Party! I intend to honour my promitheth and decree that the ofithial uniform of the Empire thhould be nudity! Everybody thtrip!"

It had to a be a lithp. The one gay thtereotype that'th painful for me to read. You could have made me ridiculouthly flamboyant or butch or thomething, but you picked a lithp. :'(

But thanks for everyone who voted for me! I did not expect it in the slightest. And good game, Thork.

I'm dumb, so a couple of questions:

The press can be elected to parliament, right? And they still have their powers?

If a spy is appointed, who picks who the spy spies on? The spy, or parliament?
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Chris Spaghetti

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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #117 on: September 19, 2012, 08:40:25 AM »
Do you mean that it's actually hurtful? If so I apologise, never my intent to cause offense. If you mean that it'th difficult to read thententheth when all eththeth are 'th'th then I lol.

Yes the press can be both MP and Press, the spy picks who they spy on.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 08:43:29 AM by Chris Spaghetti »



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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #118 on: September 19, 2012, 08:46:14 AM »
Do you mean that it's actually hurtful? If so I apologise, never my intent to acuse offense. If you mean that it'th difficult to read thententheth when all eththeth are 'th'th then I lol.

Well, it makes me wince. I'm not sure why, I don't have a lisp myself, there's just something about it. I guess the image that comes with it. But don't worry, I'm not going to die. :P Also the latter, because it took many readings to understand wtf you just said :D

Yes the press can be both MP and Press, the spy picks who they spy on.

Alright, gracias. I shall post with my intent later today.
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Re: Parliament - Players Only.
« Reply #119 on: September 19, 2012, 08:49:26 AM »
Tomorrow's newspaper is going to be talked about for years to come. Just you wait, barons.
I'm going to side with the white supremacists.