Whenever there's a 'read the FAQ' response it means that the subject is discussed in the FAQ and alludes to some sort of answer, but really there is no answer, made up or not, there is no answer on flat earth stuff for anything. The FAQ is merely a way to make you think they have some answers.
Think about this: the flat earth model is up in the air. Antarctica=continent or ice wall? They don't know this. Obviously if they don't know this they're not gonna know the diameter of the earth. Tom argues that in the FAQ it's talking about the known world. No one's been to the ice wall or whatever and no one can be sure if they were at the ice wall or antarctica. There's no way to prove the circumference is equal to what the diameter of the "known" world would suggest.
This is the problem with trying to make fantasy work logically. Like the stupid Twilight books. There are all these dead ends and no way to work through it logically. There is so much fantasy in FET to try and really nail down any answers is futile. Read the FAQ and you'll see the sun and moon are 32 miles across. Come on... really?
I JUST raised this EXACT point in another forum. I can not STAND it when someone starts a post, and a moderator or a moderator wannabe Nazi tells us to look at the FAQ or that the question has been raised in another forum. It's like, excuse me... YOU'RE the ones with the fringe belief and the pseudo-science. WE came to YOU for answers, and we don't feel like thumbing through pages and pages and pages of 2-year-old forum posts to find answers to the questions. I've read the FAQ, and it sucks. It's all circumstantial claims. As a poster, I would be MUCH more apt to offering my opinion and insight to a new post with < 20 replies as opposed to a post that was made 3 years ago with 100 replies to thumb through.
I mean, it's like, this website is, for all intents and purposes, THE repository for Flat Earth education. What if, every time someone asked someone else a scientific question, they either said, "Look it up" or "I already answered this question in a conversation 3 years ago." What kind of elitist.... it's like, we're here because we wanna undersatnd. I think FET is straight goofy, but I find it interesting. Perhaps if you ANSWER this guy's question, someone could come back and refute it. Or, you could just tell the guy to check the vague FAQ that doesn't really provide any kind of scientific answer so that nobody can refute what your reponse would have been.
And btw... how in the bloody freak can they not know the diameter of the earth, but they can say with certainty that the moon and sun are 32 miles across.