Ah... Finally somebody with a brain.
People want to believe in God, Mermaids, Werewolfs, whatever...
The big problem is text communication, jmo... There is literally no way to read sarcasm and that get's more and more dangerous as anonymity and age groups blend together.
I mean stupidity is one thing, but it took me many years to realize that no-one gets my sarcasm.
The web might have been a little less engaging and a little less dense then, I don't know... but if people want to rant about mermaids, where is the harm?
From the article...
It is thought some viewers may have mistaken the programme for a documentary.
"No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found," the service wrote in an online post.
Does that read like it's funny? Probably not to half of the BBC readers. jmo...
Then at least another half are probably going to take it seriously enough to get vigilante about it.
When everybody knows, the ocean is for the most part totally underwater and unexplored and Mermaids are fast like Giant Squids. These are brand new discoveries within the last few years... not making it up...
#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Unknown World - Giant SquidsBut in all honesty... what really pisses me off, and this is just a hunch, the BigFoot episode of Ancient Aliens, that gets the most runs, doesn't it?
Not because people are interested in BigFoot... Come On... It has to be because it's the most stupid of them all while the others have real educational value.
Again... jmo...
BTW... whoever runs this forum... it's like lightning compared to some others...