Here are the details on the Airy experiment:
An experiment with a water-filled telescope was performed by the then Astronomer Royal, George Airy (after whom the Airy disc of diffraction theory is named), in 1871, which can be considered to be a variation of an earlier investigation by François Arago, performed with a moving slab of glass in 1810.
Arago showed that either light itself or the luminiferous aether is
dragged along by a moving piece of glass. Fresnel explained the effect
by assuming it was the light-carrying medium (this is called Fresnel
drag). George Stokes explained it via compression of the aether, but
the important point is whether we can tell which one is doing the
moving - the light source or the transparent material. When Arago
investigated this effect with starlight, he concluded that the World
(with respect to which the glass plate was stationary in this instance)
was at rest and that it was the stars that were moving.
The experiment subsequently performed by Airy was first proposed by
Ruggiero Boscovich for testing James Bradley's heliocentric aberration.
This, in turn, was thought up to explain the elliptical
motion of the star Gamma D., as observed by James Bradley and
Samuel Molyneux.
What was the result of Airy's experiment? Exactly the opposite outcome
to that predicted in the rotating-World scenario. (Note that the
experiment is usually referred to as "Airy's failure" for this reason.)
Just like Arago before him, George Airy proved that the World was
stationary and the stars are moving. It does not matter whether there
exists a luminiferous aether or not, because the dragging of starlight,
as demonstrated initially by Arago, is real, irrespective of how we try
to explain it. Both Arago and Airy showed that it is the stars, and not
the World, which move (although Airy did not actually go so far as to
admit this). In addition, we can say that Michelson-Morley,
Trouton-Noble and many, many others have consistently demonstrated no
motion of the World.
Airy's experiment thus does not confirm the World to be just a piece of rock that hurtles through infinite space in who knows how many contorted motions, as Mikolaj Kopernik (aka 'Copernicus'), Johannes Kepler, Carl Sagan, et al., so zealously maintained.
"Airy's failure" (Reference - Proc. Roy. Soc. London v 20 p 35). Telescopes have to be very slightly tilted to get the starlight going down the axis of the tube because of the earth's "speed around the sun". Airy filled a telescope with water that greatly slowed down the speed of the light inside the telescope and found that he did not have to change the angle of the telescope. This showed that the starlight was already coming in at the original measured angle so that no change was needed. This demonstrated that it was the stars moving relative to a stationary earth and not the fast orbiting earth moving relative to the comparatively stationary stars. If it was the telescope moving he would have had to change the angle.
(Imagine the telescope like a tube, sloped so that the light from one star hits the bottom of the tube. Even if the starlight is slowed down inside the tube (using water), it will still hit the bottom of the tube because its direction is already determined. If it were the tube that was moving, slowing down the starlight would mean that the angle of the tube would have to change for the light to hit the bottom of the tube.)
Airy's experiment proved that the starlight was already coming into the earth at an angle, being carried along by the rotating aether.
No self-published pasta....just real science, a very easy to perform experiment which does show that the Earth is actually stationary, not to mention the existence of the aether.
Read for yourself: (Dr. Neville Jones)
Obviously, you had no idea about the Airy experiment to start with...
You had the audacity to write:
So you're going to claim that the relatively slow speed of the solar system means that it can't be described well by ignoring the effect of that motion, right? Show me your math, starting with the differential equations. Since motion is relative, I fail to see how it could possibly make a difference. If the Earth is moving at 20 km/s in the same direction as the Sun, then Kepler's Laws would still apply. If you're so sure that the planets aren't moving according to the RET predictions, as explained by Dr. Meeus in, please list one observation of a planet not where RET predicted it. Otherwise, I really don't see any reason to accept this wall of pasta.CT, DO YOU UNDERSTAND what is going on, what we are debating here? Do you comprehend the issues we discuss?
Kepler's first law says: A PLANET MOVES IN A PLANE IN AN ELLIPSE... RIGHT?
Do you understand the meaning of the term planar motion?
I did not bring into discussion at all any speed of the solar fast or how slow.
Now, the accepted view in current astrophysics is that the entire motion of the solar system (Sun + Planets) toward the star Vega, IS A GEOMETRICAL PATH which takes the form of a helix (helical path), a tridimensional orbit.
AGAIN, DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE DISCUSSING HERE? Why then did you post the BS about the speed of the solar system?
The tridimensional orbits of the Sun/Planets, would be circular helices on a right cylinder, which completely contradicts the planar eliptical orbits of the planets, in the heliocentric theory. A planar eliptical orbit would be possible if and only if the whole system is at rest (with respect to the rest of the Galaxy, in the round earth theory), and not moving toward Vega with 20 km/s.
As early as 1920, O. Lodge observed that this motion must change the eccentricities of some of the planetary orbits to an extent which far exceeds the observed values.
So, CT, what is your choice here? If you think Kepler's law is correct, then the solar system CANNOT move on a helical path toward Vega, which means current astrophysics is a joke.
If the helical path is true, then it means Kepler's data was falsified much later in time, to fool us into believing the Earth is rotating around the Sun.
Do not try to find your way out of this by digressing from the subject, it won't work with me.
IT IS EITHER/OR: either Kepler's first law of PLANAR motion, or the currently accepted view that the entire solar system is moving toward Vega on a helical path.
Why did you choose to ignore my previous message? The anomalous internal infrared radiation coming from the planet Jupiter CANNOT be explained at all, in any way shape or form, by the official astronomy.
Of the three current explanations for these "energy anomalies," only the first applies to Jupiter ... because of its mass -- 318 times the Earth's; a planet of that minimum mass is required (in the model) if it's to retain significant thermal energy across the immense lifetime of the solar system ... almost 5 billion years since the planet's formation ... and still be able to radiate observable heat. And, as can be seen from this diagram, the current ratio of absorbed solar energy to emitted 5-billion-year-old internal Jovian energy is still almost two to one!
So where did all the angular momentum go if the sun truly formed by gravitational contraction? Astronomers suggest that some of it was transferred to Jupiter and Saturn, which possess 98% of the total angular momentum of the solar system, still far, far less than the angular momentum that would have been generated during the formation of the sun.
Our sun has an extremely small rotational motion—that is, it is turning slowly. This 'angular momentum' is far too small to have evolved from a gas cloud. If our sun came from a gaseous protogalaxy, its angular momentum would have to have been a billion times as much as it is now, in order for our planets to be flung out and orbit it as fast as they do. How could it have lost all of its rotational motion?
A full 99.5 percent of all the angular momentum in the solar system is concentrated in the planets, yet a staggering 99.8 percent of all the mass in our solar system is located in our sun! To an astrophysicist this is both astounding and unexplainable. There is no known mechanical process which could accomplish this transfer of momentum from the sun to its planets.
Our sun is rotating far too slowly to have been formed from a gas cloud that was rotating at high speed. To say it another way: the planets have far too much angular momentum in comparison with the sun. They are moving fast around the sun, while the sun itself is turning very slowly.
Jupiter itself has 60 percent of the planetary angular motion. Evolutionary theory cannot account for this. This strange distribution was the primary cause of the downfall of the nebular hypothesis. To satisfy the theory, the sun would originally have had to spin at an extremely high speed. But instead, it rotates slowly.
*David Layzer, a Harvard University astronomer, could find no solution to the angular momentum problem. If our sun had been part of a gaseous protogalaxy, its angular momentum would have to be a billion times as much as it now possesses. How it could have lost all but one ten-millionth of one percent of its theorized original angular momentum has never been explained. In addition, * Layzer explains, if the sun lost nearly all of its momentum, why did the planets and moons retain so much of theirs?
'Except in the Earth-Moon system (which is exceptional in other respects as well), the primary [the planet] carries the bulk of the angular momentum, instead of the satellites . . This circumstance aggravates the theoretical difficulty presented by the slow rotation of the Sun, for if the Sun has somehow managed to get rid of the angular momentum it would be expected to have, according to the nebular hypotheses, why have the planets not done likewise?'—*David Layzer, 'Cosmogony,' in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Vol. 3, p. 564.
Are you joking? The Greenhouse effect CANNOT account for the Faint Young Sun Paradox AT ALL! Please read: temper does not allow you to stop and think CT, the quote I provided and the biographical piece of information say exactly what I posted:
The perturbating activity appears unstable in the major planets, Jupiter and Saturn:
Between the minimum of the year 1898-99 and the maximum of the 1916-17 there was found an 18 percent difference. As these planets did not increase in mass in the meantime, this change is not understandable from the point of view of the theory of gravitation, which includes the principle of the immutable gravitational constant.
...because the difference in the kinetic energy of the planets Jupiter and Saturn are decisive. As the minimum between the years 1899-99 and 1917-17 of the maximum amounts to approximately 18%."Exactly. Where did this excess of kinetic energy come from, in the period 1899-1917? That is why this difference CANNOT be accounted for from the point of view of the theory of gravitation. Please read carefully and refrain from emotional posting. The authors you quoted chose to ignore the real issue: the real source of energy for the huge difference noted in the those astronomical observations, that is why I brought it into our discussion.