Not only all that LD, but to say all those problems about an area creating and sustaining life and yet here we are. Doesn't that actually argue for intelligent design The1?
I would argue it's evolution. We've evolved to a point that allows us to adapt our environment to suit our needs. Sort of like how a beaver uses trees to build it's dam or birds use anything (sticks, newspaper, bits of garbage, etc...) to build nests. We just happen to be the best at it at the moment.
You go to a vacuum with no air and we'll see how long you'll live.
You're defining that all life in the Universe is a carbon based, oxygen/Nitrogen breathing, CO2 emitting, warm blooded, soft bodied organism?
Trying to disprove proof of no God with religion does not work.
Trying to disprove proof of God with science does not work. God is undetectable. Therefore, how can you say what is not God's work if you can't detect God?
Which God gave us the ability to do obviously.
Perhaps. And what if he did? When you were a baby, your parents likely kept you in a confined space, kept you safe, and locked cabinets with dangerous chemicals.
Do they still do that when you visit them?
Trying to disprove proof of no God with religion does not work.
Trying to disprove proof of God with science does not work. God is undetectable. Therefore, how can you say what is not God's work if you can't detect God?
You put a human with any slightly big animal in a fight, human will get it's ass kicked.
Not always. the references to God).
Elephants have better memory than us, many animals are faster than us, many are stronger, chimps are better at solving puzzles than our kids. etc etc.
Physically? Sure.
But that's irrelevant. Put a lion in the same room with an elephant (the elephant is much bigger) and the lion dies. Does that make the elephant better than the lion?
Is a skunk better than a field mouse?
How do you determine that?
Now, give that same human in the room a pointy stick. His chances of survival just went up significantly.
In fact, your line of questioning is more for intelligent design than evolution. After all, how could we have evolved in the first place if we have no way to defend ourselves against larger prey?
That sure does seem to be working. Why would God make men so that he creates 50000000 semen a day, but women only 1 a month btw?
Genetic diversity. That's a lot of possible combinations right there. Per day. It allows him to impregnate multiple women rapidly but the women then require 1 month before they can be fertile (assuming no pregnancy) then 9 months until birth, then 13 years before maturity even begins. 15 years if you want to make it a young adulthood. (see older days) Most animals have a gestation and growth period much shorter than that.
Let's take a lion.
100-119 days for gestation.
2-3 cubs per birth.
Hunting after 11 months.
Sexual maturity after 2 years.
Why does evolution allow a lion to exist with so few numbers but a fast procreation period and humans to exist in large numbers with a low procreation period?
I'm sorry but you must come up with something else that just assumptions of your own.
None of these assumptions are mine. I can't take credit for any of them.
You know, I've never debated against another Atheist before. This is rather interesting.