Well once you appreciate that the sun is scaled down, the distance to the sun is scaled down, then it logically follows that the sun flares are also scaled down. The sun is about 30 miles across. A flare might by only a few hundred metres high.
The sun is just 32 miles across.
In one of many models... The sun is 3000 miles above the surface of the FE and 32 miles wide (though I'll only say that once in a given post).
Of course, that model quickly falls down. Even the method to calculate the distance to the Sun is faulty. When confronted with the errors of their ways, they use several techniques including: waffle words, straw man, special pleading, impugning their own supporters, and moving the goal posts.
Even this past week or so, Tom Bishop claimed that the Sun is both seen directly (so he can estimate its distance) and seen only as a projection on the atmolayer (their term for the atmosphere) (so he can waffled on its failure to change its apparent size).