I didn't say anything about seeing Frisbees in that quote. The quote says that I can see people doing those things.
Tell us how you discerned water splashing upon the shore, how you discerned that people were walking dogs, and how you discerned the difference between children, teenagers, and adults. You also claimed to have seen people "sun bathing", which means you were able to make out things only as tall as a person lying down.
And if you can discern all of these things, you
should have also been able to actually see frisbees as well, in the first place. Or are you now recanting
all of the above?
But really, this is all irrelevant. Remember, Clocktower's calculations were
not based on the size of a frisbee or even of a person; they were based on the largest beach ball, which is even larger than the tallest person.
This is the object that is too small to be seen:Tell us the model of your telescope, Tom.