No doubt many of you have been enjoying that triumph of globularist cultural penetration, the godless bacchanal festival of the New Year. In this society the frivolities of the Decemberial cessation are carefully presented by the media as an enlightened and secular celebration of the coming of a new annual cycle.
And so, in the spirit of this monstrous deception, I shall share with you
my "New Year's Resolution" - namely to completely abandon the very concept of a New Year, and indeed of years generally, and encourage you to do the same - and celebrate instead a festival which is commensurable with the true science. For the twisting falsities of the beloved New Year Festival are at the very heart of the insidious conspiracy against the truth which has plagued us and perpetuated the deception of Man through Time.
Clerical experts amongst the worlds religions have endlessly argued amongst themselves about the invalidity of each other's religious ordinances - adherents to Jewish Orthodoxy shun the conventional holidays of Christendom; the Mahometan and the Hindoo abscond from one another's sacred festivals - and yet they all have been deceived by the most unholy festival of the lot, the "secular" celebration of the turn of a year, which is the greatest of all lies.
May I be the first to remind you that the very notion of a globularist year is the highest order of blasphemy against science. What revellers at this time do not realise themselves to be celebrating is nothing less than an article of faith - the maniacal doctrine that the Terra Firma has flown full-cycle around a giant round Sun like a hummingbird around a flower.
Heraclitus once said that the Sun was the size of a man's foot. His estimate was closer than the most conservative estimate of 21st century Round Earth scientists, and he, at least, knew that this modest Sun was flitting itself over the solid immovable Earth, that no such "year" as the Globuarist posthulates has ever existed. As the great John J Jasper declared in his famous sermon,
"De Sun Do Move". His religion was in this regard truer than that of the most pious Round Earth Believer.
In sooth a "year" is an ideological construct with no basis in reality, more tenous than the wildest conceptions of divinity; the New Year Festival is a high service to the oppressive religion of International Globularism.
Though it surely seemed like it after you had become so drunk, I can assure you that the Earth was
not spinning this December the 31st.