none of these amateurs are doing these experiments near nightfall
That was a factual statement at the time I made that. To my knowledge no one did the balloon experiment at nightfall.
All of the phases were influenced by NASA.
Seeing as NASA was funding the development and directing the research of the project in question, everything about the project was influenced by NASA.
it is possible to see people at the waters edge on the adjacent beach 33 miles away near the lighthouse.
No one has looked into a telescope and demonstrated otherwise.
It's either a wide angle lens or barrel distortion.
This is an accurate statement. The curvature in those photos is clearly distorted by the lens. In other pictures from the apex of the same balloon flight the horizon is completely flat. The horizon can't be both flat and curved at the same time.
Anything which claims to get into orbit is going to be classified. The US or Russian government isn't going to let other countries have access to ICBM-like technologies.
This is a true statement. The US Government doesn't let anyone get into orbit. Military airspace starts at 60,000 feet. The public can't go above that altitude legally. Only the government and government contractors can breach that altitude. The Concord had to fly at 59,000 feet just to stay legal.
Sending a rocket into Military airspace is considered an act of war/terrorist threat. Rocket technologies which can reach very high altitudes are restricted.
I have to build a Cubesat or otherwise partner with a university if I want to see Cubesat Telemetry data.
The suggestion made in that thread was that I can buy an antenna and somehow decipher and decode cubesat communications which I have no knowledge of. That is absurd. My assessment of my options was accurate.
No one was using that map in the 11th century. North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica weren't even discovered yet.
You're right that they weren't using the north polar aspect that covered the entire world; however, they were still using the same projection formula, which you implied was invented by some guy screwing around with a graphing calculator to produce "your" map.
Sorry, but just because someone later comes up with a projection formula to turn a Mercator map into Rowboatham's map doesn't mean that it's not Rowbotham's map.