Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession

  • 10 Replies
Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« on: December 27, 2011, 09:22:36 AM »
Greetings my fellow flat earth scientists, I come to you today with more research, this time based on the Cambridge model. It provides explanations of a few things based on computer simulations and experimentation conducted in my laboratory. The first part of this post is in regards to dark energy and the universal acceleration problem. I have personally become a supporter of the dark energy theory of the gravity illusion. Through my research, I have come up with an explanation for the suspension and rotation of celestial objects such as the sun and the moon using the dark energy principle.

As you know, I studied Aerospace Engineering at MIT before going to work at NASA. Among our courses of study were courses in theoretical aerodynamics. My theory proposes that dark energy waves work in close to the same manner as air traveling past an object. Evidence for this has been gathered through close observation, computer simulated models, and laboratory experimentation.

Figure 1: Dark energy wave, cross sectional view

In figure 1, you can see how, like air blowing against a flat plate, dark energy waves curve around the earth and create an area of vacuum on the other side (the side that we live on). This is why we are unaffected by such waves. However, at the altitude of the sun and moon, the waves begin to curve in in order to try to fill the "vacuum" at the surface. This results in a dark energy vortex.

Figure 2: Dark energy wave, top view

As a result of this vortex, there is an area where all accelerations point inward, as shown in figure 2. This allows objects to be able to orbit around a virtual axis centered at the center of the north pole. There is no buildup of objects in the center because they are all flushed downward and out by the way the dark energy bends.

The second part of my post will address seasons as well as clarification on day and night.

As we all know, the sun's orbit is not a constant circle, but changes due to seasons. The only possible explanation for this in my model is a variable strength of dark energy waves escaping from behind the earth. My solution to this is planetary precession.

Figure 3: Diagram of Earth's precession

We all know that the earth does not rotate, but I argue that it does precess. A diagram of this motion is shown in figure 3. You can demonstrate this motion for yourself if you spin a coin and watch the motion as it slows down and comes to rest. This would explain how the sun changes orbits for the season because as the earth precesses, more dark energy waves are allowed to escape on one side than the other, which will cause it to produce a basic, long term orbital transfer in each direction.

Another thing that this helps explain is sunrise and sunset. Since the earth is tilted, the altitude angle of the sun becomes much less at sundown, allowing the light bending effect to be much more intense. This can also explain other phenomena such as moon phases and tides.

Feel free to ask any questions. I will keep you up to date with future findings and laboratory experiments related to this theory.



  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 11803
Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2011, 10:06:34 AM »
God is real.                                         



  • Head Editor
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Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2011, 10:25:48 AM »
This is impressive. I hope you stay. The best part of TFES isn't explaining our theories to RE'ers and watching them try and fail to disprove them, eventually resorting to ad Hominems. The best part is making the theories. It's like a more complicated, intellectual version of Sim City.



  • 819
  • Friend of Dr Crustinator
Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2011, 02:36:30 PM »
I must admit that it is an excellent theory. If you don't have a name for your theory yet, I suggest calling it the Wobbly Flat Earth Theory (WFET) to underline that it is not connected with the globular religion (precession is a term used by globular 'astronomers'). I'd also like to offer you being a guest speaker at one of the zetetic (zetete) community meetings organized by my good friends and me. PM me for further details.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 02:40:41 PM by Verrine »



  • 8971
Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2011, 05:51:44 PM »
This doesn't explain precession at the south pole (Antarctica). It also doesn't explain how the sun revolves around Antarctica.

Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2011, 07:27:25 PM »
This doesn't explain precession at the south pole (Antarctica). It also doesn't explain how the sun revolves around Antarctica.

Wrong map. That map makes little sense when WFET theory is applied.



  • 8971
Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2011, 08:34:12 PM »
It is the map that currently makes the most sense. If you can't apply your theory to that map, then it isn't a very good theory. This is yet another piece of made up garbage that can only agree with cherry picked areas of FET.

Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2011, 08:38:37 PM »
It is the map that currently makes the most sense. If you can't apply your theory to that map, then it isn't a very good theory. This is yet another piece of made up garbage that can only agree with cherry picked areas of FET.

Untrue. I'll explain my research regarding this map in a separate thread. It's much more complex.



  • 8971
Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2011, 08:41:24 PM »
It is the map that currently makes the most sense. If you can't apply your theory to that map, then it isn't a very good theory. This is yet another piece of made up garbage that can only agree with cherry picked areas of FET.

Untrue. I'll explain my research regarding this map in a separate thread. It's much more complex.

I'll consider this as you conceding until this mystical research via MS Paint makes itself visible.

Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2011, 08:45:27 PM »
It is the map that currently makes the most sense. If you can't apply your theory to that map, then it isn't a very good theory. This is yet another piece of made up garbage that can only agree with cherry picked areas of FET.

Untrue. I'll explain my research regarding this map in a separate thread. It's much more complex.

I'll consider this as you conceding until this mystical research via MS Paint makes itself visible.

I don't use MS Paint to do research. Research is done in my laboratory. I only use MS Paint to present my findings in a coherent and understandable fashion. Way to attack the straw man there.

Re: Dark Energy, Celestial Motion, and Planetary Precession
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2011, 07:08:04 PM »
Any experimental evidence for dark energy wavesyet ?
You, sir, can't comprehend the idea of bottoms.