You're better than me in every way hey?
Let's use this as another opportunity to educate you. This is a really good example of something you've already tried to use as an argument against evolution. When you say something childish like "I'm better than you in every way" what you really mean by "every way" is "every way that matters to me". So it may well be true that in every way that matters to you, you are better than me. On the other hand, in every way that matters to me I am better than you. As you can see this is just like when you talk about one animal being better than another.
For the next part you're going to have to do something that we normal humans do called "imagination".
So let's take an animal like a whale or a fish. All that matters to them is being able to swim and survive in the ocean. As far as they're concerned, they are better than other animals. Now take a bird. All that matters to them is being able to fly. From their point of view anything that can't fly is a lesser animal.
Humans can do pretty well with their technology when it comes to the sea and the air. However our technology is an extended phenotype as a result of our relatively huge brains. From our point of view, all that matters is our huge brains and any animal that can't use language or technology is not as good as us. (Funnily enough,
between humans, some who don't have much of a brain will concentrate on other things like physical strength on which to base their judgement of others. This is perfectly natural as this is what matters to them).
So you can see your problem of not being able to understand evolution is the same as your problem of not being able to understand the differences between humans. Things you're good at will be important to you and things you're not good at won't be. Perhaps this goes part way to explaining your homophobia (on top of the latent homosexuality). You don't like to think of a gay man (whose stereotype in your mind is of an effeminate wuss) being good at running, jumping, shooting guns and fighting. This is because I imagine these are the only things in life that matter to you and therefore you have always been able to garner comfort from the fact that you're better than gays because of this.
Back to evolution though. I hope you can see how these two things are linked. You think what matters to you is what makes you better. You think what matters to humans as a species makes them better than other species. Both these stances are what we grown-ups call "fallacious". So yes it is fallacious of me to judge you on your brains alone.